| - Os Mon Calamari eram Humanoides nativos do planeta de Mon Cala. Eles eram uma espécie aquática e dividiam seu planeta com a espécie Quarren. Categoria:Esboços de raças e espécies
- [Source] Mon Calamari, aussi appelé Mon Cala ou Dac, était une planète aquatique des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure presque entièrement recouverte d'océans. C'était la planète d'origine des Quarrens et des Calamariens.
- Mon Calamari or Mon Cal for short, was an amphibious species from Dac. These fish-like species was known for their intellect and ability to bulid unique starships. On of the most well known Mon Cals was the Alliance hero, Admiral Ackbar
- Mon Calamari (known as Dac in Mon Calamarian and Quarrenese, and sometimes also called Calamari) was a planet in the Calamari system of the Calamari Sector, located in the Outer Rim. It was home to a wealth of sentient species: the Mon Calamari, the Quarren, the Moappa, the tree-like Yarin, the Amphi-Hydrus, and the Whaladons. Mon Calamari was the name given to the planet by Human explorers from the Galactic Republic who first discovered and revealed the world to the rest of the Galaxy. The native species referred to the planet as Dac. The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. It was home to 27.5 billion Mon Calamarians and Quarren, as well as surrounded by the impressive Mon Calamari Shipyards.
- The Mon Calamari, also known as Calamari, Calamarians, Mon Cal or Mon Calamarians, are one of the five known sapient species indigenous to the water planet of Dac, alongside the Quarren, the Moappa, the Whaladons, and the dreaded Amphi-Hydrus.
- Mon Calamari is the home planet of the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. It is located in the Tingel Arm which borders the Outer Rim. The planet orbits the large sun of Daca, the main star for the entire system. Mon Calamari is the name given to the planet by humans. The native species both refer to the planet as Dac. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- Aquatic species that has naturally higher mental capacities. Because of this, many are known as great doctors throughout the galaxy.
- Mon Calamari waren gemiddeld 1,70 meter groot. Ze hadden vliezen tussen hun vingers en tenen die volledig aangepast waren aan leven in het water. Mon Calamari hadden grote hoofden met lange schedels met grote waterige ogen. Ze konden hun ogen onafhankelijk van elkaar gebruiken en veel meer details en lichtschakeringen zien dan bijvoorbeeld Mensen. Hun lichaam was hier en daar bezet met bepantsering. Dit was bijvoorbeeld het geval voor de voorarmen en de dijbenen. Hun huid was meestal gevlekt en zalmkleurig maar kon ook groen, rood, paars of blauw zijn. Mon Calamari uit de poolregio hadden een witte huid.
- The Mon Calamari are one of the staunchest supporters of the New Republic. First enslaved by the Empire, these once peaceful beings learned to make weapons and fight, and their assistance, especially in the form of battle cruisers, was essential to the defeat of the Empire. The Mon Calamari are land creatures, but water is essential to their culture. They are used to moist climates and find arid areas, such as deserts, uncomfortable and unnatural. They share their homeworld with the Quarren. The Emperor tried to make slaves of the Calamari; instead, he taught them war.
- The Mon Calamari were a species of fishy people, not to be confused with the Quarren or Selkath, from the Outer Rim waterworld of Dac. They were much cooler than those other aquatic species. The Mon Cals, as they were affectionately known, were fried and eaten by Trandoshans, a practice many found barbaric but tasty. A general guideline was that Mon Calamari were altruistic, peaceful fish-headed hippies, while the Quarren were evil, selfish, squid-headed bastards. This led the Mon Calamari to win most arguments or battles with the Quarren.
- The Mon Calamari organized the Dac into a representative democratic state governed by both a Council of both Calamari and Quarren. In addition during the Clone Wars period the Calamari had a king who ruled the planet Dac creating a kind of planetary constitutional monarchy. After the assassination of the 82nd king of Dac, Yos Kolina, his son Lee-Char would ascend to throne in the aftermath of the Second Battle of Mon Calamari.
- Mon calamarit asuivat mukavasti sekä veden pinnalla että sen alla samaan aikaan, kun kvarrenit asuttivat merien syvänteitä. Jättimäiset whaladonit eivät sekaantuneet hallinnallisiin asioihin vaan uiskentelivat altaissaan, minkä lisäksi niitä suojeltiin metsästykseltä lailla. 4 500 BBY kvarrenit kävivät sotaan mon calamareja vastaan, mutta mon calamarit voittivat, minkä seurauksena kvarrenit vähentyivät lähes sukupuuttoon. Mon calamarit kasvattivat seuraavan kvarrenien sukupolven omien tapojensa mukaan opettaen näitä arvostamaan mon calamarien hyveitä.
- The Mon Calamari are fish-like cretures who share their planet with the Quarren. In the Clone Wars their king is murdered which breaks the two kinds up and starts a cival war. With the Republic backing up the Mon Calamari and the Separatists leading the Quarren the clones are soon overrun and the prince, Padmé, Anakin, Ahsoka, Kit Fisto and their few clones flee. Riff Tamson, a Separatist leader, orders the ship the troops came in to blow. Later the Jedi council sends the most unlikely army to help the survivors. Jar Jar and the Gungan. The following battle the Separatist/Quarren army took the Gungans and clones to a camp. Ahsoka and the prince escaped the battle before the capture but get captured later the Quarren then decide to help. The prince was going to be executed publicly until th
- I Mon Calamari erano simili a pesci umanoidi con la testa a cupola, le mani palmate e dotate di 3 ventose, e gli occhi grandi e laterali, capaci di muoversi in modo indipendente l'uno dall'altro. I membri di questa specie erano alti tra 1.30-1.80 metri e in genere avevano la pelle liscia, di color salmone, occasionalmente chiazzata. I maschi Mon Calamari avevano sul mento delle piccole sporgenze organiche che si allungavano con l'età.
- Homeworld: Dac Description: The Mon Calamari are an amphibious race from the planet Dac (The planet is called Mon Calamari by humans). They are humanoid, about 1.7m tall, with a salmon coloured skin(though they come in many other colors as well, including blue, dark blue, green, and purple) and a squid-like, domed head with googly eyes. They are shore dwellers, but like to be close to water, and can breath under water if necessary, being able to descend to depths of 30 or so meters without equipment. They share their home planet with the Quarren. Their name, a reference to calamari, is a reference to their squid-like appearance.