| - This is a tie-in animation series to the video game of the same name.
* Added Alliterative Appeal: All the characters' names have the same first letter as their species.
* Alternate Universe: Freak Cannonada accidents have launched Franklin into at least two: one where he went evil and took over the island and Professor Pester is now "Coronel Cuddles" among other things, and one where piñatas are simply giants.
* Bald of Evil: Professor Pester. Flashbacks show him with brown hair (growing from the top of his mask).
* Bilingual Bonus In the sumo wrestler episode, the youngest sumo wrestler called Fergie "Fergie-san" for the whole episode.
* Now remember who produced the show.
* Card-Carrying Villain: Professor Pester / The Ruffians
* Can Not Tell a Lie: Franklin
* Can You Hear Me Now: After failed attempts to communicate with the very tiny Raisants, Hudson simply picks up his cell phone and is able to call the exact Raisant he needed to talk with.
* Con Man: The "Great Bonboon."
* Easy Amnesia: Averted with Ella Elaphanilla, who's amnesia is not a plot device but a full-time trait,as well as the fact she has anterograde amnesia in addition to retrograde amnesia.
* Enemy Mine: It's a rare occasion when Pester and/or the Ruffians team up with the piñatas for something, but it happens.
* Five-Man Band:
* The Hero: Hudson
* The Lancer: Paulie
* The Big Guy: Franklin
* The Smart Guy: Les (even though he's also The Unintelligible)
* The Chick: Fergy (Non-Action Guy), Ella (standard)
* Those Two Guys: Tina & Tiddleton
* 4Kids! Entertainment
* Getting Crap Past the Radar:
* Numerous moments in the episode "Crimes of Passion Fruit". The scene in which Fergy looses it resulting in him destroying the fruit bowl of the Big Boss in certain frames is cut to look like something reminiscent of a slasher film. He then panics, ingesting the "remains" but not before conversing with himself in a manner made to look like he's lost his mind and is talking to another side of a split personality. The entirety of the episode is then Fergy attempting to hide what he had done, not realizing that there was a speaker in the fruit he ate to channel the voice of "The Big Boss", convinced he's possessed by the vengeful spirit of the man who he'd done in. He runs to the Bonboon, who suggests an exorcism of all things! This Troper had to admit- for a 4kids production cartoon, this was pretty dark...
* And then of course- "What's with all the heavy breathing? Are you some kind of sicko?"
* In the episode that introduced the Big Boss: "I want you to look me in the grapes."
* I'm a Humanitarian: Just like in the games, the Piñatas have no qualms eating candy regardless of whether or not it's currently being bled (or in one case, sneezed) out of someone else.
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Hudson is a self-centred egotist, but otherwise a good friend.
* Metaphysical Fuel: In "The Wrong Stuff," Pester's spaceship is fueled by magnetism. When that runs out, the piñatas manage to refuel the ship using Hudson's magnetic personality. When they need anti-charm in the reversed universe, they use Pester's personality instead.
* Mythology Gag: Professor Pester has pictures of Gruntilda and someone I'm pretty sure is from Grabbed By the Ghoulies hanging in his lair, as seen in the last scene of "Ruffians of Strike."
* Only Sane Man: Les
* Paulie as well. He is usually the first to get a bad feeling about a strange situation that is usually something like a Pester-brand trap, and he doesn't trust "The Great Bonboon" one bit.
* Road Sign Reversal: One of the slowest examples ever. It takes fifty years to reach the payoff.
* Space X: Lampshaded in "The Wrong Stuff," when Pester explains to Hudson how space things are better than normal things.
* Species Surname
* Whole-Episode Flashback: "My Sweet Sours," showing the Start of Darkness for Pester, the Ruffians, and the Sours.