| - The Caerrian assault bot, or C.A.B. for short, is a member of the Offbeats.
Early history
The C.A.B. was created on the remains of the planet Caerrios to act as a planetary scout. His appearance was humanoid, with 7 eyes, one large one in the center and 3 smaller ones on each side, he had bent back legs and conical feet, gold armor plating and numerous armaments such as a laser rifle, cloaking device, radar, flame thrower and heat seeking missiles built into his back. Additionally a hidden compartment in his body concealed Caerrian DNA in case the species was wiped out and needed to be cloned. 4,000 ago 87% of Caerrios was destroyed by Galactus, and in an act of desperation, the Caerrians attached a chunk of their planet to a large jet engine and broke off from Caerrios while Galactus was devouring it. Forced to wander the cosmos, the Caerrians sent out numerous C.A.B. scouts to search for habitable planets to colonize. This particular C.A.B. managed to find his way onto planet Earth in the modern day. After crash landing in New York he studied it, wandered around and managed to find the secret base of a small group of super villains who were serving hard time for attacking the Avengers. However while he was searching their base, a member of the Offbeats named Tech managed to sneak up on him and shut him down using his electromagnetic blast, but not before the C.A.B. managed to send his coordinates to the Caerrian fleet.
Time as an Offbeat
Tech discovered that the C.A.B. could reactivate itself even after the blast and decided he could use the robot to the team’s advantage, so he re-programmed him to act as the team's eighth member. He proved to be very useful to them, using his weaponry to the fullest. However, his memory banks had been erased when Tech caused him to shut down, and he could not warn the others of the impending danger that was slowly arriving. Eventually though, when the Caerrians did arrive, the signals their fleet emitted caused the C.A.B.'s data files to come back to him, and he managed to warn the other Offbeats of what was going to happen.
At first, however, they considered him a traitor and abandoned him to round up other teams to combat the Caerrians. Despite this, he managed to break into Avengers Mansion and downloaded the blueprints of the battle ships into Iron Man's armor. Now knowing the ships weaknesses, the huge army of super beings concentrated their powers on the ships' weak spots. However, once the Caerrians were aware that they were losing, they unleashed their mother ship on New York, causing immense damage. However, in one final act of courage, the C.A.B. piloted the remains of his ship into the hangar bay and into the power source of the mother ship, causing it to self-destruct. This took out the ship, the crew, and the C.A.B. with it. However the C.A.B. left his vial of Caerrian DNA with the Offbeats, which they cloned to create a Caerrian which the C.A.B. had modified so that it shared his ideals of the Earth. A memorial was placed in his honor.