| - A ton of us EarthBound fans spammed this poll all over the board, trying to convince everyone (well... probably more honest to say we were trying to convince ourselves) EarthBound had a chance at pulling off an upset here. After all, EarthBound did VERY well in that VC poll, and we've seen LFF not matter in this contest as much as we initially thought it would. So even with two fellow SNES RPGs in the poll, maybe some act of God would allow EarthBound to get second place here. Not only did this not happen, EarthBound never even got the standard early lead it tends to enjoy in matches. Yoshi's Island jumped all over it early, and cruised to a second place finish. This was a rare contest match in that it was over 3 seconds after it began, and there's really not much to talk about. We all knew Chrono Trigger > Yoshi's Island would happen, but hyping up a miracle EarthBound upset was fun while it lasted. Even though Yoshi's Island scored an easy second place here, Chrono Trigger flat-out annihilated this poll. There was absolutely no reason to think Chrono Trigger was in trouble against Mario 64 after this match. None. After the first round, Chrono Trigger looked right at 2004 levels, possibly due to help from the DS release. This match also told us that GOTY polls, favorites polls and random polls like the VC poll are completely useless when trying to guess contest results for the real thing. We learned this for characters very quickly, but for some reason we like to latch onto those older polls for games. The quicker we pretend old polls don't exist for potential future game contests, the better.