| - Tatsumaki (タツマキ, Tatsumaki), also known as Tornado of Terror (戦慄のタツマキ, Senritsu no Tatsumaki), is a S-Class Rank 2, superhero, an esper and the older sister of Fubuki.
- The Tatsumaki (竜巻 Tatsumaki, Tornado) is Kamen Rider Ibuki's Rider Machine.
- Tatsumaki (竜巻竜巻 lit. Tornado) is a Zanjutsu technique.
- Tatsumaki est un mage de la guilde noire Circles of Nightmares.
- Tatsumaki is an light blue long katana with a flower shaped hilt,it gained its name by blowing away a whirlwind while still sheated.It is owned and used by Ryusen Shisu
- The practitioner jumps and, while in the air, rotates his or her legs, kicking the opponent 1~3 times depending on button pressed. It is usually performed by moving the joystick or D-pad a quarter circle backwards the opponent from the down position, then pressing a kick button. The Tatsumaki, in some games, will lift the user high enough to fly over projectiles, such as the Hadoken, Sonic Boom, Soul Spark and Yoga Fire.