| - Two time: It says 'Roses are red, violets are blue...' Sounds good, but what now.. or It says 'Roses are red, and so is my blood.' Damn, that sounds stupid. You have to start over. If the poetry parchment has this last flavortext you can't use the ikwell on it again and need to buy other parchment.
- When you use a inkwell one time the flavortext is: It says 'Roses are red...'.
- Looks the same as a Gingerbread Recipe, Research Notes and Yellow Parchment.
Used in Kissing a Pig Quest.
- Three times: It says 'Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet...' Very poetic, now for the final rhyme. or It says 'Roses are red, violets are blue, I love blood and carnage...' No, no, this is a war poem. If the poetry parchment has this last flavortext you can't use the ikwell on it again and need to buy other parchment.
- Last time: It says 'Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.' Excellent!. or It says 'Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, there's mud on my shoe.' You blew it. If the poetry parchment has this last flavortext you need to buy other parchment and use the inkwell on it.
- Can be obtained by using an Inkwell on a Blank Poetry Parchment. Looks the same as a Gingerbread Recipe, Research Notes, a Parchment (Yellow), a Parchment (Questionnaire), and a Wrinkled Parchment.