You step into the circle. Pillars of light rise from around you. A deep, resonating voice calls out. 'Are you certain you wish to become a Diabolic?'
You arrive back at the monument. You touch the monument and your mind is once again filled with darkness. The Infernal Overlord speaks from within the darkness. 'Have you slain the Holy Guardians?'
You approach a large stone monument. Algae covers the smooth onyx colored surface of the monument along with an ancient inscription which glows with a blue hue. The inscription reads: 'Only those worthy may advance.'
You are surrounding by white light. Suddenly you find yourself back in the Dark Forest. You feel reinvigorated. You have become a Diabolic.
You gain 10,000,000 XP, 'Diabolic Boots' and have learned 'Blood for All'
You lean forward and touch the smooth cold surface of the monument. To your surprise the surface is warm. It comes alive as seams of light cascade to the tip of the monument before erupting in a flash of white light. Your mind is overwhelmed with darkness. The From within the darkness, the Infernal Overlord speaks to you... 'The celestial gods have ascended to destroy our hordes. You have been chosen to defend our territory so that we may prepare our legions to descend upon the Celestial lands and finally destroy them. Kill 80 Holy Guardians then return here.
'You have done well. To reward your success you have been chosen to ascend to your next tier.' You are briefly disoriented as you find yourself in a small cave containing six circles of light...