The Vampire Lady, also known as the Succubus or VampLady, is an enemy from Final Fantasy II. She is a very strong undead enemy with quite a few tricks up her sleeve and can be quite hard to beat, even at the moments they are supposed to be fought. Their physical attacks drain HP and they are resistant to every element except for Fire. They can also turn your heroes against each other with the Charm IX spell, put the party to sleep with Sleep XVI, and can inflict Ice-elemental damage with the Blizzard XII spell. The payout for defeating these difficult creatures is, thankfully, quite large. Also, since the Vampire Lady is undead, attacking her with the Blood Sword will heal her and damage the player.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Vampire Lady, also known as the Succubus or VampLady, is an enemy from Final Fantasy II. She is a very strong undead enemy with quite a few tricks up her sleeve and can be quite hard to beat, even at the moments they are supposed to be fought. Their physical attacks drain HP and they are resistant to every element except for Fire. They can also turn your heroes against each other with the Charm IX spell, put the party to sleep with Sleep XVI, and can inflict Ice-elemental damage with the Blizzard XII spell. The payout for defeating these difficult creatures is, thankfully, quite large. Also, since the Vampire Lady is undead, attacking her with the Blood Sword will heal her and damage the player.
- —Book of Prophecy
* Weakness: Projectile
* Resist: Sword, Hammer
* Pages: 181-182
* Original Title: Light Vampire Lady
* Original Codes: Light x4, Fame x3
* Mental Map Upgrade Gains: None/2nd upgrade/4x4
* Depths of the Ice Cavern 8
* Relneia Marsh 12
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GBA Death
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fr name
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es lore
| - Cuando esta carta inflige daño de batalla a tu adversario: declara 1 tipo de carta ; tu adversario manda al Cementerio, desde su Deck, 1 carta de ese tipo.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - このカードが相手プレイヤーに戦闘ダメージを与える度に、カードの種類(モンスター、魔法、罠)を宣言する。相手はデッキからその種類のカード1枚を選択して墓地に送る。
it lore
| - Quando questa carta infligge danno da combattimento al tuo avversario: dichiara 1 tipo di carta ; il tuo avversario manda 1 carta di quel tipo dal suo Deck al Cimitero.
pt name
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GBA Location
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| - When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: Declare 1 card type ; your opponent sends 1 card of that type from their Deck to the Graveyard.
pt lore
| - Quando este card causar dano de batalha ao seu oponente: declare 1 tipo de card ; seu oponente envia 1 card desse tipo do Deck dele para o Cemitério.
it name
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PSP Location
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PSP image
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ko lore
| - 이 카드가 상대 플레이어에게 전투 데미지를 줄 때마다, 카드의 종류를 선언한다, 상대는 덱에서 그 종류의 카드 1장을 선택하고 묘지로 보낸다.
de lore
| - Wenn diese Karte deinem Gegner Kampfschaden zufügt: Benenne 1 Kartentyp ; dein Gegner legt 1 Karte des benannten Typs von seinem Deck auf den Friedhof.
ko name
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de name
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es name
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wc6 sets
| - Ancient Sanctuary
Zombie Collection
Direct Damage Collection
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Lorsque cette carte inflige des dommages de combat à votre adversaire : déclarez 1 type de carte ; votre adversaire envoie 1 carte de ce type depuis son Deck au Cimetière.
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effect types
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database id
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PSP Abilities
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GBA Matter
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NES Poison
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PS Poison
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th name
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PS Accuracy
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DSOP Abilities
| - Blizzard XII, Charm IX, Sleep XVI
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PS Evasion
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PS Item Dropped
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NES Item Dropped
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NES Evasion
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GBA Rank
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NES Rank
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PS Rank
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NES Body
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PS Mind
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PS Body
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NES Mind
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zh name
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NES Death
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PS Death
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NES Matter
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PS Matter
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