| - Before Garrosh Hellscream, former Warchief of the Horde, came from alternate Azeroth and changed the timeline, Kargath Bladefist was raised a slave to the Ogres of Gorian Empire. Imprisoned within the depths of Highmaul, Kargath strived to earn his freedom, in which turned him into a gladiator in the Highmaul arena. In order to earn his freedom, he had to take 100 orc lives. This moment marked the birth of the Shattered Hand clan.
| - Before Garrosh Hellscream, former Warchief of the Horde, came from alternate Azeroth and changed the timeline, Kargath Bladefist was raised a slave to the Ogres of Gorian Empire. Imprisoned within the depths of Highmaul, Kargath strived to earn his freedom, in which turned him into a gladiator in the Highmaul arena. In order to earn his freedom, he had to take 100 orc lives. After winning by defeating all the orc opponents, Kargath was ready to leave Highmaul, but he soon discovered that he was deceived and was thrown in a dungeon beneath the arena. Angered that he was lied to, Kargath was willing to free himself rather than been used as a pet and champion to the ogres. For days, he finally managed to sever his hand, which was bound by shackles. Free from his imprisonment, Kargath looked at many of the other orc slaves. Throwing the rock, all the orc prisoners followed Kargath in his uprising against the ogres and helped him slay the Emperor. Kargath showed the severed head of the emperor to his followers, and they raised their severed hands, armed with blades, cheering at him. This moment marked the birth of the Shattered Hand clan. Now, he leads an army of sadists simply by being the most hate-filled orc to ever attach a scythe to the stump of his severed wrist. Initiates of Kargath’s clan emulate their chieftain’s vicious body modification, but it’s only the first of many opportunities for new scars, both on their own bodies and in the sculpting clay of their foes’ flesh.