| - Edwin Price was born into strictly secural lower middle-class family in Lissenfield, county of Mothar. His mother Stephanie was a cleaner and father Adam was an accountant at local factory. Edwin had a sister Mary (August 4th, 2276 - June 7th, 2298) but she drowned when she was sailing with her friends and sudden storm surprised them. Edwin went to grammar school at 2291 where he excelled at languages & history, but got only few friends due to his distinct personality. After high school Edwin applied to university of Dargun at Mothar for studying philosophy at May 2303 and got in with clear points. Here Edwin started to take increasing interest on politics due to strong political activism in the university. At February 2304 he joined in youth union of Green Coalition (VolksUnie) party, strongly speaking for civil rights and social liberalism. At June 2304 he met a girl named Rose at GC Youth summer camp, falling in love with each other. Both were very happy together, supporting each other in university politics but that would be only temporary. At April 2305 when Edwin was driving to university for political debate with Rose, suddenly Edwin lost control of his car, getting into wrong side of the road and hitting in front of other car. By miracle Edwin did only get few scratches but Rose had died instantly. Edwin fell into deep depression, dropping out from the university and leaving politics behind, resigning from Green Coalition. After 6 months of treatment with depression medicine & psychiarist he got through and returned to study at October 2305 but he didn't get back in politics. At May 2307 he graduated wit the Masters Degree at Philosophy and decided to keep year off at Davostan with couple of his student friends, working and get to known with the country. At June 2308 Edwin returned to Dorvik and started teaching philosophy at Lissenfield High School.