| - The level begins with the Kongs landing on a rock floor with a wall full of fossils in the background. The heroes can move forward to the end of this floor where they can find a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely. The wall in the background also ends here, and the rest of the background will show other Cliff-themed objects in the beautiful sunny morning. Immediately after the cactus, there is a gap with a swinging vine and a trail of five Bananas underneath it. Part of a ship platform (or you can call it a platform with wooden boards behind it, but I, Smashbro8 will call this platform a ship platform) can be seen at the opposite side of this gap, however, the Kongs can jump and cling onto the swinging vine. On the vine, they can collect the trail of five Bananas beneath them if they are at the lowest point on the vine. When the vine nears the ship platform, they can jump to it. On this ship platform, there is a higher platform that holds a Treasure Chest that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, a Banana Bunch in the air above it before the higher platform, a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, and a Snaps. At the end of this platform, there is a gap with a tilting rock platform. The tilting rock platform holds a walking Pinchley on it, and there is U-shaped ceiling of grassy turf above the heroes. The heroes can jump on the tilting rock platform. It isn't much really to jump and cling onto the grassy turf, for, depending on the tilting rock platform's angle, the heroes can either jump and cling, or high bounce and cling. On the grassy turf ceiling in the shape of a U, if the heroes go on the left side of the "U", they can jump to the higher platform on the ship platform that holds a Treasure Chest. Anyway, if the heroes go on the right side of the "U", they will see another ship platform after them that holds a trail of five Bananas, a Snaps on the higher platform attached to this ship platform, an Extra Life Balloon before this ship platform that is slowly floating upwards, and a cactus at the top of the grassy turf, which can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely. Anyway, after this, the heroes can jump to this next ship platform that has the trail of Bananas and a Snaps on the higher platform attached to it. At the end of this platform, there is a spring in a gap with another U-shaped ceiling above it. A tilting rock platform is after this trampoline, and it holds a Pinchley and a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely on it. The heroes can jump to this trampoline. Using this trampoline, the heroes can bounce up and cling onto the grassy turf of this U-shaped ceiling. There is a cactus at the base of this "U", which is right where the apes are now. It can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely. If the apes go on the left side of this "U",which is really the front of a ship, they can go up to a Banana and a Banana Bunch, and also jump to the higher platform of the ship platform before this. However, if the apes go up the right side of the "U", the heroes can jump to a wooden platform attached to a ship with an opening that leads to a Bonus Room. Anyway, after this trampoline, the heroes can jump to the tilting, rock platform with the Pinchley on it. There is a swinging vine after this tilting, rock platform the heroes can jump and cling onto. On this swinging vine, the heroes can collect some Bananas beneath this vine if they are at its lowest point. Anyway, another swinging vine with a trail of five Bananas underneath beneath its swinging path is after this first swinging vine. When the swinging vine gets close, the heroes can jump to this swinging vine. Here, they can collect some the trail of Bananas if they cling onto the vine's lowest point. There is a swing on a small wooden platform, right after this swinging vine. A large ship platform (or platform with wooden boards behind it, either one works) is after this second swinging vine the Kongs are on. The Kongs can jump off the vine onto this spring, and bounce onto this large ship platform. On this super hupe ship platform, there is a higher wooden platform attached to it that holds two Pinchleys, an arch of Banana Coins to the left of this wooden platform, the normal floor of this platform, which holds two Tiki Boings and a trail of seven Bananas on it, a Banana Coin underneath the higher platform, a Banana Bunch above a raised part of floor near the end of the ship platform's floor, and a Banana Bunch on a separate higher platform attached to this ship platform. Yep, a lot of stuff. There is a ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it with a Snaps on it after this large ship platform. The Kongs can jump here. There is a wooden mast with grassy turf underneath the platform attached to it, as well as an arch of Bananas and Banana Bunches. Also, there is the letter K of the K-O-N-G Letters on top of this wooden mast. To get this letter K, the heroes would have to roll-jump off the separate platform with the Banana Bunch attached to the large ship platform. Anyway, the heroes can jump and cling onto this wooden mast's platform's