| - Among the pantheon of Yuuzhan Vong gods, few are as fitting for Darthipedia as Yun-Harharharla. In fact, she was our second choice for writing up our little handbook for the humor-impaired. Darth Nihilus decided to take the job, though, so good for him. Okay, okay, let's get back to the meat and potatoes. Yun-Harharharla was the patron goddess of "fun and games" for the Yuuzhan Vong. But, since they didn't believe in fun, they instead ascribed to her all those little gremlins that pop up to make our lives miserable and who gnaw at our self-esteem. In a very passive-aggressive sense, that is. In any case, many Yuuzhan Vong worshiped her by playing pranks on their fellow jihadists beings; these practical jokes often involved copious amounts of pain. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jaina Solo posed as the incarnation of Yun-Harharharla in order to piss off the Yuuzhan Vong. The illusion was aided by her use of a captured rock-frigate, as well as a bevy of nifty technological countermeasures that, to the Yuuzhan Vong, who hated technology, was like displaying a depiction of Muhammad covered in feces. The results were, predictably, spectacular.