The Brattain was commissioned on stardate 22519.5 in 2345 after being constructed by Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. By the mid-2360s, the Brattain was commanded by Captain Chantal Zaheva. In 2367, the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. An investigation by the Enterprise crew discovered all but one of the ship's crew died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM sleep deprivation. When last seen, the Brattain was still trapped within the rift. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors")
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| - USS Brattain
- USS Brattain
- USS Brattain
| - The Brattain was commissioned on stardate 22519.5 in 2345 after being constructed by Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. By the mid-2360s, the Brattain was commanded by Captain Chantal Zaheva. In 2367, the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. An investigation by the Enterprise crew discovered all but one of the ship's crew died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM sleep deprivation. When last seen, the Brattain was still trapped within the rift. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors")
- The USS Brattain (NCC-21166) was a Miranda-class cruiser that saw service with the Federation Starfleet during the 24th century. In 2367, the Brattain was abandoned in the Tyken's Rift after most of its crew killed themselves due to severe REM deprivation. (TNG: "Night Terrors")
- On stardate 22519.5, the Brattain, which had been constructed by the Yoyodyne Division, was commissioned at the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. During the mid-2360s this science vessel had a crew complement of thirty-five, among which included Captain Chantal Zaheva, her first officer Commander Brink, and Betazoid scientific advisor Andrus Hagan. When last seen, the Brattain was still trapped within the Rift. (TNG: "Night Terrors" )
- thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht die Brattain. Die USS Brattain (NCC-21166) ist ein Raumschiff der Föderation der Miranda-Klasse. Das Schiff wird von Captain Chantal Zaheva kommandiert und hat eine Besatzungsstärke von 34 Personen, darunter der Erste Offizier Brink und Andrus Hagan, ein betazoider Wissenschaftler.
- USS Brattain (NCC-21166) byl vědeckou lodí třídy Miranda, která byla zkonstruktována divizí Yoyodyne v loděnicích 40 Eridani A a vypuštěna na hvězdné datum 22519.5. Kolem roku 2365 měl Brattain pětatřiceti-členou posádku, zahrnující také kapitána Chantaly Zaheva, jejího prvního důstojníka, komandéra Brinka a vědeckého poradce Andruse Hagana, který byl Betazoid. V polovině roku 2367 pak Brattain záhadně zmizel. Byl objeven lodí USS Enterprise-D, hvězdného data 44631.2, po objevení a sledování nouzového volání. Brattain zůstal opuštěný, stále uvězněný v Tykenově trhlině. (TNG: "Night Terrors")
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| - thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht die Brattain. Die USS Brattain (NCC-21166) ist ein Raumschiff der Föderation der Miranda-Klasse. Das Schiff wird von Captain Chantal Zaheva kommandiert und hat eine Besatzungsstärke von 34 Personen, darunter der Erste Offizier Brink und Andrus Hagan, ein betazoider Wissenschaftler. 2367 findet die USS Enterprise die Brattain bewegungsunfähig im All treibend vor und gerät dabei unwissentlich in einem Tykenspalt; dort sitzt auch ein fremdes Raumschiff fest, das versucht, telepathischen Kontakt mit der Besatzung aufzunehmen. Diese Art der Kommunikation stört den REM-Schlaf der zum Großteil menschlichen Crew und macht die Offiziere so paranoid und aggressiv, dass sie sich gegenseitig töten; nur Andrus Hagen, den man in einem katatonischen Zustand findet, überlebt. (TNG: )
- On stardate 22519.5, the Brattain, which had been constructed by the Yoyodyne Division, was commissioned at the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. During the mid-2360s this science vessel had a crew complement of thirty-five, among which included Captain Chantal Zaheva, her first officer Commander Brink, and Betazoid scientific advisor Andrus Hagan. In mid-2367, the Brattain was trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system, when it sent a distress call. Its effects rendered the engines inoperative and its power levels slowly dropped. In the next few weeks, the crew became unable to operate the ship and eventually died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM deprivation. This left the ship adrift. The ship was re-discovered by the USS Enterprise-D, on stardate 44631.2, following Starfleet's receipt of its call and subsequent silence. The Enterprise crew boarded and found the engines inoperative. Attempting to tow the ship, the Enterprise crew found itself trapped by the same mechanism. However, it was learned of the alien ship that was trapped in the Rift and they disabled the effects. When last seen, the Brattain was still trapped within the Rift. (TNG: "Night Terrors" )
- The Brattain was commissioned on stardate 22519.5 in 2345 after being constructed by Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. By the mid-2360s, the Brattain was commanded by Captain Chantal Zaheva. In 2367, the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. An investigation by the Enterprise crew discovered all but one of the ship's crew died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM sleep deprivation. When last seen, the Brattain was still trapped within the rift. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors")
- The USS Brattain (NCC-21166) was a Miranda-class cruiser that saw service with the Federation Starfleet during the 24th century. In 2367, the Brattain was abandoned in the Tyken's Rift after most of its crew killed themselves due to severe REM deprivation. (TNG: "Night Terrors")
- USS Brattain (NCC-21166) byl vědeckou lodí třídy Miranda, která byla zkonstruktována divizí Yoyodyne v loděnicích 40 Eridani A a vypuštěna na hvězdné datum 22519.5. Kolem roku 2365 měl Brattain pětatřiceti-členou posádku, zahrnující také kapitána Chantaly Zaheva, jejího prvního důstojníka, komandéra Brinka a vědeckého poradce Andruse Hagana, který byl Betazoid. V polovině roku 2367 pak Brattain záhadně zmizel. Byl objeven lodí USS Enterprise-D, hvězdného data 44631.2, po objevení a sledování nouzového volání. Loď byla nalezena zachycena v Tykenově trhlině poblíž nezmapovaného binárního hvězdného systému. Posádka plavidla byla až na jednu osobu mrtvá. Podle závěrů vyšetřování se vyvraždili navzájem pod vlivem neznámého fenoménu. Brattain zůstal opuštěný, stále uvězněný v Tykenově trhlině. (TNG: "Night Terrors")
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