| - The Primordium Age, was a time untold eons ago, when the Old Ones, pure-breed demons of unimaginable power, ruled the Earth. Little is known about this pre-historic era, except that the Old Ones, also sometimes called Primordials, warred endlessly, were worshipped as deities, and made the Earth their hell. Lesser demons existing at this time included vampires and the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart.
| - The Primordium Age, was a time untold eons ago, when the Old Ones, pure-breed demons of unimaginable power, ruled the Earth. Little is known about this pre-historic era, except that the Old Ones, also sometimes called Primordials, warred endlessly, were worshipped as deities, and made the Earth their hell. Lesser demons existing at this time included vampires and the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart. The Primordial Sanskrit language may have been spoken at this time. Eventually mortal animals, including humans, arose, and the Old Ones were driven from our reality by unknown forces, possibly including The Powers That Be. Some of the greater Old Ones, such as Illyria, were laid to rest in the Deeper Well.