| - Q: Are they really nerfing runes? A: No. It was planned as a major feature of this update. However, on 13th of July, CipSoft decided against this change. Hello dear testers!I’m sorry you had to wait so long for a proper answer, but now I’ve got news regarding the adjustment of rune and ammunition damage.After we discussed your feedback as well as the topic per se internally, we came to a final conclusion.We won’t release this feature as a part of this summer update.However, it's not sure if we take it out of our test worlds today or in the course of this week. So please don’t wonder about the rune and ammo damage in here. It won’t come to life on regular gaming worlds.As you already pointed out, there are many things which require more work in order to release this as a satisfactory fea
| - Q: Are they really nerfing runes? A: No. It was planned as a major feature of this update. However, on 13th of July, CipSoft decided against this change. Hello dear testers!I’m sorry you had to wait so long for a proper answer, but now I’ve got news regarding the adjustment of rune and ammunition damage.After we discussed your feedback as well as the topic per se internally, we came to a final conclusion.We won’t release this feature as a part of this summer update.However, it's not sure if we take it out of our test worlds today or in the course of this week. So please don’t wonder about the rune and ammo damage in here. It won’t come to life on regular gaming worlds.As you already pointed out, there are many things which require more work in order to release this as a satisfactory feature.We want to properly address the concerns and ideas you brought up within this topic, perhaps also via preview states on Aurora and Aurera. But please note there are no precise plans yet regarding if and when we will take on this project. We will let you know in advance if any news rises up in that field of work.Again, thank you a lot for all your engagement and your feedback. It was (and is) very valuable.Cheers,Evonary Q: What changes have been made to loot of existing creatures? A:
* Elder Bonelord: now drops Bonelord Eyes
* Retching Horror: addition of rare items?
* Choking Fear: addition of rare items?
* Corym Vanguard: ?
* Corym Skirmisher: ?
* Corym Charlatan: ?
* Wild Warrior: ?
* Orc Berserker: ?
* Lizard Sentinel: ?
* Kongra: ?
* Werewolf: now drops Werewolf Fangs
* Ancient Scarab: now drops Springsprout Rods
* Water Elemental: ?
* Massive Water Elemental: ?
* Waspoid: ? Q: How should I prepare myself for this update? A:
* Red Piece of Cloth will likely go down in price thanks to the new Hero Fortress. Sell them if you can.
* Bonelord Eye will likely go down in price thanks to the new Bonelord Cave. Elder Bonelords now drop eyes as well. Sell them if you can.
* Premium Scrolls will be removed from the game, converted into Tibia Coins. It might be a good idea to sell them now, but perhaps not. Q: What new hunting grounds are available for high levels? A:
* The Nightmare Isles which contains typical Upper Roshamuul creatures,
* Grimvale with new were-beasts
* Asura Palace with new Asuras
* Medusa Tower with medusae and other miscellaneous creatures. Q: What new hunting grounds are available for low levels? A: A lot more tasking dungeons. Although there are a lot of dungeons aimed at low levels, this list contains the few good ones:
* The Spider Caves offers another great opportunity for Tarantula taskers.
* Terramite Breeding Tunnels for Terramite tasks.
* Meriana Gargoyle Cave has a great range of tasking creatures.