- Fomor is a Pure-flying legendary pokemon. it is a purple flying frog.
- Fomor were an enormous winged reptilian species native to the planet Yavia. They were used in war by Yavian warlords. They had the ability to use the force to enhance the abilities of allied troops, making then stronger and more resistant to damage (although not directly healing them like a Zafreeti or Vorg) Fomor could breathe bursts of ionized gas at opponents.
- The Fomor are an ancient race of water-dwelling creatures. They appear in the stories: "Even Hand", Aftermath, Bombshells and in the novel Skin Game. They are also mentioned in Ghost Story and Cold Days.
- The Fomor were thus driven into the sea and were blamed for many ills in the world, especially elemental damage such as flooding, storms and disease - outwith Irish mythology the Fomor have also appeared as antagonist in media dealing with fantasy and/or theology. The Fomor were seen as the gods of chaos and wild nature, which added to their already formidable image in folklore.
- In Irish-Celtic mythology, the Fomorians are a race of demonic giants, ancient occupants of Ireland (or sometimes mentioned as a mythical, prehistoric people who raided and pillaged Ireland from the sea). The first to invade Ireland were the Partholons, but after many battles the Fomorians afflicted them all with plague. After them came the Nemeds, who in their very first battle were defeated and enslaved. The third wave of invaders, the Firbolgs, were more successful and they subdued the Fomorians and managed to live peacefully with them.
- thumb|250px|Fomor w D&D 5.0 250px|thumb|Fomor Fomory (w czwartej edycji fomorianie, ang. fomorians) to najbardziej zdeformowani, odrażający i nikczemni giganci. Każdy z nich posiada niepowtarzalny wygląd, odróżniający go od pozostałych. Do najczęstszych deformacji należą: niewłaściwie umieszczone bądź wykrzywione kończyny, dziwnie rozmieszczone elementy twarzy, garb, nienaturalnie wydęte lub spuchnięte części ciała, brodawki i narośle rozsiane po całym ciele, zwiędłe ciało, zbyt małe lub zbyt duże kończyny, ogromne uszy i nos, wielkie stopy lub krótkie nogi. Ich biała skóra jest gruba i miejscami owłosiona włosami twardymi niczym druty. Dodatkowo chronią ją skórzanymi i metalowymi zbrojami, dostosowanymi do ich wyglądu. Z zapachem bywa różnie. Niektóre śmierdzą strasznie, z powodu nadmiern
- <default>Fomor</default> Type Species Charmable Crystal Notes Fomors are the spirits of those who were slain during battle. Fomors look like normal characters with black skin and glowing eyes. Their names usually follow the pattern of "Fomor (Job)," for example, "Fomor Thief." The Fomors in Dynamis are the corrupted souls of the "multi-national" strike force (the majority being San d'Orian) known as the Hydra Corps who were transported to the Shrouded Land of Dynamis along with the elite beastmen units - the Forlorn Vanguard and Dark Kindred.