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- Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at ).
- The following is a list of some of the most famous literary works of Rokugan, arranged chronologically:
- As the generally accepted definition of literature today hugs folktales to its warm bosom, we might well conclude that literature began with one frightened caveman grunting (see language) his fears to his fellows by firelight. This, however, would be wrong. Scurrying, short and bitter academics in dank bare cells have clinically proven that 'literature' is caused by writing down things which never happened and which afflict the reader with acute boredom , in some cases literally boring the victim to death.
- Episodes often mention or incorporate literary works, or use the name of a literary work as an episode title -- a point of interest to fans who try to connect them to LOST's mythology. While certain books are read by characters, others are referenced in dialogue, and some have just been glimpsed.
- Books referenced on Gilmore Girls
- Boy and Girl Wonders: Robin in a Cultural Context is a 'zine by Mary Borsellino that examines the cultural impact of all the Robins, including Stephanie, who is on the cover as well! Buy it and the proceeds go to charity! Available for purchase here. Additional information available here.
- The following are links to books written by and about the Graal Military community. Interested in becoming an author? Look at the GLA here.
- Mancala games play a major role in some literature (including "orature"), a minor in many more works. The following lists are meant as an overview on this rather neglected field of mancala research. It includes oral and written, native and western literature, legends, proverbs, poems, children's books and novels, but no scientific publications of any kind.
- Literature is one of the Genres. She holds the others in contempt. She leaves with the other Genres, Mr. Revise, and Kevin Thorn.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Literature]] literatura or litteratura.
- Literature 1.
* Introduction to Character of Life in Literature 2.
* Pride & Prejudice
- The Chzo Mythos contains a vast amount of in-game literature used to advance the story and also to fill in elements of backstory. Contained here is a list of books, magazine and news articles, and miscellaneous texts found in the series.
* Newspaper
* Article
* A History Of The DeFoe Family: Volume VII
* Book on White Magic
* The diary of Sir Roderick DeFoe
* The secret diary of Matthew DeFoe
* The Arts Of Black Magic and Necromancy
- Here we need links to high quality, printable materials needed for canvassing. Here's one resource to kick things off: Ron Paul Graphics Yahoo Group Stolen from the official site:
* Tri-Fold Flyer (PDF FILES): 150 dpi, 300 dpi
* Issue Statements
* Ron Paul Yardsign: Many Formats
* "Slimjim" (PDF FILE) Ron Paul Mosaic:
* Ames Ad (National Version) Photoshop files ready for print
* Directory of user modified Images
* 140 DPI cropped Ames Ad. (Ames-specific text is cropped out).
* Pro-life two-column word document
* Anti-war flyer
* Ron Paul Library
- Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non-fiction.
- The Adventures of Shadow Spade is a series of detective novels mentioned by Rarity in Rarity Investigates! Rarity creates a line of clothes inspired by the series, and she applies Shadow Spade's methods of deductive reasoning to her own investigation when helping clear Rainbow Dash of a crime. Entries in the Shadow Spade series:
* Shadow Spade and the Murgese Falcon
- Blogs with smaller readership can inject ideas that get bounced around by visitors who pass comments or links by e-mail. Notes from Amarillo newspaper article on political blogs: "They feed the insiders, and the insiders feed the news media, and the news media, in turn, feed the average citizen. ... In many cases, voters may not even know where the information comes from - just as they don't know where the water in a large river comes from - but it often comes from a comment in a blog."
- Literature is a body of verbal works, written or oral, related by subject-matter, by language or place of origin, or by dominant cultural standards. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction. __TOC__
- Many tropes originated in literary works. Literature being nearly as old as writing itself, most of The Oldest Ones in the Book date to the classics, most Public Domain Characters appeared in print well before the first TV broadcasts, and even today, with the supposedly dwindling popularity of books in favor of more modern mediums, there are books with enough cultural impact to spawn TV Tropes. Also see the Web Serial Novel page for works that started online. See also:
- The art of writing as literature, bodies of works written thematically, is at least as old in the western world as Greek culture. Surviving records of Babylonian culture refer to at least two epic tales, which infers that literature as a comprehensive body is much older, but neither survive to this day. The development of a living body of literature became indicative of an advanced culture and are always correlated with advances in science, philosophy, theology, and art. Literature in the western world has survived in the forms that the Greeks and Romans established, but the expense and effort of hand copying texts ensured that only the wealthy had access to literate education. Libraries, which served as storehouses of these bodies of text, also became centers for education and the prolife
- Tolaris taught literature at the Shirkar Academy prior to leaving Vulcan. (ENT: "Fusion") Henry Janeway believed that the classical age produced the "greatest literature mankind ever produced." (VOY: "11:59") Late 20th century Earth literature was noted as being full of colorful metaphors, as found in the works of Jacqueline Susann and the novels of Harold Robbins. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) According to Geordi LaForge, Aquiel Uhnari "had questionable taste in literature." (TNG: "Aquiel" )