Transformers: Justice, Bolts, and Gears follows a team of Autobots who sent themselves off in the hopes of finding the Ark. However, their ship, the Kibukuth, is pursued by a Decepticon warship called the Plague. During the chase, the ships crash on Earth, on opposite sides of what would, millions of years later, become a (fictional) city in present-day New Mexico, where they lay dormant. Upon the Kibukuth's crashing, the stasis pods containing the crew were spread across the area. Four million years later, the Kibukuth came back online, bringing its crew out of stasis, to explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. Simultaneously, the Plague came online...bringing its crew out of explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. And so, the Kibukuth c
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| - Transformers: Justice, Bolts, and Gears
| - Transformers: Justice, Bolts, and Gears follows a team of Autobots who sent themselves off in the hopes of finding the Ark. However, their ship, the Kibukuth, is pursued by a Decepticon warship called the Plague. During the chase, the ships crash on Earth, on opposite sides of what would, millions of years later, become a (fictional) city in present-day New Mexico, where they lay dormant. Upon the Kibukuth's crashing, the stasis pods containing the crew were spread across the area. Four million years later, the Kibukuth came back online, bringing its crew out of stasis, to explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. Simultaneously, the Plague came online...bringing its crew out of explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. And so, the Kibukuth c
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| - Transformers: Justice, Bolts, and Gears follows a team of Autobots who sent themselves off in the hopes of finding the Ark. However, their ship, the Kibukuth, is pursued by a Decepticon warship called the Plague. During the chase, the ships crash on Earth, on opposite sides of what would, millions of years later, become a (fictional) city in present-day New Mexico, where they lay dormant. Upon the Kibukuth's crashing, the stasis pods containing the crew were spread across the area. Four million years later, the Kibukuth came back online, bringing its crew out of stasis, to explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. Simultaneously, the Plague came online...bringing its crew out of explain to them that the area sat on a huge bed of energon. And so, the Kibukuth crew reassembled and took up arms to defend the area from the ruthless Decepticons. But the Plague crew was after more than the Autobots could imagine...
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