| - At a young age, everyone called Undertow Officer a "mermaid" because of her fondness for the ocean. While she was a naturally skilled swimmer, she was ruthlessly competitive to a fault. She followed a rigorous regimen, and allowed her trainers to systematically administer chemicals to give her speed and endurance, and help her body regenerate even in the coldest waters. This enabled her to win countless local competitions, but when Olympic victory was in her grasp, the performance enhancing chemicals were discovered, and she was stripped of her titles.
| - At a young age, everyone called Undertow Officer a "mermaid" because of her fondness for the ocean. While she was a naturally skilled swimmer, she was ruthlessly competitive to a fault. She followed a rigorous regimen, and allowed her trainers to systematically administer chemicals to give her speed and endurance, and help her body regenerate even in the coldest waters. This enabled her to win countless local competitions, but when Olympic victory was in her grasp, the performance enhancing chemicals were discovered, and she was stripped of her titles. With nowhere else to take her skills, she joined DESTRO's IRON GRENADIERS to get back at the society that spurned her. She quickly rose to the top ranks of the UNDERTOW frogmen and now drives her team as harshly as she once drove herself. She oversees the insertion and extraction of these troops from her submersible Iron Mantis Attack Craft, providing stealth cover and unleashing a barrage of torpedoes at her enemies. Yet she does not hesitate to dive in when a person assault is needed, turning the waters as red as her vengeful heart.