| - It was a rainy September morning when Reiji departed from slumberland back to the world of the living. He sluggishly crawled out of bed, glaring at his laptop with swollen eyes. It was because of his angsty monologues which happened all night long and even in his sleep, he had been crying in about something which many men of his age ever fear to encounter. This fear could only be illustrated by Reiji's profile in a popular social media site. For several years, he went from "In a Relationship" and all of a sudden to "It's Complicated" and before he knew it, he was "Single." If this was just a girl next door whom he happened to meet after moving from Osaka to Tokyo; he would certainly brush his feelings aside. It would be easier for him to say that his life would go on anyway and there are many sea breams in the seas of Japan. However, this was no ordinary girl. Not even the priceless Sturgeons of Russia and their prized Caviar could match her worth. She is his neighbor since childhood, the witness to all the trials and tribulations that he faced from Kindergarten up to College. The two of them went to the same school from then and became classmates several times, even more as seat mates whose hands are only a few inches away from each other and are always tempted to hold each other. They defied several odds including their Racial differences and overcame the language barrier by teaching each other along the way. They were not allowed to call themselves as lovers until they were both at the right age but they did so anyway in that popular social media site. Their friends knew but their parents are oblivious until the day they both turned eighteen. ...and then something happened. It tore them apart. Reiji regard it only as minor indifferences which can be fixed with a good talk but she refuses to cooperate. Those were the yesteryears which Reiji still reminisces as he went to the bathroom to take a bath and then brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror for a while and frowned as he goes out to dress up in his uniform. On the way to the university, Reiji tried to lift up his mood by talking to his childhood friend Yuri Kamiya through his mobile phone. Reiji: If there's someone whose more sad than I am, that would have to be Yurippe. Reiji: Come on, man... pick up the phone... While Reiji was trying to contact Yuri, a speeding car nearly hit him. The angry driver yelled at him but Reiji bowed and shrugged off. Reiji: Yurippe... Finally, his friend picked up the phone. A deep and sensual voice as if it came from a swoon-worthy novel answered. Along the way, Reiji was talking to his friend whom he believe could share his misery. Yuri: Good morning, Reiji.... Reiji: Dude, thank goodness. How are ya? Yuri: You seem...sad. Reiji: Yeah, I'll tell ya about it later. Yuri: Is this still about your break-up... Reiji: Dude! Yuri: You can't hide anything from me... I've known you that long. Seeing that the university drew nearby, Reiji turned off his phone. Reiji: Gosh, I forgot to say good-bye. What's wrong with me? I hope he won't take that offensively. Reiji ran as fast as he could to catch the beginning of the first subject of his class. He and the professor coincidentally entered the room at the same time. Mr. Fujiwara through the front door and Reiji through the back door. Fujiwara-sensei: Hisui-kun, you seem to be in a rush. Of course, anyone would not want to ruin the mood of their professor so a fake smile is in order. Reiji obliges. Reiji: It's nothing, sir. Good thing I came on time. Fujiwara-sensei: Yes. Yes you did. Mr. Fujiwara stepped up to the pulpit and cleared his throat. He was to introduce a newcomer. Fujiwara-sensei: Good morning class. As you can see, the exchange student from Canada has finally arrived. Reiji: Exchange student... Fujiwara-sensei: Come in please. A fairly tall young man with short brown hair and burning green eyes came in. In his business case are the inscriptions "Rin Pyo Toh Sha Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen," a well-known mantra recited by those who practice Ninjutsu. Either that or those who are addicted to ninja-themed pop culture. Fujiwara-sensei: Please introduce yourself. Mr. Fujiwara stepped out of the pulpit and the young man stepped up in his place. Zack: Ohayo-gosaimasu. Everyone: Ohayou! Zack: My name is Zachary Barnett but you can call me Zack. I came from Toronto. Everyone: Hello, Zack. All the students including Mr. Fujiwara joyfully welcomed the exchange student...except for Reiji who kept his lips sealed. Fujiwara-sensei: Zack, please find yourself a seat. Zack: Let's see... Fujiwara-sensei: Ah, that seat next to Hisui-kun is blank. Zack: Then I shall take my seat there. Zack sat beside the noticeably silent and spaced out Reiji. Zack grinned and waved his hand in front of Reiji. Zack: Heeeey, what's your name? Reiji: Stop that. Zack: I was just trying to return your soul back to Earth since it seems to be drifing towards an unknown area in the cosmos. Reiji: Fine. The name's Reiji. Reiji Hisui. Zack: Rage, m'dude! Reiji: What did you just called me? Zack: Alrighty, we'll talk later after class. You owe me a lot of explanation. Reiji: I do?! The