As with Die fantastische Miss Piggy Show, two German dubs exist of this production. Depending on the dub, the special goes under two different names: Die Große Muppet-Party, subtitled "Jim Henson zu Ehren" ("to honor Jim Henson"), aired twice on ZDF; first on December 14, 1986, and a second time on May 1, 1991. It featured the original voices that were used on Die Muppet Show, while the Sesame Street characters have different voices than the ones used on Sesamstrasse. This was due to location issues: Die Muppet Show and the special were dubbed near Munich, whereas Sesamstrasse is co-produced and dubbed in Hamburg. Big Bird, oddly, is voiced by a female voice artist in this first dub.
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| - As with Die fantastische Miss Piggy Show, two German dubs exist of this production. Depending on the dub, the special goes under two different names: Die Große Muppet-Party, subtitled "Jim Henson zu Ehren" ("to honor Jim Henson"), aired twice on ZDF; first on December 14, 1986, and a second time on May 1, 1991. It featured the original voices that were used on Die Muppet Show, while the Sesame Street characters have different voices than the ones used on Sesamstrasse. This was due to location issues: Die Muppet Show and the special were dubbed near Munich, whereas Sesamstrasse is co-produced and dubbed in Hamburg. Big Bird, oddly, is voiced by a female voice artist in this first dub.
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| - As with Die fantastische Miss Piggy Show, two German dubs exist of this production. Depending on the dub, the special goes under two different names: Die Große Muppet-Party, subtitled "Jim Henson zu Ehren" ("to honor Jim Henson"), aired twice on ZDF; first on December 14, 1986, and a second time on May 1, 1991. It featured the original voices that were used on Die Muppet Show, while the Sesame Street characters have different voices than the ones used on Sesamstrasse. This was due to location issues: Die Muppet Show and the special were dubbed near Munich, whereas Sesamstrasse is co-produced and dubbed in Hamburg. Big Bird, oddly, is voiced by a female voice artist in this first dub. The localization omits all of the title cards and commercial breaks, inserting its own title after the opening montage. Footage is therefore missing around the commercial break points. A few seconds of Fozzie walking up to the podium is omitted at the beginning, and so is part of Dr. Teeth's speech. Kermit's final line at the podium is cut. Die Muppets feiern Geburtstag ("The Muppets Celebrate Their Birthday") aired during the holiday season on RTL2 in 1995 and featured the second set of voices used since Die Muppets Weihnachtsgeschichte (the 1992 film The Muppet Christmas Carol).