grassy turf. Here they can move down (well, the wooden mast's platform will tilt close to here) close to a medium-sized platform that holds a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, a DK Barrel, and the Tutorial Pig hosting the first checkpoint. The Kongs can drop to this platform. After the checkpoint, there isn't much before the Kongs reach the end of the floor. Here, there is a gap with two cannon platforms with a Banana Bunch on both of them, and a Barrel Cannon after these two platforms. The Kongs should be careful crossing this gap! Cannon platforms are extremely dangerous! They only appear in a window-like fashion by letting a cannon fire a cannonball, and then close back. So, these platforms are basically actually covers for a cannon. These cannon platforms shut back into the wooden fence/house-like objects when the cannonball is fired, however, another one will open (appear) right before the previous one fires. However, cannon platforms sometimes operate in a pattern, which can be very confusing for the first time. However, it will be explained shortly. So, the heroes must use these platforms to cross gaps. Anyway, when the first platform appears, the heroes should jump on it. Soon, the second platform will appear. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. Now before this second platform closes back, the heroes should jump into the Barrel Cannon. Here, they can fire into a large wooden object in the background, which breaks away when the Kongs blow through it, landing them on a large ship. Some wooden boards, some very colorful, which were covering the ship will fall away, what's actually on the ship. There are three Banana Bunches in midair, three turrets which fire Squidlies and Electrasquids, a Treasure Chest that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, and a large, cracked, brown, rock that can be broken to lead to a hidden passageway with a Puzzle Piece. Here, the heroes should carefully dodge the Squidlies (and probably Electrasquids) fired from the first turret and jump on it. The heroes should now carefully jump onto the second turret. It's not a big distance away from the first turret, however, the heroes should watch out for the Squidlies and Electrasquids. Here, the heroes can either carefully jump to the third turret, or drop down to the large, brown, cracked rock and give it a couple pounds to break it. The heroes can then travel through a hidden passageway with some Bananas and a Puzzle Piece in it. Anyway, on the third turret, which is right at the very end of the ship, the heroes can find a gap with another wooden mast with a platform with grassy turf on its bottom attached to the mast. Another arch of Bananas and Banana Bunches are beneath this wooden mast's platform's grassy turf. The heroes can jump and cling onto this wooden mast's platform's grassy turf. Immediately after this wooden mast and its platform with grassy turf on its bottom, there are five cannon platforms. The letter O is above the fourth cannon platform. There is a very strange pattern in this group of five cannon platforms, for it does not go in order from first to fifth. This is its pattern: first to second, second to third, third to second, second to third, third to fourth, and fourth to fifth before the heroes can jump inside another Barrel Cannon. When the first platform of this group of five cannon platform appears, the heroes should jump on it. Shortly, the second platform will appear. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. On this second platform, shortly, the third platform will open up. The heroes should jump here before the second platform closes back. Here, the second platform will open up again. Quickly, the Kongs should jump to this second platform. Here, the third platform will appear again. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. Here, the fourth platform will appear. The Kongs should jump here, automatically collecting the letter O, most likely, when they get here. On this fourth platform, the fifth platform will appear. The Kongs should quickly jump here and jump into the Barrel Cannon. Here, the heroes can fire to a hill-shaped, wooden platform with an Extra Life Balloon slowly floating upwards to the left of it, and a Pinchley on it. At the end of this floor, the heroes can find a ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it that holds a dandelion that can be blown on for a collectible, most likely, and a Snaps on it. The Kongs should jump here. After this ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it, there is a tilting rock platform that holds a Pinchley. The heroes should jump here. There is an arch with two Banana Bunches, two Bananas, and a Banana Coin the middle of it, as well as another tilting rock platform with a Pinchley on it right after this first one. The heroes should wait for the Pinchley on the second tilting, rock platform to tilt the platform to a point where the Kongs can jump on it. When this point comes, the heroes should jump on this second, tilting rock platform. The heroes can defeat the Pinchley. There is a swinging vine with a trail of four Bananas with a Banana Coin after