- Crystals are found in the world that are used for ingredients for Juju Potions. Crystals come in many colors and s. However, the crystals themselves are not used, so their deposits must be broken and the pieces are collected. Crystal Deposits can either be a small rock with large crystals protruding, be a big rock full of small crystals, or can be pearly. Crystals are found in the most excess in Skyrock Crater, which is probably due to the asteroid that landed years back. Crystals are also common in the Dream World by finding plants, giving crystals a pearly texture.
- Crystals are a type of item in Dark Cloud 2. They are used during weapon Synthesis to increase weapon stats. They're also used to create Inventions. The elemental Crystals are visually identical to the Attachment items used in Dark Cloud.
- As a golem, the companion Shale is unable to use ordinary armor and weapons, instead using an assortment of crystals. If the Warden asks Shale about the crystals, Shale will explain that the crystals bestow the ability to alter the flow of surrounding magic. According to Shale, the use of these augmentation crystals was an art practiced when golems were more commonplace. Shale's crystals come in two distinct sizes: Large Crystals, which act as armor and appear on Shale's shoulders and feet; and Small Crystals which act as weapons and appear on Shale's fists.
- Crystals each have their own signature type of energy that they store and resonate with. These can be placed around the house to let the energy flow out or set up into crystal grids. It is also believed that crystals have healing powers attributed to them.
- Crystals are the in-game virtual currency in Tanki Online. Crystals are used to buy items from the garage - hulls, turrets, paints, modules, supplies, and passes, with the occasional surprise item, often associated with holidays or special days in the game. Crystals can be earned and received in many different ways:
- Crystals are used to power just about every mechanical device and weapon found in Storm Hawks. One crystal type or another is required to power Airships and Skimmers, and crystals for weapons come in a wide variety of forms, each providing different effects. All crystals begin as raw stone, but are refined into usable forms.
- Crystal is a type of item in Atlantica Online. This should not be confused with an actual item named Crystal, which is of type . Crystals and Jewels are both items of type Crystal. Many crystals can be crafted. Some cannot.
- Crystals are the source of mana from which the entirity of gameplay mechanics are based upon. Mana stored in the crystal is mined by familiars after they built up a Sanctuary around it. It can be destroyed by enemy troops to cut off mana supply. It is possible for Crystals to be depleted. Although normally this is not a problem as battles don't typically last long, this fact should still be kept in mind in long battles where the player is required to hold off attackers for 30 minutes, or should the player carelessly use their mana up, they may find themselves wanting.
- REDIRECT Crystal
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- Items in Marvel: Contest of Champions are primarily gained from Crystals and Crystals are the main way of acquiring new champions. Crystals are gained from a mixture of missions and purchasing from the crystal vault via various in-game currencies.
- Rock Monsters eat crystals which generate kinetic energy. There are 5 types of crystals: blue, red, orange, light green, and dark green.
- Although Platformer and Shooter game crystals are practically the same, the way the area in which they are meant to be placed are completely different. In shooter, crystals lag more in the creator if multiple amounts are added, and they must be placed inside the battlefield area or else the crystal is prohibited to be placed in that certain spot.
- Crystals are said to be first density life forms. They can be used for “meditation, quantum touch healing and reiki, as well as for” clearing and balancing the chakras.” Crystals8.jpg Crystals7.jpg Crystals6.jpg Crystals5.jpg Crystals4.jpg Crystals3.jpg Crystals2.jpg Crystals1.jpg
- There is no constant number of crystals in the levels, apart from in Guardian levels, where there are always 50 (apart from Secret Sentinel; there are only 8). If Croc collects 100 crystals, he gains an extra life. Baron Dante's evil powers appear to stem from the crystals. At the very end of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, provided you have collected everything and unlocked all of the game's secrets, you get to fight Baron Dante's final form, Crystal Dante, who is not only made out of crystal, but explodes into dozens of smaller crystals when defeated. Croc takes one as a souvenir, and it is probably for this reason that Baron Dante is missing his right eye, and wears an eye-patch in Croc 2.
- Crystal can refer to either Gems or Crystal Deposit
- The crystals are required to unlock new realms in Dark Legacy.
- Crystals (結晶, Kesshō?) in Sword Art Online are considered to be one of the most convenient types of items and the closest thing to magic in Aincrad. Most crystals can be obtained through certain NPC shops, except for the Corridor Crystal. Corridor crystals are the rarest of all crystals, and are only obtainable by trading with other players, or from killing monsters or obtaining them from a treasure chest.
- Crystals are items exclusive to Fire Emblem Heroes. They are used to level up allies with level 20 or higher.
- Jareth offered such crystals as gifts to those he desired. The last crystal he would ever posess was offered to Sarah. The crystal popped like a bubble when she remembered the magic words that would bring Jareth to his end. The crystal ball manipulation in the film was choreographed and performed by Michael Moschen.
- Crystal is a limited edition crop available on FarmVille, released as a part of the GagaVille Event. They are available at level 1 and cost , giving File:XP-icon.png experience when planted. It takes 1 day to mature and they can be harvested for . It was re-released on December 15th, 2012 as part of Vintage Holiday Event.
- The Crystals update was introduced on the 20th of January, 2015. It introduced five new crystals which could be found using the Geiger Counter: the Green Crystal, the Red Crystal, the Blue Crystal, the White Crystal and the Black Crystal. These crystals could be harmonized together to make new items.
- Touching certain colors together can produce special behaviors, for example the red/green, red/yellow, and blue/green combinations. It is hinted in "Downstream" that blue crystals might be radioactive, or at least chemically toxic (Jefferson Davis Collie III tells the Marshalls that handling them will make them sick). Enik is able to configure the destination of Dimensional gateway using tables containing arrangements of these crystals. Their most common colors are red, blue, yellow, and green, though other rarer colors, such as white.
- Crystals vibrate to at different frequencies to enhance healing. Quartz crystals have excellent healing properties. Quartz also has the ability to transform an imbalanced energy field. When you feel stressed the crystal can balance your energies and revitalize you. Small quartz crystals left in water will ionize the water and is a good drink for healing. You can use crystals yourself to heal or find a qualified healer. Most crystal healing is guided to the healer by Spirit who will tell the healer which crystals will be most effective and the patterns the crystals should be placed on or around the person's body. The length of time used with the crystals will vary with each patient and healer. The healer must determine the person's frequency and attune it to the crystals that will create he
- Crystals are a key element in the design and function of the Christa. Initially, all of the controls seen on the Christa are crystals: as the controls in the Command Post, at the Power Junction, in the Engine Room, and elsewhere. Eventually the crew (or the ship herself) changes some of these objects to make them more manageable for the people using them. Thelma is powered on by a small diamond-cut crystal that fits into a notch on her upper forehead. It also serves as a memory chip. Harlan finds Thelma's memory crystal when he steps on it; the resulting cracks damage her memory.