| - Past Sins is one of the most popular fanfics in the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fanbase. Months after completing the story, its author Pen Stroke decided to give various writers from the /fic/ board on Ponychan a chance to riff the original, previously unseen and unrevised version of the story. Readers from the Equestria Daily fansite were also recruited to add riffs of their own. The result is an MST, which can be found here.
* Affectionate Parody: Despite all the jokes, at least some of the riffers are fans of Past Sins. Pen Stroke even joins in to point out obvious flaws.
* The Alcoholic: A couple riffers end up like this thanks to the Drinking Game.
* Alien Geometries: The library has too many corners!
* And That's Terrible: The fact the Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stoke Nyx's cookies.
* Ascended Extra: Proper Etiquette.
* Bastion Yorsets as well, which is lampshaded when the riffers come across a link to his character page on the MLP wiki.
* There's also Exposition Man and Sound Guy.
* Bag of Spilling: If there's some important item missing, it's because Stonewall forgot to bring it.
* Berserk Button: For Alcoremortis, the word turquoise.
* For Crazy56U, Celestia intending to kill Nyx if she turned out to be Nightmare Moon.
* For Wild Trotter, a minor one in the form of "It was expected of her".
* Blatant Lies: When Twilight reassures her friends that she's okay after being kidnapped.
* Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word:
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: This little gem from Chapter 8:
* Butt Monkey: Nyx, Stonewall, and Scootaloo.
* Card-Carrying Villain: Spell Nexus.
* Catch Phrase: Midnight's "Too easy."
* RLYoshi often says "Next time on Ponyball Z!" after several questions have been asked in a row.
* Character Shilling: Nyx's popularity is lampshaded repeatedly.
* Clark Kenting: Nyx's glasses and disguise.
* Creepy Crossdresser: Spell Nexus may be a pathetic villain, but he is fabulous.
* Deadpan Snarker: Just about all of the riffers.
* Didn't Think This Through: The resurrection ceremony and Twilight's decision to hide Nyx.
* Disproportionate Retribution: Celestia banishes ponies to the moon for mundane reasons.
* When Celestia crashes the resurrection ceremony, she uses her magic to brush the cloud cover away "like froth from a cup of hot cocoa."
* Drinking Game: Take a shot every time "Nightmare Moon" shows up, and you'll be under the table in no time.
* Evil Minions: Night Wind, Gray Gale, and Stonewall.
* Evil Smells Bad: When Twilight returns to the library with Nyx, then asks her to get off her back so she can take a bath:
* Evil Plan: Which is laughable at best.
* Eye Scream: When it's mentioned how Twilight is going to apply the same illusion spell used on Nyx's glasses directly onto Rainbow Dash's eyes, the obvious is pointed out:
* Failed a Spot Check: Spike, who somehow didn't see Twilight carrying Nyx when she returned from the Everfree Forest.
* Fantastic Racism: Towards Earth ponies and Zebras.
* Foreshadowing: The lack of subtlety is pointed out numerous times.
* 419 Scam: When Nyx's black coat is first described.
* Genius Book Club: Any respectable library has the works of Horizontal Surface.
* Genre Blindness: All of the characters.
* Genre Savvy: All of the riffers. Several tropes are mentioned by name as well.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Nyx has ticks, Nyx has ticks, Nyx has ticks.
* Good Thing You Can Heal: Not in the fanfic itself, but when it's brought up how Nightmare Moon's armor feels uncomfortable in chapter 12, a comment RLYoshi makes apparently causes Crazy56U to die of an aneurysm ... only to regenerate immediately after.
* Grammar Nazi: The riffers, but only to the point of making fun of the mistakes.
* Idiot Ball: Brought up frequently.
* Idiot Plot: Also brought up.
* I'm Standing Right Here: During the scene where Nyx prepares to reveal her wings to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Crazy56U begins counting how much more uncomfortable things are getting . When he misses one point:
* I Need a Freaking Drink: Wild Trotter's response to the end of Chapter 12.
* Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Spell Nexus.
* It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time: Twilight knowingly witholds Nyx's identity from the authorities for no logical reason whatsoever.
* Just Between You and Me: Lampshaded when Nexus explains his scheme to Twilight.
* Just Eat Gilligan: The riffers point out how quickly and easily everything could have been resolved if Twilight wasn't constantly holding the Idiot Ball.
* Large Ham: All of the riffers.
* Lethal Chef: When the resurrection bowl starts billowing black smoke, Spell Nexus is left without any Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Everyone blames Sweetie Belle.
* Mathematician's Answer: When posed with the question "How does a queen work?", Crazy56U decides to consult an expert. The answer he gets from his (Russian) Magic 8-Ball is "Как мне кажется, да." Or, "As I see it, yes."
* Mary Sue Tropes: Nyx's characterization is lampshaded repeatedly.
* Misery Builds Character: Nyx's first day of school.
* Mood Whiplash: The riffers tend to be sarcastic and funny, but occasionally they'll get more serious for whatever reason.
* Mythology Gag: Lampshaded whenever a reference to an episode is shoehorned in. Also when Bastion Yorsets is introduced.
* Non Sequitur Thud: After Crazy56U runs into a wall after attempting to escape in Chapter 8:
* My Friends and Zoidberg: The Cutie Mark Crusaders. And Nyx.
* Noodle Implements: The ingredients for the resurrection spell.
* Noodle Incident: Midnight's explanation of why Spell Nexus has only one sister.
* No OSHA Compliance: The Children of Nightmare used a fire-based resurrection spell in the middle of a forest.
* Not So Omniscient After All: Despite being a goddess, Celestia still can't figure out what the cultists were doing... even though Nexus explained it to her prized student beforehand.
* Obstructive Bureaucrat: Tonight we, the Children of Nightmare, shall see our queen given life, blood, and a form of her own.
* Overly Long Gag: The riffers' responses to the intro.
* Perfectly Cromulent Word: Harrowing.
* Paper-Thin Disguise: Nyx's glasses and vest, which also double for a Velma cosplay costume.
* Plot Coupon: Twilight's bag of books.
* Plot-Sensitive Snooping Skills: Celestia and her security forces can't figure out what the cultists were doing...despite Spell Nexus having told Twilight exactly what they're planning.
* Protagonist-Centered Morality: Twilight's ridiculous devotion to Nyx outweighs her common sense.
* Purple Prose: Lampshaded when the bowl and armor in the resurrection spell are "wrapped in crimson flames."
* Put on a Bus: Pen Stroke, who riffed in Part 1, is absent during parts 2 and 3.
* The Quiet One: Compared to parts 2 and 3, Crazy56U was practically silent in part 1.
* Remember the New Guy?: Some riffers don't start making comments until later chapters, but nobody brings up their sudden arrival. Justified, as sometimes riffers don't show up until some of the earlier chapters have been closed from more comments, so they have to start at later chapters.
* For example, Wild Trotter showed up to riff on chapters 9 through 13, thinking that the first eight chapters were boring.
* Running Gag:
* Spell Nexus's fashion sense, particularly his love of hoof polish.
* Spell Nexus's real name is Epic Failure.
* Stonewall is routinely blamed for forgetting something.
* Luna's obsession with her abacus.
* The Common Kinks of Equestria, including bondage and holding breaths.
* Anytime there's a FLASH, the riffers start singing lyrics from Queen's Flash Gordon theme.
* The overuse of the color turquoise.
* The constant, grating comparisons to Nightmare Moon.
* Ponies are either suffering from Skewed Priorities Syndrome or Common Sense Syndrome.
* Rarity really likes Nyx's coat...as material for her next dress.
* Zebras and Earth ponies are considered second-class citizens.
* Anything involving Twilight, magic, and other ponies has something to do with cacti.
* Any respectable library includes the works of Horizontal Surface.
