| - The Hebitians, sometimes known as First Hebitians, or Hebitda in the Cardăsda language, were the society on Cardassia Prime and its colonies that preceded the Cardassian Union. This name remained in use until the Cataclysm in the late 19th century (Earth reckoning), where the name changed to "Cardassian." (TNG: "Chain of Command", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions) Other sources, including Pocket Books New Worlds, New Civilizations, state that the word "Cardassian" means "People of Discipline." No meaning, however, is given for "Hebitian."
- The Hebitians, sometimes referred to as First Hebitians, were the first civilization on the planet Cardassia, and were the focus of the Hebitian Age. (TNG episode: "Chain of Command, Part II", DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time) The Hebitian society eventually fell when Cardassia suffered catastrophic climate change, the rainforests and grasslands transformed into desert and scrubland. Disease killed millions; and the survivors formed the militaristic and expansionist society known as the Cardassians. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)
| - The Hebitians, sometimes referred to as First Hebitians, were the first civilization on the planet Cardassia, and were the focus of the Hebitian Age. (TNG episode: "Chain of Command, Part II", DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time) The Hebitians were an advanced sophisticated culture on every level, they used solar technologies but also lived in harmony with nature, valuing the soil and living a sustainable self-sufficient life envied by the surrounding planets. They were a spiritual people, worshipping the deity Oralius, a tradition that lived on into the Cardassian civilization in the form of the Oralian Way. At some point in early Cardassian history, the militant members of their society enslaved the Hebitians and used them as slave labor in order for them to create a Cardassian Empire that would last forever. This led to them using the slaves to mine the obsidian stone in the Toran mountains after which records of these acts were expunged from the official history files. (DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "The Calling") In 2167, the first ever find of Hebitian loot was in a tomb in what was the ancient Kingdom of Klu'haa on Cardassia. The farmer who found this tomb sold the treasures for food. Within weeks, all the thieves involved were dead from the disease known as viper's eye. The Cardassian government then took to excavating many more tombs. These resources were used to finance attacks on neighboring worlds. When the wealth of their ancestors ran out, they then attacked Bajor due to its mineral wealth. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "The Glories of the Hebitians") The Hebitian society eventually fell when Cardassia suffered catastrophic climate change, the rainforests and grasslands transformed into desert and scrubland. Disease killed millions; and the survivors formed the militaristic and expansionist society known as the Cardassians. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time) In 2376 a jevonite figure was discovered in city of B'hala on Bajor. This find interested Prylar Eivos Calan a great deal as the material had previously believed to have been exclusive to Cardassia and quantum dating of the artifact proved it predated the Hebitians. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) Also that year, Dominion shelling of Cardassia opened the oldest known tomb of the Hebitian Age. The artifacts and art at this site suggest that the first Hebitians had Bajoran features. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "The Glories of the Hebitians")
- The Hebitians, sometimes known as First Hebitians, or Hebitda in the Cardăsda language, were the society on Cardassia Prime and its colonies that preceded the Cardassian Union. This name remained in use until the Cataclysm in the late 19th century (Earth reckoning), where the name changed to "Cardassian." (TNG: "Chain of Command", Star Trek: Sigils and Unions) The Cardăsda term Hebitda comes from the root h-b-t, a root usually carrying the meaning of "soul." With the "-da" suffix added, the word comes to mean something like "People with Souls." In the wake of the societal upheaval at the beginning of the Cataclysm, which destroyed the theocratic government previously in place and eventually resulted in the near-eradication of the Oralian Way, the term Hebitda was dropped in favor of the religiously-neutral Cardăsda, which is derived from the root c-rd-s, which simply means "person." With the "-da" suffix, Cardăsda translates simply as "The People." (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--"Point of Divergence") Other sources, including Pocket Books New Worlds, New Civilizations, state that the word "Cardassian" means "People of Discipline." No meaning, however, is given for "Hebitian." Hebitian society was regarded as peaceful and artistic, and was known to be highly spiritual in nature--in some ways quite similar to the Bajoran species prior to the Occupation. However, Cardassia Prime was a resource-poor world and when the Hebitians exhausted these resources, a militaristic rebellion seized power and became the Cardassian Union. Until the Cataclysm, the Hebitians had colonized peacefully to alleviate the strain on Cardassia Prime's ecology, but with the Cataclysm, the planet simply could not sustain its population and the once-peaceful Hebitians became Cardassians bent on conquest. Most remaining remnants of the Hebitian culture were forcibly expunged by the Cardassian government, either by sale to finance military expeditions, or by persecution of those who clung to the old culture. ("Point of Divergence," TNG: "Chain of Command", Terok Nor trilogy)