| - Sometimes a character finds, or manages to manufacture, an Amulet of Concentrated Awesome. This can be a risky endeavor. Sometimes the character goes on to become a successful superhero or supervillain, but sometimes that amulet turns out to be a Magic Feather, an Artifact of Death or an Artifact of Doom. And sometimes the Amulet of Concentrated Awesome turns out to be Blessed with Suck. Using an Amulet of Dependency gives you great power or other benefits that you quickly come to rely on, so after a short time it's not exactly easy to live without it. It also exposes the user (and sometimes his allies as well) to an Achilles Heel that could be exploited by an enemy, and a Mana Drain that weakens him without help from an enemy. Though the trope name says "amulet", this trope isn't necessarily something that's been created deliberately, or something that deliberately came into the user's possession. It can be someting acquired accidently, a natural object, etc. It can also be a direct consequence or side effect of being Cursed with Awesome or Blessed with Suck, or part of a being's nature it was born with, such as supernatural beings that have certain vulnerabilities. If the owner of the Amulet of Dependency is also carrying the Villain Ball, his response is usually to set up all sorts of Death Traps that the hero must survive to activate the Achilles Heel, thus setting the scene for The Hero's Journey. If the hero is the owner of the Amulet of Dependency, he typically has the option of finding a way to get rid of it, but he usually succeeds only with great sacrifice and often must simultaneously prevent it from falling into the hands of the Big Bad. If a sympathetic Anti-Villain, The Woobie, etc., ends up with it, it's a crapshoot whether there's any hope of getting rid of it. Can be An Aesop about illegal drugs, but it often isn't. The Amulet of Dependency can also be:
* An Achilles Heel
* An Artifact of Attraction
* An Artifact of Death
* An Artifact of Doom
* An Immortality Inducer, such as a Soul Jar
* An Unholy Holy Sword Please put examples that are really just one of these in those tropes, and use the space below for examples that don't fit one of those. Examples of Amulet of Dependency include: