| - Asgardians have appeared mainly in The Shane Adventures
- Asgardians are people who have the appearances of Humans. Asgardians have formidabble and unpredictable powers through their Asgardian Magic, making them Gods, ruling all of the 9 realms of the universe.
- The Asgardians were the collective gods worshiped by the people of the Norseland, later known as Germany and Scandinavia. Many of them were worshiped by the Teutonic (Early Germanic people) and Viking tribes. They presided in the realm of Asgard and were known as the Aesir by the Vikings and as the Vanir by the Germans.
- The Asgardians are the god-like inhabitants of the world of Asgard (and perhaps also Vanaheim), who were worshipped by the ancient Norse cultures. In the Marvel universe the most prominent example is Thor Odinson. Loki Laufeyson, his adopted brother, is almost equally significant as a counterweight.
| - Asgardians have appeared mainly in The Shane Adventures
- Asgardians are people who have the appearances of Humans. Asgardians have formidabble and unpredictable powers through their Asgardian Magic, making them Gods, ruling all of the 9 realms of the universe.
- The Asgardians are the god-like inhabitants of the world of Asgard (and perhaps also Vanaheim), who were worshipped by the ancient Norse cultures. In the Marvel universe the most prominent example is Thor Odinson. Loki Laufeyson, his adopted brother, is almost equally significant as a counterweight. Neither the comics nor the live-action versions of Marvel have yet drawn the distinction which exists in the original mythology between two slightly different forms of gods, the Aesir (who follow Odin), and the more 'naturalistic' Vanir, such as Frey and Freya, so both groups are designated Asgardians.
- The Asgardians were the collective gods worshiped by the people of the Norseland, later known as Germany and Scandinavia. Many of them were worshiped by the Teutonic (Early Germanic people) and Viking tribes. They presided in the realm of Asgard and were known as the Aesir by the Vikings and as the Vanir by the Germans. Much like the Olympians, the Asgardian gods lived apart from their worshipers with whom they often trafficked and produced half-immortal children known as demi-gods. Not much is known about their origins, but according to myths, they were descended from the ancient god Buri. Buri possibly took a wife from the daughters of Ymir, the Frost Giant, and sired Bor, who also took a female Frost Giant as his wife and sired the gods, Ve, Vili and Odin. The brothers slew the primeval god, Ymir, and, according to myths, created the Earth from his remains. It is not known how these events unfolded in the Xenaverse.