classes finished at four in the afternoon. Reiji found himself being dragged out by Zack to the open streets. Reiji: Dude, you're wearing out the soles of my...gaaah!! Zack: Heeeey, since I'm like new around here in Japan; it won't hurt if you show me around right? Reiji: Okay but stop dragging me around! Zack: I'll let you go now. Hah. Zack released Reiji's hand but it was a disaster as Reiji stumbled and rolled down the street. Zack: Oops. Reiji: -bleeeeeeep-!! Zack: Sorry Rage! Reiji: I'm okay. Zack helped Reiji get back to his knees. Reiji brushes off the dust in his pants and distanced himself a few inches from Zack. Recovering, Reiji turns his sight on the giddy Zack and asked him... Reiji: So, where do you want to go? Zack: Could you like show me the collectibles stores around here in Japan or perhaps manga stores? Reiji: I could but can you read Japanese? Zack: Totally, Rage! Reiji: Where did you learned? Zack: I have like 1337 dual language Manga volumes in our house back at Toronto. Reiji: (WTF even I don't have that many!) Zack: Our attic is like an Otaku's dream library! Reiji: Amazing. Zack: Sadly I wasn't allowed to bring a single one of them so I'll go buy a few titles in here. The two arrive at a manga store where they found several new titles in various genres. Reiji: Suit yourself. Zack: Woah, just when I thought I read them all, there's more that Japan would spare! While Zack is busy scanning through new titles, Reiji stood by a corner in the store. One volume fell down from the Occult Genre's shelf which Reiji noticed. He picked it up and tried to return it back to the shelf but he decided to give it a quick read. Reiji: Well, the premise of this one looks good. Zack: What's that? Reiji: Kuro to Shiro no Kiyoku... Zack: Black and White Memoirs? Reiji: Wait, I think it's the manga adaptation of the novella "Noir et Blanc Memoir" by the mysterious novelist called Lilium. Zack: You know about it? Reiji: Yeah, a scarring story for a guy like me. Might be worth the read. Reiji decided to purchase the book. He took out his wallet and Zack notices a picture of a foreign girl. Zack: (Lovely...) Clerk: Arigato gosaimasu. Reiji: Domo. Zack: So uhm... Reiji: Found any good titles yet? Zack: I found a dozen but I'm kinda in a hurry right now. I'll get back here in the weekend. Reiji: Huh? Zack: See ya! Zack ran out of the store with his hands empty. Reiji tried to follow him but he was too fast and far out. Reiji: What's with him? Reiji shrugs off and walked home. Along the way, he passed by the gothic-looking mansion of the Kamiya family. From the window, a beautiful and elegantly-dressed man peeks out and smiles faintly. As soon as Reiji got back to his apartment unit, he tried to take a nap. Heartbreak, New Guy, Weird Guys...he could not sleep with his chaotic thoughts. He took out the manga that he bought from the store and read it silently. One of the chapters describe a certain magic circle with the inscriptions of "TE TRA GRA MA TON." The curious Reiji, as if controlled by the book, went to get a red-colored chalk fom his drawer. He cleared out a huge space in the floor of his room and carefully drew the magic circle. As soon as he was done drawing the circle; he stood at the center, closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. Reiji: (The heck, what am I doing?) He stretched out his hands and with his two index fingers he pointed out and drew an overlapping star. With this, he activated the magic circle. He lost his balance and crawled out of the circle. Reiji: This is just a darn manga! How did...how did it?! The magic circle first glowed in scarlet red light before unleashing a blinding black ray of light. The nervous Reiji moved further away from the circle. He finally regained his full consciousness to which he ran out of his room then out of his apartment unit. Reiji: I am so going to hell for this... I better think of a way to deactivate this! Reiji ran as fast as he could away from his apartment when suddenly he notices that the moon is full and in the color of blood. There are also no soul besides himself that can be felt in the area. It is as if he was isolated or shifted to another planar existence. Reiji: (It would be stupid to yell out for names so...) Reiji kept on running until he notices someone standing outside the Gothic mansion. It's that beautiful man from a while ago. Reiji yelled out... Reiji: YURIPPE!! Yuri: Oh. It was Yuri, Reiji's friend who can send shivers down your spine with his sensual, deep and melancholic tone of voice. Yuri: Has fate made their move yet? Reiji: What do you mean by that? Dude, where the heck is everybody? Yuri: You summoned it. Reiji: Summoned what?! Yuri: Stay close. Reiji: Okay... Yuri stepped forward, facing the road to Reiji's apartment. He glares and stretched out his hand and whispered... Yuri: Come. Reiji: Huh?! The blinding black light approached them and wrapped itself around Reiji. Reiji: WTF?! GET IT OFF ME!! Yuri: Do not fear darkness. Reiji: I'm scared! Yuri: If you are able to conquer darkness then no one can ever harm that fragile heart again. Reiji: Dude, do something! Yuri: You brought this upon yourself. Yuri steps aside and watches