| - Res-Tar-Khad was a male Twerfung Centurion and Royal Guard in the Golden Empire. Res-Tar-Khad was the second child of Chom-Res-Suub and Lith-Tar-Thim, and was born on Korzen in 120 ABY; he had an older sister named Res-Tar-Shey. He was given to the Order of Keltrayu and trained in the Citadel, where he formed friendships with Serasuna Yun and Assayr, among others. He elected to specialize in Shii-Cho. Res-Tar-Khad was commissioned at the height of the Tribulation and immediately sent to the Vagaari War. He was one of a handful of Centurions who actively participated in Aria Nikina's campaign of disrupting the Vagaari Empire from behind its own lines. After the war, he served primarily in law enforcement, then returned to the battlefield in the Nightmare War, fighting in Breek Zagrev's Romasi Sector Fleet. Although Shii-Cho was not designed for lightsaber-to-lightsaber dueling, Res-Tar-Khad was able to defeat a later-generation Vyrak clone in combat, although barely and with several lightsaber burns. Relocated back to the Sith Star along with several of Breek's Centurions in preparation for the Battle of Dolomir, Res-Tar-Khad took part in the Battle of the Sith Star. Some time not long after the war, Res-Tar-Khad was assigned to the Royal Guard. He served as one of Tariun Sakaros's bodyguards, and had a complex relationship with his primary protectee. He felt comfortable enough to joke with Tariun in relaxed situations, but was aware of Tariun's ongoing health problems and felt concern when he believed Tariun was at risk, such as his extreme stress during the operative delivery of his daughter Amina.