MusTards is an adult animated series which airs on Toonport. It is created by TheRaisinGuy and developed by him, Ralf Hat, BeamOfSunlight, and Thatstuff. The concept follows Bobby, Ivan, and Packet, three college dropouts forced to work at a fast food delivery service, delivering food for a living to strange and sometimes terrifying customers. The series is well known for being the first spinoff series of Kitchen.
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| - MusTards is an adult animated series which airs on Toonport. It is created by TheRaisinGuy and developed by him, Ralf Hat, BeamOfSunlight, and Thatstuff. The concept follows Bobby, Ivan, and Packet, three college dropouts forced to work at a fast food delivery service, delivering food for a living to strange and sometimes terrifying customers. The series is well known for being the first spinoff series of Kitchen.
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| - MusTards is an adult animated series which airs on Toonport. It is created by TheRaisinGuy and developed by him, Ralf Hat, BeamOfSunlight, and Thatstuff. The concept follows Bobby, Ivan, and Packet, three college dropouts forced to work at a fast food delivery service, delivering food for a living to strange and sometimes terrifying customers. The series is well known for being the first spinoff series of Kitchen.