| - Second city of the Netherlands, one of the biggest seaports in the world.
- Rotterdam on Hollannin toiseksi suurin kaupunki. Siellä sijaitsee Euroopan toiseksi suurin satama.
- Rotterdam es la site du de Nederland e la site la plu grande en la provinse Holland Sude. Rotterdam es la porto la plu grande de Europa.
- Rotterdam was declared by the Maquis to be safe and less protected by the Chimera for the Maquis and the British forces to enter. Days later, however, the Chimera hastily constructed several gun towers along the Atlantic coastline, tearing up the British/Maquis' First Squadron, led by Maj. Stephen Cartwright. Originally, the Maquis scouts on the European mainland had earlier tried to warn England through their radio but only to be jammed from interference from the gun towers. Fortunately, all three gun towers were managed to be destroyed by James Grayson and the other surviving First Squadron of British and Maquis, allowing human forces, including Second Squadron, led by Col. Rachael Parker to retake Rotterdam.
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* Rotterdam Review
- Rotterdam is the second-largest city in the Netherlands, with a population of close to 700,000 and a metro area of almost 7 million.
- Port city in southern Holland. Its reputation for progressive architecture resulted from its rebuilding after being bombed out during World War II. It currently is home to several architecture firms including OMA, West 8, MVRDV, and NOX. It is also home to the Netherlands Architecture Institute and the Berlage Institute.
- Rotterdam is a real-life city in the Netherlands.
- Rotterdam Docks (de_rotterdam) was an official bomb defusal map featured in Counter-Strike 1.1.
- The Clean Place was where Bean was born. It was the only way Bean knew how to describe the first place he remembered, a laboratory, that he escaped from as an infant. The Clean Place was where Volescu created Bean and 22 other children as part of a genetic experiment. When he realized he would be caught soon, he killed all the children, except for Bean, who was smart enough to escape into a toilet. It was later converted into an office building after Volescu was arrested.
- The flag of Rotterdam the Netherlands, was adopted February 10th, 1949. It is a horizontal triband of green-white-green. This color combination is also found in the coat of arms of Rotterdam. The ratio is 2:3.
- During World War II, Luftwaffe squadrons, one of them being Hans-Ulrich Rudel's Stuka command, destroyed Rotterdam's city-center. This blow proved so devastating that the Dutch government opted to surrender after only five days of resistance.
- Rotterdam has one of the largest harbors in the world but is mostly known for appearing in a Jackie Chan movie. It played Heda Grabjug, Chan's love interest. It is also known for it strangely quadrilateral buildings.
- Rotterdam is the second-largest city in the Netherlands and one of the largest ports in the world. Starting as a dam constructed in 1270 on the Rotte River, Rotterdam has grown into a major international commercial centre. Its strategic location at the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta on the North Sea and at the heart of a massive rail, road, air and inland waterway distribution system extending throughout Europe is the reason that Rotterdam is often called the "Gateway to Europe".
- Rotterdam was een kleine stadstaat waar Geert Wilders de macht genomen heeft. Rotterdam beslaat zoiets het gebied van Zuid-Holland, de Haarlemmermeerpolder en Noord-Zeeland, dat voor een groot deel onder water gezet is door Geert Wilders. In juni 2009 woedde er een burgeroorlog in de stadstaat en werd Geert Wilders opgepakt en berecht. Sindsdien heerst er complete anarchie en kan er nauwelijks nog gesproken worden van een staat. Na ingrijpen van de Noordelijke Nederlanden is er weer rust in Rotterdam, binnenkort zullen er verkiezingen komen.
- De RET heeft twee tramwegmaatschappijen in Rotterdam als voorganger gehad, respectievelijk de RTM en de RETM. In 1878 werd de RTM (Rotterdamsche Tramweg Maatschappij) opgericht. De eerste paardentram in Rotterdam reed in 1879. De RTM reed tot 1904 met paardentrams en stoomtrams in en om de nog niet uitgebreide stad. In deze jaren verzorgde de RTM uitsluitend het vervoer naar en van de Zuid-Hollandse en Zeeuwse eilanden.
- Rotterdam ist nach Amsterdam die zweitgrößte Stadt in den Niederlanden und besitzt verkehrstechnisch große Bedeutung durch den größten Seehafen Europas (drittgrößter der Welt). Rotterdam hat 590.131 Einwohner (2009), als Agglomeration Stadsregio Rotterdam ca. 1,2 Mio. (2006). Sie liegt im Mittel zwei Meter unter Normalnull.
- Avant, Rotterdam aux Pays-Bas, était une agréable bourgade côtière d'environs 400 habitants, vivant de la pêche et de l'industrie des prothèses dentaires. Seulement un jour, Petroleum International décida d'y installer son siège social, ce qui fait qu'en moins de trois mois la population passa de 400 à 800.000 habitants pendant que des raffineries étaient construite sur la côte, doublées d'usines vers l'intérieur des terres. Bientôt l'on commença la construction du Building Fric & Money qui abritera la Conseil d'Administration de la compagnie.