| - Hey, wake up. *shake shake* Finally! I don't know what that pop of yours has been doin' to raise you, boy, but back in my day, we got up when there was still light in the day! 'Course! It's the best time! What am I... d'you mean to tell me you don't know why I'm in your room? I'm gonna have a word with your pop about this when we come back. Of all the things not to tell your kid... I swear, I knew something was wrong with him the day I saw him... No? Oh, no, you're not! Hey! What are you...?! Hey! Ahh! Help!! I'm being attacked! AAA--*thump* Sheesh. Kids these days.
| - Hey, wake up. *shake shake* Finally! I don't know what that pop of yours has been doin' to raise you, boy, but back in my day, we got up when there was still light in the day! 'Course! It's the best time! What am I... d'you mean to tell me you don't know why I'm in your room? I'm gonna have a word with your pop about this when we come back. Of all the things not to tell your kid... I swear, I knew something was wrong with him the day I saw him... Oh, right, that. *Ahem* You see, boy, there comes a time in a young man's life when he needs to go out with his grandpa and learn the ways of being a real man. So! That time for you is now, and here I am, ready to impart to you my manly wisdom. Boy: it's time for you to learn how to fish. No? Oh, no, you're not! Hey! What are you...?! Hey! Ahh! Help!! I'm being attacked! AAA--*thump* Sheesh. Kids these days.