| - Zuid-Oost Afrika | Zuid-Oost Afrika is an island nation on the island of Madagascar in South East Africa, (called Z.O.A. for short.) Though Madagascar as a nation no longer exists, the name is used for geographical reasons. The island is the fourth largest in the world, and is home to five percent of the world's plant and animal species, (recent attemps are being made to rescue endangered animals from the global south and protect them on Z.O.A. animal and nature reserves.)The nation itself was founded by Dutch merchant vessels seeking to find a suitable port for trade to India and Indoneasia. The adjective for Zuid-Oost Afrika is Zuid-Oost Afrikan, and the official national language is Dutch. Zuid-Oost Afrikans males are known to be tall, generaly around 192-193 (6'3), with light blonde ha
| - Zuid-Oost Afrika | Zuid-Oost Afrika is an island nation on the island of Madagascar in South East Africa, (called Z.O.A. for short.) Though Madagascar as a nation no longer exists, the name is used for geographical reasons. The island is the fourth largest in the world, and is home to five percent of the world's plant and animal species, (recent attemps are being made to rescue endangered animals from the global south and protect them on Z.O.A. animal and nature reserves.)The nation itself was founded by Dutch merchant vessels seeking to find a suitable port for trade to India and Indoneasia. The adjective for Zuid-Oost Afrika is Zuid-Oost Afrikan, and the official national language is Dutch. Zuid-Oost Afrikans males are known to be tall, generaly around 192-193 (6'3), with light blonde hair, (White blonde is not uncommon) and green eyes. Tan skin is also admired and flaunted by many Zuid-Oost Afrikans, as many beleive it shows that that person is active, whether in sports, in his job, or in his leisure.