| - Nate ist ein Intellektueller der andere dank seiner Forschung helfen möchte und auch einer, der dank seiner Empfindlichkeit immer falsche Entscheidungen trifft. Er beschreibt sich selber als einen "Wissenschaftler, der seinen Herzen folgt anstatt seinen Kopf". Das bringt ihn oft in Schwierigkeiten, doch er hat manchmal davon profitiert.
- thumb|Nate MorganNathaniel "Nate" Beauregard Morgan es un hombre mayor que Sonic y Tails se reunieron durante su búsqueda para derrotar Ixis Naugus.
- Nate was born in the Overlander (Mobius' term for Human) populated city of Megaopolis. Even at a young age, his genius showed. In his twenties, he became a scientist, part of an underground scientific project to create a reliable and environmentually friendly energy source that would bring Mobius into a new golden age. He quickly asended to the head of the project, which he took seriously. Years later, Nate succeeded his misson under the rule of King Maximilion, King Theodore's son. Nate created the power rings, which became the kingdom's main source of energy. Nate was deemed a hero.
- The exiled Nate made his way to Mobotropolis, where he befriended King Frederick Acorn. Becoming a member of the royal court of the Kingdom of Acorn, Nate helped the people revolutionize their technology through his Power Rings, which became Mobius' fifth element. However, wizard Ixis Naugus and Warlord Kodos conspired against Nate, framing him for the deaths of their fellow Mobians and forcing Nate to depart once again.
- He had black skin, black and white hair and brown eyes, and wore a green vest, red trousers, blue sneaker shoes, a white lab coat and glasses. Nate had a big role in the past of the House of Acorn, as he became the Minister of Science following his exile from the Overlanders, which was due to an explosion that his research in the field of renewable energy caused - though it might never have happened if not for his treacherous assistant, Julian Kintobor, who would one day become Dr. Robotnik. Making his way to the realm controlled by Sally Acorn's grandfather, the Overlander was surprisingly received warmly. He became a member of the royal court, and a second father figure to King Acorn. Nate discovered the method of successfully forging Power Rings by using the energy of a Chaos Emerald. T
| - Nate ist ein Intellektueller der andere dank seiner Forschung helfen möchte und auch einer, der dank seiner Empfindlichkeit immer falsche Entscheidungen trifft. Er beschreibt sich selber als einen "Wissenschaftler, der seinen Herzen folgt anstatt seinen Kopf". Das bringt ihn oft in Schwierigkeiten, doch er hat manchmal davon profitiert.
- thumb|Nate MorganNathaniel "Nate" Beauregard Morgan es un hombre mayor que Sonic y Tails se reunieron durante su búsqueda para derrotar Ixis Naugus.
- Nate was born in the Overlander (Mobius' term for Human) populated city of Megaopolis. Even at a young age, his genius showed. In his twenties, he became a scientist, part of an underground scientific project to create a reliable and environmentually friendly energy source that would bring Mobius into a new golden age. He quickly asended to the head of the project, which he took seriously. During one faithful day, the team were doing an unstable test run. Nate asked his assisstant, Julian Kintobor if he performed a safe check, who lied and said yes. Nate then made the mistake of starting a test run and causing a huge explosion. Nate was then brought to Megaopolis suprieme court, where he was found gulity of a endless list of crimes. Since no one was killed, the judge went easy on Nate and banished him from the Overlands (Overlander controlled terratory in Mobius). Nate then walked through the badlands, expecting to be killed by Mobians. Eventually, Nate came across a group of Mobians, King Theodore and his guards. The guards treated Nate the way he expected, with hostitlity. However, the King reached his hand in friendship. Nate then returned to Mobotropolis (Mobius' capital) and returned to his old position, but working for the Mobians. Years later, Nate succeeded his misson under the rule of King Maximilion, King Theodore's son. Nate created the power rings, which became the kingdom's main source of energy. Nate was deemed a hero. This wasn't the happy ending for Nate however. The Warlord at the time, Kodos, was extremely speciesist and hated Nate simply because he was an Overlander. He teamed up with the Royal Wizard, Ixis Naugus - who feared that Nate's science will replace his magic - to turn the kingdom against Nate. They then created a plan. Kodos, Ixis, Nate, and a few Mobian soldiers were on a picnic when ambushed by an Overlander gang (guided by Ixis' magic). The plan was to have Nate side with his own species, and then gave him arrested for treason. The plan backfired when Nate sided with the Mobians against the Overlander gang. After the fight, the Kodos, Ixis, and Nate were the only ones still alive. Unfortunetly, Kodos and Ixis had a "Plan B". When they came back to Mobotropolis, Kodos told King Maximillion that Nate sided with an Overlander gang against the Mobians. Nate denied Kodos' lies, but Ixis backed them up. King Maximillion, heart broken, believed Kodos. While not exiled, Nate left Mobotropolis believing that he was bad luck. Nate then moved to the Southern tip of Mobius where he befriended a cybornetic snowmonster named Eddy. For twenty years, Nate and Eddy lived in peace. However, Eddy eventually died. Nate couldn't continue living in the southern tip that reminded him of his late friend, so he moved back to Mobotropolis. As soon as he appeared, he was suprisingly welcomed. He found out that Ixis and Kodos eventually revealed themselves as traitors, and King Maximillion realized that Kodos was lying when he said Nate was a traitor.
