| - (Saul Bass-style opening credits roll.) (Scene opens on the Flynn-Fletcher house at sunset. POV tracking shot from someone walking. We hear footsteps as the camera walks toward the backyard fence. The cameraman opens the door to reveal Phineas and Ferb at work on something. Zoom in closer to Phineas.) Phineas: (gasps) (Cut to reveal Isabella at the gate.) Isabella: Whatcha doin'? Phineas: Oh, hi, Isabella. We were just building a polymer de-stabilizer for the binding catalyst of the— Isabella: That's great, Phineas. Listen, uh, there's something I wanna tell you. Phineas: Okay. Isabella: Uh, it's about this patch. Phineas: Oh, it's one of your accomplishment patches. Isabella: Yeah, but...it's an Emotional Bravery Patch that I can only earn by walking up to somebody I— Ferb: (clears his th
| - (Saul Bass-style opening credits roll.) (Scene opens on the Flynn-Fletcher house at sunset. POV tracking shot from someone walking. We hear footsteps as the camera walks toward the backyard fence. The cameraman opens the door to reveal Phineas and Ferb at work on something. Zoom in closer to Phineas.) Phineas: (gasps) (Cut to reveal Isabella at the gate.) Isabella: Whatcha doin'? Phineas: Oh, hi, Isabella. We were just building a polymer de-stabilizer for the binding catalyst of the— Isabella: That's great, Phineas. Listen, uh, there's something I wanna tell you. Phineas: Okay. Isabella: Uh, it's about this patch. Phineas: Oh, it's one of your accomplishment patches. Isabella: Yeah, but...it's an Emotional Bravery Patch that I can only earn by walking up to somebody I— Ferb: (clears his throat offscreen) Phineas: Nice, Ferb! You found the new power supply! Isabella: Um, Phineas? I, uh— (Enter Buford and Baljeet.) Buford: Hey, what's shakin', bacon? Baljeet: You do realize that bacon does not shake. Buford: Sir Francis Bacon? Baljeet: I stand corrected. Phineas: We're building a rubberization ray to give our skin rubber-like qualities. C'mon! We'll show you! Isabella: (sighs, to herself) So you see, Phineas, I can only earn the patch by walking up to someone I care about and telling them face-to-face that I've got a huge crush on you. (Cut to Phineas and the gang at the machine.) Phineas: Remember how much fun it was to bounce around the world on a rubber ball? Baljeet: If not a bit nauseating. Buford: That was the fun part! Phineas: So, how awesome would it be to actually be a rubber ball? Buford: I'm in! Can we shoot Perry with it and bounce him around the backyard like a plat-a-ball? Phineas: Um, no. But where is Perry? (Cut to Perry entering his lair through the air conditioner. He approaches the screen to see Monogram in a hot tub.) ♪ Doo be doo be doo bah ♪ ♪ Doo be doo be doo bah ♪ Major Monogram: Ah, Agent P, I see you found the new central air conditioning entrance. Perry: (Chatters angrily) Major Monogram: What? Oh, the hot tub. Purely therapeutic. The bubbles work wonders on a bad back. (The bubbles stop) Carl! Carl: (exhales) I'm a little lightheaded, sir. Can I take a break? Major Monogram: What am I not paying you for?! Carl: Yes, sir. (inhales) (The bubbles resume) Major Monogram: Anyhoo, today's the unveiling of Danville's new water tower. Mayor Doofenshmirtz is going to be dedicating it tonight at his press conference. We're fairly certain that Doof'll attempt to disrupt the event in some way. Not only is it high profile, but, since it's right next door to Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated, it's also extremely convenient. So get out there and stop him from doing whatever it is he is gonna... (the bubbles stop again) Carl! Bubbles! Carl: (offscreen) Yes, sir. (groans and faints) Major Monogram: Fine. You've got five minutes.