The colony operated freighters by 2370, one of them was destroyed by Cardassian colonists this year. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike" ) The settlement on Juhraya was built as a set on Paramount Stage 16. (Information from call sheets) According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", pp. 18-19; "Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), there was a star system named Juhraya, in which this planet might possibly have been located, in the Alpha Quadrant. This was a trinary system with a pair of F-class stars and a M-class star. According to a map of the Cardassian Union – prepared by an anonymous astrography clerk, from the Cardassian Central Archives, in 2364 – Juhraya was identified as a Cardassian system.
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- Juhraya
- Juhraya
- Juhraya
| - Juhraya je planeta na cardassijské straně Demilitarizované zóny a místo, kde se nalézá kolonie Federace. Planeta byla podstoupena Cardassianům podle smlouvy mezi Federací a Cardasijskou unií z roku 2370. Vůdce Makistů Macias byl jedním z kolonstů. Snažil se dodávat odvahu osadníkům Federace, aby se jen tak nevzdávali svých kolonií. V roce 2370 byla Cardassiany zničena jedna z nákladnách lodí kolonie. (TNG: "Preemtive Strike")
- The colony operated freighters by 2370, one of them was destroyed by Cardassian colonists this year. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike" ) The settlement on Juhraya was built as a set on Paramount Stage 16. (Information from call sheets) According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", pp. 18-19; "Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), there was a star system named Juhraya, in which this planet might possibly have been located, in the Alpha Quadrant. This was a trinary system with a pair of F-class stars and a M-class star. According to a map of the Cardassian Union – prepared by an anonymous astrography clerk, from the Cardassian Central Archives, in 2364 – Juhraya was identified as a Cardassian system.
- In 2370 werd de kolonie aan de Cardassians overgedragen, volgens het Federatie-Cardassian verdrag. Maquis leider Macias was eens een bewoner van Juhraya, totdat hij zonder reden door de Cardassians werd aangevallen. Dit was één van de vele incidenten om de Federatie kolonisten "aan te moedigen" zich ergens anders te vestigen. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")
- Colonia de la Federación que quedó del lado de la frontera cardassiana luego del tratado de paz firmado en el año 2370. Algunos habitantes del lugar, incluyendo al viejo Macias, resistieron la reubicación de la colonia haciéndose parte de los Maquis.
- Juhraya is a planet on the Cardassian side of the Demilitarized Zone, and the site of a Federation colony. The colony was handed over to the Cardassians in the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. Maquis leader Macias was once a resident on Juhraya, until he was beaten without provocation by the Cardassians. His was one of many incidents designed to "encourage" Federation settlers to leave their colonies. The colony operated freighters by 2370, one of them was destroyed by Cardassian colonists this year. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")
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| - Juhraya je planeta na cardassijské straně Demilitarizované zóny a místo, kde se nalézá kolonie Federace. Planeta byla podstoupena Cardassianům podle smlouvy mezi Federací a Cardasijskou unií z roku 2370. Vůdce Makistů Macias byl jedním z kolonstů. Snažil se dodávat odvahu osadníkům Federace, aby se jen tak nevzdávali svých kolonií. V roce 2370 byla Cardassiany zničena jedna z nákladnách lodí kolonie. (TNG: "Preemtive Strike")
- The colony operated freighters by 2370, one of them was destroyed by Cardassian colonists this year. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike" ) The settlement on Juhraya was built as a set on Paramount Stage 16. (Information from call sheets) According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", pp. 18-19; "Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), there was a star system named Juhraya, in which this planet might possibly have been located, in the Alpha Quadrant. This was a trinary system with a pair of F-class stars and a M-class star. According to a map of the Cardassian Union – prepared by an anonymous astrography clerk, from the Cardassian Central Archives, in 2364 – Juhraya was identified as a Cardassian system.
- In 2370 werd de kolonie aan de Cardassians overgedragen, volgens het Federatie-Cardassian verdrag. Maquis leider Macias was eens een bewoner van Juhraya, totdat hij zonder reden door de Cardassians werd aangevallen. Dit was één van de vele incidenten om de Federatie kolonisten "aan te moedigen" zich ergens anders te vestigen. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")
- Colonia de la Federación que quedó del lado de la frontera cardassiana luego del tratado de paz firmado en el año 2370. Algunos habitantes del lugar, incluyendo al viejo Macias, resistieron la reubicación de la colonia haciéndose parte de los Maquis.
- Juhraya is a planet on the Cardassian side of the Demilitarized Zone, and the site of a Federation colony. The colony was handed over to the Cardassians in the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. Maquis leader Macias was once a resident on Juhraya, until he was beaten without provocation by the Cardassians. His was one of many incidents designed to "encourage" Federation settlers to leave their colonies. The colony operated freighters by 2370, one of them was destroyed by Cardassian colonists this year. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")