| - Agamemnon was a Marauder-class missile cruiser in the service of the Rebel Fleet during the Galactic Civil War.
- Agamemnon is the king of Mycenae (or Argos). He initiates the Trojan War due to the abduction of his brother´s wife Helenthe king Menelau from Sparta by the Trojan prince Paris and is aided by Arkantos in the war. Agamemnon is a hero unit who fights with his fists (which is said to be due to the fact that he "lost his spear in battle many years ago").
- Agammemnon is the King of Mycenae, leader of the Achaean army and brother of King Menelaus of Sparta. King Agammemnon was also the general of the siege at Troy in the Iliad. In Age of Mythology, Agammemnon appears in Campaign missions 3, 4, and 6 as the general in the Trojan war, in which he showcases his arrogance to the amusement of Arkantos and Odysseus.
- Agamemnon était un héros de la mythologie grecque, qui a dirigé l'armée grecque qui a conquis Troie. (Réalité extrapolée *) D'après Apollon, Agamemnon était fier, arrogant et avait ainsi défié le Dieu grec jusqu'à ce que celui-ci lui ai montré sa colère. En 2267, Apollon compara le Capitaine Kirk de l'USS Enterprise à Agamemnon. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?") Monde réel(article ou section(s) écrit(es) à partir du point de vue: "monde réel")
- The Agamemnon, also known as the "eggs and bacon" is a 64 gun ship of the line which will at some point be in Naval Action.
- ==Remember Kids, Agamemnon it’s a mirror to one's true self, do not be careless. ==
- On Agamemnon's return from Troy he was murdered (according to the fullest version of the oldest surviving account, Homer's Odyssey 11.409–11) by Aegisthus, the lover of his wife Clytemnestra. In old versions of the story: "The scene of the murder, when it is specified, is usually the house of Aegisthus, who has not taken up residence in Agamemnon's palace, and it involves an ambush and the deaths of Agamemnon's followers too". In some later versions Clytemnestra herself does the killing, or they do it together, in his own home.
- Agamemnon was a member of The Railroad in 2266.
- When Achilles brought the First Doctor to Agamemnon, claiming he was Zeus, and Odysseus said the Doctor was a spy, Agamemnon was unsure of his course of action. He placed the Doctor under a "reverent" arrest and offered him hospitality. When the Doctor tried to show Agamemnon his temple, it was gone, and the Doctor was forced to admit he and Steven Taylor were not gods, merely travellers. Agamemnon ordered them killed. The Doctor, however, managed to convince Agamemnon and Odysseus to try his idea of a Trojan horse to win their war. (TV: The Myth Makers)
- King Atreus & Queen Aerope
- Agamemnon - grecki król; pięknie śpiewał o nim stary grecki poeta Homer w opisie wojny trojańskiej, w której Agamemnon był głównym wodzem . EMP Agamemnon - syn Atreusza, brat Menelaosa, legendarny król Micen i Argosu, wódz wyprawy trojańskiej, zamordowany przez żonę swą Klitemnestrę i jej kochanka Egista. TEM
- The map Agamemnon's Bounty depicts the Agamemnon System.
- Agamemnon was a hero in Greek mythology. According to Homer, he was the king of Mycenae and the leader of the Greek army in the Trojan war. Henry Janeway remarked in December 2000, that the great Greek heroes like Hercules, Agamemnon and Odysseus had all been raised by single parents. (VOY: "11:59") According to Apollo, Agamemnon was "proud and arrogant" and originally defied him, but after Apollo struck him this changed. Apollo considered Captain Kirk to be the same way when the USS Enterprise found Apollo in 2267. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" )
- Agamemnon appeared in the Duel Masters: Curse of the Death Phoenix movie.
- Agamemnon [d. 88 BG] was the ruthless leader of the Cymek Titans, the biological father of Vorian Atreides, and a key figure in history leading up to the Butlerian Jihad.
- Agamemnon patrols the pathways of the Airship Dock and the Sky Canal. He is willing to share information about Sanctum to a listening ear.
- Agamemnon, is a friend to Dwight, who gives him photography jobs related to private investigation and lets him use his darkroom but keeps the half cash. Gets Dwight out of jams in exchange for food. Often seen wearing a 'Kiss Me, I'm Greek' shirt. Most of his sentences end with, "I tell ya, I could write a book..." He is always eating and is always cheerful, but he is disgusting to Dwight.
- Agamemnon is the Count of Mycenae and the captain of the Nereiades, a warship entrusted to him by the Empress. He has sailed the whole of the Imperial territory — from Carthage in the west to the Black Area of the Black Sea Coast to the east.
- Durant l'Antiquité Grecque, Agamemnon était un gaillard barbu et jovial qui aimait bien foutre sur la gueule à des troyens.
- Agamemnon is one of the supporting and major characters from Mr. Peabody & Sherman. He was a leader of the Trojan War.
- Agamemnon is either a myth parallel based on Greek heroic legends or a high-mana alternate. It is connected to Friederich via the Chronobahn. IW124
- Agamemnon is the former king of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, and commander of the Achaean forces at Troy. Odysseus encounters Agamemnon's spirit in Hades. Agamemnon was murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus, upon his return from the war. He was later avenged by his son Orestes. Their story is constantly repeated in the Odyssey to offer an inverted image of the fortunes of Odysseus and Telemachus.
- He was the son of Atreus and Aerope, the brother of Menelaus, the spouse of Clytaemnestra, and the father of Electra, Iphigenia, Chrysothemis, and Orestes. When Menelaus's wife, Helen, was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris, Agamemnon commanded an army of Greek warriors with Menelaus that invaded Troy, as told in the Iliad.
- Agamemnon begins with a Watchman on duty on the roof of the palace at Argos, waiting for a signal announcing the fall of Troy to the Greek armies. A beacon flashes, and he joyfully runs to tell the news to Queen Clytemnestra. When he is gone, the Chorus, made up of the old men of Argos, enters and tells the story of how the Trojan Prince Paris stole Helen, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus, leading to ten years of war between Greece and Troy. Then the Chorus recalls how Clytemnestra's husband Agamemnon (Menelaus' brother) sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia to the god Artemis to obtain a favorable wind for the Greek fleet.
- In Greek mythology, Agamemnon (; ; Modern Greek: , "very steadfast") was the son of king Atreus and queen Aerope of Mycenae, the brother of Menelaus, the husband of Clytemnestra and the father of Iphigenia, Electra, Orestes and Chrysothemis. Mythical legends make him the king of Mycenae or Argos, thought to be different names for the same area. When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was abducted by Paris of Troy, Agamemnon commanded the united Greek armed forces in the ensuing Trojan War.
- Agamemnon founded his nation at the beginning of the New Pacific Order's existence, in late January 2006. Hailing from Nation States, he became the twelfth person to sign the charter. At the time, the NPO desired to form a Nation States alliance in CN (hence #nsa), however due to differing opinions between the various NS groups, it fell through and resulted in the formation of other alliances. Agamemnon had chosen the NPO as his home as he knew many people there at the time, and saw that's where most were going.