| - | image = Wp gcorp 800.jpg | image size = | name = G CORP | bgcolor = blue | leader = *Johnny K. Gambino (former)
* Edmund (assumed current)
* Gino Gambino (undefined) | member = *LabTechs | founder = *Johnny K. Gambino | headquarters = G-Corp | alias = *G-corp
* Gambino Corporation | established = 1999s | introduced = October 18, 2004 | dissolution = Undefined | event = *Halloween 2k4
* April Fools 2k5
* Halloween 2k5
* Halloween 2k7 | mentioned = | intent = Conducting experiments that will change the world forever | purpose = Making a difference, by whatever means necessary | affiliation = *Isle de Gambino | rival = | enemy = }} G CORP is a mysterious organization, known to be the world's largest manufacturer of biological medicines and advanced technology, it was owned by none other than the late Johnny K. Gambino. The organization included many Labrotory Technicians of great variety in social patterns, work ethics, and moods. The events that were described in the journals found throughout the guild were extremely odd and shrouded in mystery. Up until Halloween, strange incidents occurred, including the death of LabTech013, the strange behavior of several LabTechs, and the many strange experiments conducted. A few LabTechs made efforts to escape from the impending danger that they sensed, yet failed.