| - Instead of our current system, which could allow anyone to pass a promote or other request by simply asking 4 people to vote as soon as the request was posted, I propose that we change the system in the following way: The request remains up for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the total number of votes are counted (with support being +1, and oppose being -1, as normal). If support has a majority, then the request is passed; likewise, if oppose has a majority, the request is denied. If there is a draw, the request is denied. This would also entail the removal of the Neutral vote. - Dragonfree97 [talk] 16:10, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: Excellent idea. It's now useless to have 4 people on your side at the time of voting. ~HOA (talk) 16:31, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: I thought this was how it always was.. so what system are we gonna use for this voting? ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) hi xd im boredxddd memes doge memes dog dog wuf wuf I support Cloud' (talk) 16:36, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Comment.png Comment: Let's go with the old system to show how stupid it is - Dragonfree97 [talk] 16:40, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: NetTouhouFan 17:01, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: I thought this is how it was in the first place, oh well i guess i might as well support - BlueeCookie (talk) 17:06, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: MangoKiwi (talk) 17:20, June 27, 2014 (UTC)OoMango File:Support.png Support: Smashing!!! ~ Catty, the one and only ^-^ (Talk) 20:38, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: L0laStarr ≧^◡^≦ (Talk) 22:14, June 27, 2014 (UTC) File:Neutral.png Neutral: I think a system similar to this one would be more reliable. Fang (Talk) 02:42, July 2, 2014 (UTC) File:Comment.png Comment: requiring a supermajority huh.. that's probably better you're right fang - Dragonfree97 [talk] 15:33, July 2, 2014 (UTC) File:Support.png Support: My reasons for supporting have already been said by others. KittycatloverOh yeah 00:28, July 6, 2014 (UTC) Result: support