| - The Token Wholesome is found in works that show off the flesh of other characters as if they were in a meat market. She is the only one to hold herself aloof from the general debauchery. This character tends to wear the least scandalous, least revealing, or least Fan Service-laden attire. They also seem immune to attempts, and sometimes even plotlines, to show off their embarrassing moments -- though they may be embarrassed by the embarrassing moments of other characters.
* The character is meant to be sexually attractive, but wholesomeness is her most appealing trait. Going against this, while momentarily enticing, will ruin the appeal of the character.
* Sometimes it's better when certain aspects of a character's beauty are left to the imagination.
* The writers genuinely find no sex appeal in the character.
* The writers genuinely find no sex appeal in the character and are creeped out by fans who do, and thus prefer not to tempt the fans.
* The character is the sole character in the work who isn't legal for the sort of sordidness everyone else is doing, and the writers don't want to encourage Jail Bait.
* A specific writer or creator feels close to the character and makes a personal, specific rule against it. This will be in the Universe Bible (else it would be unenforceable).
* The character is the lead character, the one we are supposed to sympathize with, and we are meant to know it quickly. Having the Token Wholesome take this role is older than the Hays Code and codes like it, but became entrenched during that era. The Final Girl is almost always this trope. Contrast Ms. Fanservice, Mr. Fanservice. Examples of Token Wholesome include: