| - WHAT?! You beat me?!? I can't believe this!! You must have gotten some help... Yes... That's it... Well, you won't be able to defeat me next time! And by "next time", I mean the Boss Battles mode!! But, before these people can show you things about Boss Battles, they must show you my other new mode, the Battle Royale, in which you battle through fierce enemies in a grueling tournament! It's so evil!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!
Try and stop me again, fools...
- Heh heh! Hello, game players! I'm McBoo! Now, even the first boss in the game is excruciatingly hard to beat, so I'm going to help you out! Look below to see the easiest ways to destroy the many bosses in the game...
- BRAW-HAW-HAW!!! Greetings, heroes and villains alike. I'm The Groo, the last Groo in existance... For now... Here are some evil cheat codes for the game that can help you very much... To quickly unlock all weapons, go to the pause menu, press A & B at the same time to bring you to the cheat code menu, then type in ALLWEAPONS=D. To get unlimited ammo, type in BUTTLOAD_OF_AMMO. To receive all characters, type in ALLCHARS_XD, and to have one 1-hit kill shot from any weapon, type in PWNAGE.
Now, I must be going... Things to do, Tanookis to kill... Cheerio!
- Hey, everybody! Welcome to the cheats page for me and YoshiEgg's new game, YoshiEgg & Bloop: A Crack in Time! Now, you may be wondering if cheating is wrong. Well, it usually is, but in video games, it's perfectly normal. What? You say that villains cheat? Erm - Like I said, guys, cheating is OK in video games, especially this one, because it's really, really hard. What?! I'm not a villain! I'll never stoop to The Groo's level!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!
OK. Nevermind. You can cheat if you want to, but just know that I'M NOT A VILLAIN!!