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- Therizinosaurus is famous for having the longest claws of any known animal.
- Therizinosaurus, also commonly dubbed The Giant Claw due to its scythe-like claws, was a species of herbivorous theropod dinosaur. Therizinosaurus was one of the last and largest representatives of its unique group, the Therizinosauria.
- Height. 15 feet Length. 26 feet
- Therizinosaurus is a dinosaur that only appears in Dino Crisis. Regina will only encounter them in the Facility B3 area.
- Therizinosaurus is a herbivorous theropod dinosaur from the late Campanian-early Maastrichian stages of the Late Cretaceous.
- Therizinosaurus is a genus of large vegetarian theropod with sickle-like front claws.
- Therizinosaurus is a very large theropod dinosaurs. Therizinosaurus is comprised of a single species, which had lived during the late Cretaceous Period.
- Therizinosaurus (signifiant « lézard à faux ») est un genre de dinosaure théropode de la famille des Therizinosauridae. Il a vécu au Crétacé supérieur, de -70 à -66 Ma, en Chine et en Mongolie. Il mesurait 5 mètres de haut, 9 mètres de long et pesait jusqu'à 6 tonnes. Therizinosaurus cheloniformis est la seule espèce connue, c'est l'espèce type du genre.
- Therizinosaurus (/ˌθɛrɪˌzɪnoʊˈsɔːrəs/; 'scythe lizard', from the Greek therizo meaning 'to reap' or 'to cut off' and sauros meaning 'lizard') is a genus of very large theropod dinosaurs.Therizinosaurus comprises the single species T. cheloniformis, which lived in the lateCretaceous Period (late Campanian-early Maastrichtian stages, around 70 million years ago), and was one of the last and largest representatives of its unique group, the Therizinosauria. Fossils of this species were first discovered in Mongolia and were originally thought to belong to a turtle-like reptile (hence the species name, T. cheloniformis – "turtle-formed"). It is known only from a few bones, including gigantic hand claws, from which it gets its name.
- thumb|240pxElemento: Secreto. Primera aparición: ( Ep. 28) Lugar donde se encontraba: En una demolición en Japón. Como se activó: El sol ilumino la carta cuando su luz choco con un vidrio de un edificio cercano. Quien lo obtuvo: Dr. Z (Gang alpha) cuando era pequeño y en adulto por Max (Team D). Movimientos: Giro garra, Garra navaja,Garra espiral. Dinosaurios derrotados por él: Técnicamente no fue derrotado, Ya que al caer de la contucción fue convertudo en carta
- Die Therizinosaurier sind bekannt für die riesigen Klauen an ihren Händen. Die größten Klauen, die bisher gefunden wurden, sind zwar unvollständig, lassen aber auf eine Länge von rund einem Meter schließen. Von Therizinosaurus wurde bislang noch kein Schädel gefunden, der über die Fressgewohnheiten des Tieres Aufschluss geben könnte, wahrscheinlich war er aber, wie die anderen Mitglieder der Therizinosauridae, ein Pflanzenfresser.
- Though the fossil remains of Therizinosaurus are incomplete, inferences can be made about their physical characteristics based on related therizinosaurids. Like other members of their family, Therizinosaurus probably had small skulls atop long necks, with bipedal gaits and heavy, deep, broad bodies (as evidenced by the wide pelvis of other therizinosaurids). Their forelimbs may have reached lengths of up to 2.5 metres (8 feet)[1] or even 3.5 metres (11 feet) in the largest known specimen.[2] Their hindlimbs ended in four weight-bearing toes, unlike other theropod groups, in which the first toe was reduced to a dewclaw. In 2010 Gregory S. Paul estimated the maximum size of Therizinosaurus at 10 metres (33 ft) in length and five tonnes in weight.[2] They are the largest therizinosaurs known,