- He had black skin, black and white hair and brown eyes, and wore a green vest, red trousers, blue sneaker shoes, a white lab coat and glasses. Nate had a big role in the past of the House of Acorn, as he became the Minister of Science following his exile from the Overlanders, which was due to an explosion that his research in the field of renewable energy caused - though it might never have happened if not for his treacherous assistant, Julian Kintobor, who would one day become Dr. Robotnik. Making his way to the realm controlled by Sally Acorn's grandfather, the Overlander was surprisingly received warmly. He became a member of the royal court, and a second father figure to King Acorn. Nate discovered the method of successfully forging Power Rings by using the energy of a Chaos Emerald. This led to the founding of Mobotropolis and the ascension of the Kingdom of Acorn to the level of a technological power, as well as Power Rings becoming Mobius' fifth element. Nate enjoyed many years of peace in Mobotropolis, which included teaching not only Sir Charles Hedgehog but his brother Jules. Unfortunately, Nate's presence didn't sit well with some of King Acorn's advisers, namely Ixis Naugus, who feared that Nate's science would replace his magic, and Warlord Kodos. After their efforts raised anti-Overlander sentiment thanks to an arranged battle between Mobians and Overlanders, Nate departed, disappearing until he was found by Sonic and Tails years later during their search for the renegade wizard. Nate stopped briefly along his road to yet another new life, dropping the Power Ring-Forge into a lake near Knothole Village, which as a result would continue to spout Power Rings in future years despite Nate's hopes that it would never be found. Eventually he wound up in the Southern Tundra, where he rescued and made friends with Eddy the Yeti, a mutant creature whom he healed with bionic implants. Together, the pair constructed a castle, where they lived in peace for many years-until Naugus arrived. Nate was fully aware of why Naugus had come for him: he wanted Nate's massive cache of Power Rings so he could gain control over all of Mobius' elements. In the ensuing battle, Nate achieved a measure of justice by sending his old enemy back to the Zone of Silence using a ring he kept hidden in his glasses. Unfortunately, the price was high, as Eddie died saving his friend, Sonic, and Tails from the collapsing castle. After Naugus' defeat was accomplished, Nate traveled with Sonic and Tails back to Mobotropolis, where it was revealed that he was an old friend of the royal family. When Dr. Eggman took his predecessor's place, Nate's expertise in science proved invaluable to the Freedom Fighters on many occasions. Nate was roboticized, causing him to become immobile, but not before he helped the Freedom Fighters and the Robians escape by deactivating Robotropolis' shields. Shortly afterwards, he appeared one last time after a series of reality shifts, explaining that it wasn't Robotnik; though even he didn't know that it was Chaos Knuckles behind everything. He was in Robotropolis during its destruction and likely perished.
- The exiled Nate made his way to Mobotropolis, where he befriended King Frederick Acorn. Becoming a member of the royal court of the Kingdom of Acorn, Nate helped the people revolutionize their technology through his Power Rings, which became Mobius' fifth element. However, wizard Ixis Naugus and Warlord Kodos conspired against Nate, framing him for the deaths of their fellow Mobians and forcing Nate to depart once again. He eventually settled in the Southern Tundra of Mobius with Eddy the Yeti, residing in a castle they had built together for years until Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower arrived in pursuit of Naugus. After the ensuing battle, Nate accompanied his new friends back to Knothole, where he became once again a faithful ally of the House of Acorn. In the end, Nate was among the Overlanders who were subjected to Roboticization by Dr. Eggman, and presumably perished in the nuclear bombardment on Robotropolis.