In 1959, they created Harvey Funnies, the original entertainment company to produce Turning the Fables, Turtle Scoop and The New Casper Cartoon Show. Their productions don't bear the name and logo until The New Casper Cartoon Show. Currently, Harvey Films is owned by DreamWorks Classics, formerly Classic Media, which is now owned by DreamWorks Animation. Harvey Films produced Casper's Scare School, a 2006 Direct-to-video film released through Classic Media.
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| - In 1959, they created Harvey Funnies, the original entertainment company to produce Turning the Fables, Turtle Scoop and The New Casper Cartoon Show. Their productions don't bear the name and logo until The New Casper Cartoon Show. Currently, Harvey Films is owned by DreamWorks Classics, formerly Classic Media, which is now owned by DreamWorks Animation. Harvey Films produced Casper's Scare School, a 2006 Direct-to-video film released through Classic Media.
- Harvey Films was an animation production arm of comic book publisher Harvey Comics. It was founded in 1957. In 1959, they created Harvey Funnies, the original entertainment company to produce Turning the Fables, Turtle Scoop and The New Casper Cartoon Show. Their productions don't bear the name and logo until The New Casper Cartoon Show. Currently, Harvey Films is owned by DreamWorks Classics, formerly Classic Media, which is now owned by DreamWorks Animation. Harvey Films produced Casper's Scare School, a 2006 direct-to-video film released through Classic Media.
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| - Animation production arm of comic book publisher Harvey Comics
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| - In 1959, they created Harvey Funnies, the original entertainment company to produce Turning the Fables, Turtle Scoop and The New Casper Cartoon Show. Their productions don't bear the name and logo until The New Casper Cartoon Show. Currently, Harvey Films is owned by DreamWorks Classics, formerly Classic Media, which is now owned by DreamWorks Animation. Harvey Films produced Casper's Scare School, a 2006 Direct-to-video film released through Classic Media.
- Harvey Films was an animation production arm of comic book publisher Harvey Comics. It was founded in 1957. In 1959, they created Harvey Funnies, the original entertainment company to produce Turning the Fables, Turtle Scoop and The New Casper Cartoon Show. Their productions don't bear the name and logo until The New Casper Cartoon Show. Currently, Harvey Films is owned by DreamWorks Classics, formerly Classic Media, which is now owned by DreamWorks Animation. Harvey Films produced Casper's Scare School, a 2006 direct-to-video film released through Classic Media.
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