as the black light drags Reiji in. Reiji: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Reiji was dropped by the Black Light. He lost his consciousness. His eyes are shut tight. Yuri approached him and smiled gently. Yuri: You will be fine. As for Reiji, he found himself drifting in a place of black and red light. Reiji: Where am I? A voice called out to him. It was deep and frightening. Daemonic even. ???: You called? Reiji: Woah! ???: Your sadness, regret and anger... your self-blame... Reiji: Stop it, man! ???: It was too good to ignore. Reiji: What do you want for me? ???: How do you say about a partnership? Reiji: A partnership? ???: Yes, I want you to help me conquer the world. Reiji: I what?! ???: In return, I will make sure that you will win back what you lost. Reiji: I'm good with that except the world domination part! ???: Naw, I'm kidding about that. Reiji: Be serious darn it! ???: Okay, okay. I just want to have fun. Reiji: What kind of fun? The voice materialized into a horned creature wearing a blood red and black armor. His pointy eyes are glowing in red. ???: The Darkness is really boring. Reiji: What the... ???: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Napalm Shahal. Reiji: Shahal... Shahal: From this day forward, we have an unbreakable bond. Reiji: Okay... The place cleared out and Reiji regained consciousness. He got up and saw that he and Yuri are still the only people in the place. Reiji: You owe me an explanation, dude. Yuri: Oh, would you look at that. Reiji: Huh?! Yuri pointed to Reiji's shoulder. Reiji looked at it and to his surprise, he lost his balance. In his shoulder perched a small mecha-like creature which turned into a sphere and back. Yuri: A Guardian Bakugan. Reiji: Ba...Bakugan? Yuri: Yes...or do I have to explain? Reiji: No, man. How on Earth did this happen? Yuri: Bakugan have feelings just like us. They respond to our destinies. Reiji: So that means I... Yuri: Yes, you owe me a brawl. Reiji: A brawl? Hah, don't make me break that pretty face. Yuri: Not that kind of brawl. Yuri took out a silvery white sphere from his pocket and threw it forward. It materialized into a mecha-like angel with thin barrels of steel as its fingers. Reiji: Woah, dude... Yuri: Do it. Reiji grabbed the Morphing Sphere in his shoulder and threw it forward. To his surprise, it materialized in that demonic knight that he saw in his dream sequence. Reiji: So it wasn't a dream! Shahal: It is a covenant between you and me. Reiji: A what?! Shahal: Enough! Reiji: Fine. Yuri: Interesting creature... Automaton: However, is he any good. Yuri: Why don't we find out? Automaton: I am dying to. Yuri: Ability Activate ~ Proteus Remorra! Yuri's Bakugan, Lucid Automaton, unleashed a blinding ray of light which brushed across the area completely. Napalm Shahal was brought to his knees. Reiji: Shahal! Shahal: Do something! Reiji: I'm not sure if I got this right but...Ability Activate! Magma Rush! Shahal: GAAAARGH! Shahal punches the road and it sent hot shockwaves to Automaton's direction. Automaton was knocked down. Yuri: Ability Activate ~ Ark Blast. Reiji: Ability Activate!! Burning Low Fury! A nearly-endless exchange of blows ~ light to fire, fire to light and back engulfed the place. Reiji felt exhausted while Yuri just stood faintly smiling. Reiji: Hey, pretty boy. What the heck is this brawl? It's better if I'd just punch you in the face like what we used to do! Yuri: I do not think that is what grown men should do. Reiji: True that but this isn't what grown men should do either. Yuri: So you truly believe that morphing marbles are toys fit only for children? Reiji: I think so. Yuri: Then you do not know how they feel about that. Reiji: Like what? They seem to be too busy hacking away each other for them to notice what we are saying! Yuri: One of the hypocrisies of mankind is to regard toys as playthings for children. Yuri walks towards Reiji. Reiji takes a step back. He loses balance and leans at a tree stump. Reiji: Dude... Yuri: When in reality, some "toys" are only fit to be handled by "mature" adults. Yuri bends down and puts his face too close to Reiji Yuri: I hope you do understand that in the furthest reach of the cosmos... Reiji: Dude, we're both guys... Yuri: Such thoughts actually breathe...and are dying to get through. Reiji: I know what you meant...Shahal was born from such misconceptions! Yuri: Good. Yuri moved away and Reiji shook his head and blinked his eyes to clear his thought of that near-kiss...or as he thought so. Reiji: Eww...ahem! Yuri: A demon born from the prejudices of age on those beautiful playthings. Yuri calls back Lucid Automaton. It shifted back to it's small marble form. Shahal followed the same and returned to Reiji. Yuri exclaimed while stretching his hands out as if invoking... Yuri: Ah~ even Maxwell himself would be astounded! With that, the place returned to normal as if nothing happened. Reiji found himself back in his apartment unit's doorstep with Yuri nowhere in sight. Reiji opened his hands and saw that Shahal is with him. Yelping, Reiji ran to his room and left Shahal near the sink. Reiji shut his eyes tight and chanted Reiji: It's gonna be okay...it's gonna be okay...