| - Bennett ist ein Mensch des 25. Jahrhunderts. Er reiste an Bord des Raumschiffs UK-201 zum Planten Astra. Auf dem Weg dorthin ermordete er aus unbekannten Gründen einen Passagier und wurde gefangen gehalten. Als das Raumschiff auf dem Planten Dido abstürzt gelingt es Bennet sich zu befreien und alle überlebenden Passagiere bis auf Vicki Pallister zu ermorden. Diese wusste von all dem nichts und Bennett erklärte ihr, dass ein einheimisches Ungeheuer namens Koquillion die anderen ermordete. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Gegenspieler des Doctors Kategorie:Menschen (25. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Mörder Kategorie:Tot
- Bennett is a Lieutenant.
- Director Bennett es un personaje menor de la serie que hizo su debut en el episodio La Historia de Skips. Este fue el director de la Universidad Bennett en la cual, además de vigilar y controlar el establecimiento, exigía buen comportamiento y notas especialmente en Skips, para que no tenga que expulsarlo.
- Bennett is a human in Karazhan. He was supervisor and trainer of Karazhan guards before becoming enslaved as ghost in the tower. He is not hostile, and will remain friendly to adventurers. He can be found in the servant's quarters area, above Koren. His name is inspired probably by that of Jeff Bennett, a voice actor. The door to his quarters remains locked at all times.
- Bennett Laverdiere is a fictional character in the Regents Walk comic series. He is one third of the "Laverdiere Triplets", the first set of triplets born in Widow's Perch in twenty years; an event that made the back pages of the local newspaper. He is known for his typically calm demeanor and love of art and dance. He is one of the twelve Mains.
- Bennett is the hidden main antagonist in the 1985 action film Commando. He is portrayed by Vernon Wells, who also portrays Mr. Igoe.
- Bennett (Aaron Hill) is an ex-boyfriend of Tawni's due to Chad accidentally breaking-up with him for her in the episode "Chad Without a Chance".
- Bennett is labeled as The Playa in Total Drama Tokyo.
- Bennett was a CTU NY agent working with Cole Ortiz during Day 8. Bennett was a member of the field team with Cole Ortiz and Hansen when Brian Hastings told them to head to the garage where Vladimir Laitanan was located with Jack Bauer and Renee Walker. As they drove over, Ortiz told Hastings that Bennett would coordinate the investigation at the garage until the arrival of the full forensics team. When they arrived, they found Renee but there was no sign of Bauer, who had been kidnapped by Dimitri, Mikhail, and other Red Square men.
- Doktor Bennett var en manlig Tau'ri och var en civil doktor som arbetade i Stargate Command i en alternativ verklighet. Han är kort sett arbetar med ett projekt med alternativa Major Samantha Carter på ett experiment för att extrahera små mängder energi från tusentals alternativa verkligheter för att undvika de skadliga effekter som exotiska partiklar kan ha på någon av universum anslutna vid materia bron. På den exakta mikrosekund som Major Carter var att utnyttja Överstelöjtnant Samantha Carters universum, var Carter ur fas, och hon transporteras över ärendet bron tillsammans med hela innehållet i rummet innesluten i sitt labb styrka sköld transporterades över bron och in Major Carters verkligheten. I det ögonblicket som Carter höll på att dras in, Major Carter utrustning överbelastad oc
- At that moment that Carter was being drawn in, Major Carter's equipment overloaded and exploded, killing her and Dr. Bennett and leaving no trace of them behind. Carter shifted herself back from being out of phase, only to find that she and her equipment had replaced what was there before. (SG1: "The Road Not Taken")
- Bennett might refer to: People
* Bennett (Crewman), a crewmember on Enterprise NX-01
* Bennett (Ensign), an ensign serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D
* Bennett (Rear Admiral), a rear admiral in Starfleet JAG
* Yudi Bennett (Starfleet) Production staff and performers
* Brian Bennett, a stunt actor on ENT: "The Crossing"
* Fran Bennett, an actress on TNG: "Redemption II"
* Harve Bennett, executive producer and writer of Star Trek movies
* Jimmy Bennett, an actor on 2009's Star Trek
* J.J. Bennett, an actress on Star Trek: Enterprise
* John Lendale Bennett, stunt double, stand-in, and character actor on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
* Rina Bennett, an actress on Star Trek Generations
* Yudi Bennett, an assistant director Authors
* Christ