it beneath the vine. The heroes can jump and cling onto this swinging vine. There is another ship part with a Pinchley on it after the vine. The heroes can jump here. There is a raised part of floor at the end of this ship part. The heroes can jump on it. A spring with a Banana Bunch above it is above a gap after this. A wooden mast with a wooden platform covered in grassy turf at its bottom. Two turrets that fire Squidlies and Electrasquids, one higher than the other and slightly to the right of the other, are after this spring in the gap and wooden mast above it. The heroes should jump on the spring and bounce onto the first turret, carefully. Here, there is a space with a Banana sticking out of it between this turret and the second turret, that if the heroes fall into it, they will enter a Bonus Room. The heroes can carefully jump to the second turret. From here, the heroes can jump to the other side of the ship part. Here, the heroes can see a gap with a platform that holds a Snaps on it. BUT!!! If the heroes go back and roll-jump off this area, they can jump and cling onto the grassy turf of the wooden mast's wooden platform. This will tilt the platform to the right, and a Puzzle Piece can be seen on top of it. Now if the heroes jump back to the area they came from and jump on the box-like object on it, they can roll-jump and hover towards the platform's top, where they can find and obtain the Puzzle Piece. Anyway, the heroes can jump to the platform with the Snaps, which turns out to be a lower floor attached to a higher floor with a fan and a Pinchley. There's also a wooden hole in the background. If the heroes jump onto the higher floor and blow on the fan, some Banana Coins, Banana Bunches, and Bananas will come out of this hole and land on the lower floor. After this higher floor, there is a gap with three cannon platforms. These cannon platforms operate in the correct way, from first to the second to the third. Two Banana Bunches are here: one between the first and second cannon platform, and one between the second and third cannon platform. When the first cannon platform appears, the heroes should jump on it. The second platform will soon appear. When it does, the heroes should jump on it. The heroes should jump on the third platform when it appears. There is a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, and the Tutorial Pig hosting the second checkpoint on a rock platform after this third cannon platform. The Kongs should quickly jump here. A ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it that holds a trail of four Bananas, a DK Barrel, and a higher platform attached to it that holds a Treasure Chest is after this rock platform with the second checkpoint. The Kongs should jump here. On this ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it, there are two tilting rock platforms, the second one holding a Pinchley on it that are stuck together by a wooden board between them. An arch of two Bananas with a Banana Coin in the middle is above this small wooden board. The Kongs should jump here. Meanwhile, as the heroes jump here, a cannonball is fired from a ship in the background, and collapses into the wooden board holding the two tilting rock platforms in place. The cannonball breaks the wooden board, causing both of the two platforms to start tilting. The heroes, on this first tilting rock platform, should quickly jump onto the second tilting, rock platform. A higher platform with three Bananas on it is after this. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. This platform is a safe platform, meaning the Kongs are safe when they stand here. Anyway, a large ship platform/large platform with wooden boards behind it is after this, and it has a wooden board in the middle. There are two Pinchleys on this large ship platform/large platform with wooden boards behind it, as well as an arch of four Bananas with the letter N in the middle of it in the air. There are also two higher platforms attached to this large ship platform/large platform with wooden boards behind it that, due to size of this ship platform, are so far apart from each other that the Kongs have to roll-jump to get from one to another. The Kongs can jump onto this ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it. The letter N can be collected if the heroes jump into the letter in the space between the two higher platforms. However, as the heroes jump here, a cannonball is fired from cannons in the background, and it collapses into the wooden board in the middle of this large ship platform/platform with wooden boards behind it. The cannonball breaks the wooden board, which also breaks the ship platform in half. So, the Kongs now have to jump on the second half of this ship platform, since they are on the first (unless they are already on the second half before the cannonball broke the wooden board). They should jump here. There is a Barrel Cannon just after this second half of the broken ship platform. An arch of Bananas with the right being longer than the left and a Banana Coin in the middle, is above this Barrel Cannon. The arche's right side points down to the Barrel Cannon. Anyway, the heroes can jump into this Barrel Cannon, where they can fire to a hill-shaped wooden platform with a Tiki Boing on it in the background. On this hill-shaped, wooden platform, the heroes can move to its end, where they can find a gap with three more cannon platforms. These cannon platforms do not operate from first to second to third. Their order is first to second, back to the first then to the second, then the third. A Banana Coin is in the air between the second and third cannon platforms, as well as between the first and second cannon platforms. Anyway, when the first cannon platform appears, the heroes should jump on it. Shortly, the second cannon platform will appear. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. Here, it won't be long before the first cannon platform opens up again. When it does so, the heroes should quickly jump to it before the second cannon platform closes back. Here, soon, the second cannon platform opens back up again. Quickly, the heroes should jump here. Finally, the third platform opens up. From the second platform, the apes should jump to the third and final cannon platform of this area. A swinging vine with a trail of five Bananas beneath it is here. Quickly before the third cannon platform closes back, the Kongs should jump and cling onto the swinging vine. They can grab the trail of Bananas beneath them if they swing at the vine's lowest point. Also, the heroes can see a Puzzle Piece on a ship part with a Barrel Cannon in the gap next to it. Anyway, there is a tilting, rock platform attached to a normal rock platform that holds a cactus that can be pounded on for a collectible, most likely, and a Tiki Boing. A wooden board holds this tilting rock platform and the normal rock platform together. Another wooden board is on the opposite side of the normal rock platform as well, and another tilting rock platform that holds two Tiki Boings is attached to it. A large arch of Bananas and Banana Bunches, which looks more like three arches of Bananas, spread out from the first edge of the first wooden board to the right edge of the second wooden board (they are above them). Also, a special Banana Bunch is in the center of this large arch of Bananas and Banana Bunches, and it takes a high bounce off a Tiki Boing to reach. Anyway, from the swinging vine, when it swings nearby, the heroes should go ahead and jump on the first tilting rock platform. Anyway, they should quickly run to the normal, rock platform, for a cannonball is fired from a cannon on a ship (it is really a bunch of ship parts, and it holds the Puzzle Piece seen earlier) in the foreground. It will collapse into the wooden board between the normal, rock platform and the first tilting, rock platform, breaking it and causing the first tilting platform to start tilting like normal ones do. On this normal rock platform, the heroes have to jump onto the second tilting, rock platform, for the wooden board that connected this tilting, rock platform and the normal rock platform together has been already destroyed by another cannonball fired from another cannon in the foreground. When the Kongs have a chance, they can jump onto this second tilting, rock platform. A Barrel Cannon is in the gap just ahead of this second tilting, rock platform. The heroes can first get rid of the Tiki Boings by jumping on them, so that they can stop the tilting, rock platform from tilting. After this has been done, the heroes can move to the left side of this tilting, rock platform to tilt its right side up. They should'nt tilt the platform up too high, however. Now, quickly the heroes can roll-jump into the Barrel Cannon. In this Barrel Cannon, the heroes can fire onto a ship part with the letter G on it. When the Kongs land here, the ship parts bordering this ship part they are on, are knocked down into the gap by some cannonballs fired from a ship in the background. Anyway, the heroes have two routes to take. If the heroes head left, they can collect the Puzzle Piece seen earlier at the very end and enter the Barrel Cannon, which fires them quite a distance to a platform with the Slot Machine Barrel above it. If the Kongs take the right they can jump over some gaps between ship parts until they reach the rock platform with the Slot Machine Barrel above it. Whichever way the Kongs take, they must rush, for each ship part they land on/walk over shakes and then falls into the gap. Wow, this isn't just any ordinary ship, IT IS A SHIP OF FALLING SHIP PARTS!!! Just like the falling blocks in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, or the platforms in Platform Panic! Anyway, once the heroes safely reach the Slot Machine Barrel, they can jump into it. Once this has been done, the level is complete!
- Tippy Shippy is the forty-fourth stage in the game Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D as well as the seventh stage in the Cliff world. It bears resemblance to many of the Beach stages and the Ruins stage Mast Blast. This is because it contains some aquatic scenery and platforms such as ships and cannons in addition to Beach enemies such as Snaps and Pinchlies. It is preceded by Crumble Canyon and followed by Clifftop Climb.