| - *Required to start The Mighty Fall
- *Required to start Royal Trouble
*Slay basilisks
*Slay terror dogs
*Own a baby basilisk as a pet
*Receive the Expert daily challenge
- *Slay nechryael and mutated jadinko babies
*Wield abyssal vine whips
*Required to start The Light Within
*Receive the Expert daily challenge
*Pass the second barrier in the Adamant dragon dungeon
- *Slay desert strykewyrms
*One of the requirements for the Desert hard tasks
- *Slay dark beasts
*Slay edimmu
*The Assassin becomes available in a player-owned port
*Attempt Rush of Blood on silver difficulty
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn elite tasks
*Receive the Master daily challenge
*Pass the final barrier in the Adamant dragon dungeon
*Slay Acolytes of Seiryu
- *Required to start Desert Treasure
*Wear face masks
*Slay cave crawlers, as well as those found in Daemonheim
*Required to complete the Fremennik Province easy tasks
*Receive the Novice daily challenge
- *Receive Slayer assignments from Mazchna in Canifis
*Receive Slayer assignments from Vannaka in Edgeville Dungeon
*Receive Slayer assignments from Chaeldar in Zanaris
*Receive the Greenhorn daily challenge
*Ability to raise your Slayer level to 99
- *Use fishing explosive
*Slay mogres
*One of the requirements for the Falador hard tasks
- *Required to start Back to my Roots
*Slay the wild jade vine
*Required to complete the Ardougne hard tasks
- *Slay ganodermic runts, ganodermic beasts, and legiones
*Attempt Rush of Blood on gold difficulty
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn elite tasks
- *Slay nechryael and mutated jadinko babies
*Wield abyssal vine whips
*Required to start The Light Within
*Receive the Expert daily challenge
- *Required to start The Branches of Darkmeyer
*Slay automatons
- *Able to fight The Magister
- *Required to start Animal Magnetism
- *Required to start Fate of the Gods
- *Required to start Legacy of Seergaze
- *Slay Gladii, Rorarii, Scutarii and Capsarii
- *Slay Lava Strykewyrms
- *Slay airut
- *Slay airuts
- *Slay brine rats
- *Slay bulbous crawlers
- *Slay cave bugs
- *Slay cave horrors
- *Slay corrupted dust devils
- *Slay corrupted workers
- *Slay crocodile akh
- *Slay desert lizards
- *Slay feline akh
- *Slay gorilla akh
- *Slay grifolapines
- *Slay grifolapines and corrupted scorpions
- *Slay grifolaroos
- *Slay hydrix dragons
- *Slay jungle strykewyrms
- *Slay lava strykewyrms and corrupted lizards
- *Slay moss golems
- *Slay mutated jadinko guards
- *Slay mutated jadinko males
- *Slay mutated jadinko males and corrupted scarabs
- *Slay night spiders in Daemonheim
- *Slay onyx dragons
- *Slay salawa akh
- *Slay scarab akh
- *Slay seekers in Daemonheim
- *Slay spiritual mages
- *Slay spiritual warriors
- *Slay the Phoenix
- *Slay vinecrawlers
- *Use fungicide spray
*Slay mutated zygomites
- *Use slayer bells
*Slay molanisks
- *Wear earmuffs
*Slay banshees
- *Wield harpie bug lanterns
*Slay Harpie Bug Swarms
- *Required to start Slug Menace
*Slay pyrefiends, as well as those found in Daemonheim
*Receive the Journeyman daily challenge
- *Slay ice strykewyrms
*Required to complete the Fremennik Province elite tasks
- *Slay wyverns, ripper demons, camel warriors, and acheron mammoths
- *Required to start Rum Deal
*Wear slayer gloves
*Slay fever spiders
- *Slay Imperial mage akh, Imperial warrior akh and Imperial ranger akh
- *True skill mastery
*Buy and wear the Master slayer cape from Kuradal in the Ancient Cavern
- *Required to start The Path of Glouphrie
*Use crystal chimes
*Slay warped terrorbirds and warped tortoises
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn easy tasks
- *Slay dark beasts
*Slay edimmu
*The Assassin becomes available in a player-owned port
*Attempt Rush of Blood on silver difficulty
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn elite tasks
*Receive the Master daily challenge
- *Skill mastery
*Buy the Slayer cape and hood from Kuradal in the Ancient Cavern, and wear them
*Slay soulgazers in Daemonheim
*Own TzRek-Jad as a pet
*Attempt Rush of Blood on platinum difficulty
*Receive the Grand Master daily challenge
- *Slay rockslugs
*Receive the Apprentice daily challenge
- *Wield leaf-bladed spears and leaf-bladed swords
*Wield slayer staves
*Wield broad arrows and broad-tipped bolts
*Slay turoth
- *Slay gargoyles
*Receive Slayer assignments from Kuradal in the Ancient Cavern
- *Slay corrupted kalphite marauders and corrupted kalphite guardians
- *Slay spiritual rangers
*Slay spiritual guardians in Daemonheim
- *Slay ganodermic runts, ganodermic beasts, legiones and dragonstone dragons
*Attempt Rush of Blood on gold difficulty
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn elite tasks
- *Slay infernal mages
*Required to complete the Morytania medium tasks
- *Slay desert strykewyrms
*One of the requirements for the Desert elite tasks
- *Required to start A Clockwork Syringe
*Slay 'rum'-pumped crabs
- *Required to start The Curse of Arrav
*Wear insulated boots
*Slay killerwatts
- *Slay abyssal demons
*Own an abyssal minion as a pet
*Receive Slayer assignments from Morvran in Prifddinas
*Attempt Rush of Blood on bronze difficulty
*Required to complete the Morytania elite tasks
*Required to complete two of the Tirannwn hard tasks
- *Required to start Fur 'n' Seek
*Wield mirror shields
*Slay cockatrices
*Own a minitrice as a pet
- *Required to start Blood Runs Deep
*Slay dust devils
*One of the requirements for the Fremennik Province elite tasks
*One of the requirements for the Desert hard tasks
- *Wear dragon slayer gloves
*Slay kurask
*Own a baby kurask as a pet
*Receive 110,000 bonus experience after The World Wakes
*Receive the Veteran daily challenge
- *Slay jellies, as well as those found in Daemonheim
- *Slay aquanites
*Required to start The Lord of Vampyrium
- *Wear dragon slayer gloves
*Slay kurask
*Own a baby kurask as a pet
*Receive 110,000 bonus experience after The World Wakes
*Receive the Veteran daily challenge
*Pass the first barrier in the Adamant dragon dungeon
- *Slay crawling hands in Daemonheim
*Own a creeping hand as a pet
*Receive the Rookie daily challenge
- *Required to start Smoking Kills
*Wear witchwood icons
*Slay wall beasts
*Wear slayer helmets
*Wear full slayer helmets
*Receive Slayer assignments from Sumona in Pollnivneach
- *Slay cave slimes, as well as those found in Daemonheim
- *Skill mastery
*Buy the Slayer cape and hood from Kuradal in the Ancient Cavern, and wear them
*Slay soulgazers in Daemonheim
*Own TzRek-Jad as a pet
*Attempt Rush of Blood on platinum difficulty
*Receive the Grand Master daily challenge
*Start on your path to become your own Slayer Master by using the Slayer Codex
- *Slay Skeletal Wyverns
*Required to complete the Falador hard tasks
- *Slay bloodveld
*Receive Slayer assigments from Duradel in Shilo Village
*Required to compete the Karamja hard and elite tasks
*Receive the Killer daily challenge
- *Wear nose pegs
*Slay aberrant spectres
*Receive the Reaper daily challenge