* Nyx really does have ticks.
* The responses to the Questions, Comments, Concerns? lines.
* Numerous attempts to end the story prematurely.
* Nobody likes Scootaloo.
* Getting annoyed at how often the fic references the original show.
* Crazy56U referencing Atop the Fourth Wall.
* Bringing up how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stole cookies, and how terrible it was.
* Sarcasm Mode: All of the riffers run on it. Especially when Twilight has to return to the Everfree Forest:
* At the end of Chapter 10, after Nyx has been turned into Nightmare Moon by the cult Celestia trusted:
* School Play: The Reunion of the Royal Pony Sisters is still around, and it gets thoroughly mocked for its unoriginality.
* Self-Deprecation: Pen Stroke, the author of Past Sins, not only volunteered his work to be riffed, but he joins in as well.
* Sequel Hook: Invoked by Crazy56U in Chapter 13 (the last chapter of the original edit) by mentioning Past Sin's fan sequel.
* Serious Business: Recess and Pinkie's parties.
* Song quoting:
* Show Within a Show: The works of Horizontal Surface.
* Sixth Ranger: All of the readers from Equestria Daily who joined up with the established /fic/ group.
* And Wild Trotter.
* Skewed Priorities: Many of the ponies suffer from Skewed Priorities Syndrome.
* Squishy Wizard: When Celestia interrupts the resurrection ceremony, Spell Nexus attempts to take her down single-handedly...and gets knocked out and dragged to safety by his underlings.
* Streisand Effect: How the Children of Nightmare attempt to keep their summoning ritual a secret.
* Stupid Evil: Spell Nexus.
* Sucky School: Ponyville Elementary.
* Take That: Whenever the plot is mentioned.
* "Rarity!" Twilight half shouted.
* There's also a reference to The Conversion Bureau, a series of fanfics that the /fic/ MST group riffed before Past Sins.
* Interestingly enough, there's one delivered to coffee.
* Lest we forget THIS gem from Chapter 12:
* Near the end of Chapter 10, Crazy56U has the following to say... about one of the riff's own running gags:
* From chapter 13:
* This Is Gonna Suck: When Rarity gets an iiiiiddddddeeeaaaa~!
* In chapter twelve, the part where Twilight apologizes to Nightmare Moon.
* Time Travel Tense Trouble: Lampshaded whenever the unedited tenses get mixed up.
* Too Dumb to Live: Spell Nexus attempts to take on Princess Celestia after the botched resurrection.
* Took a Level In Dumbass: Nearly all the characters, but Twilight especially.
* Tradesnark: When Nyx is first mentioned by name, she's given a ™ symbol afterward.
* Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Played for Laughs when Twilight insists that she's okay despite having been kidnapped.
* Viewers Are Geniuses: While the riffers are instructed to stay away from anything too obscure, there are a few good ones regarding The American Civil War and the Stonewall Riots.
* In Chapter 10: "They've obviously never heard of Jonestown."
* Don't forget programming.
* Violation of Common Sense: It's so frequent that any character who does show a hint of logic is proclaimed a victim of Common Sense Syndrome.
* Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: All over the place. Given that the version of the story being riffed is unedited, it's expected.
* What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Lampshaded when Twilight heads back into the Everfree Forest, stating that she knows how to keep herself out of trouble.
* What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: After Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trick Nyx into exploring the Everfree Forest, they steal some cookies.
* What the Hell, Hero?: Pretty much any time Twilight does something foolish.
* And when Spike is bribed into not revealing Nyx to Celestia.
* When it's revealed that Celestia planned on killing Nyx if it turned out she's Nightmare Moon.
* Not to mention this bit (albeit played for laughs):
* Written Sound Effect: KRAC-CROOO-OOOM! is either lightning or the Polish Nightmare Moon.
* Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: When Celestia's labored breath is brought up:
* Your Head Asplode: Happens to Svensvenderson when he gets confused.