Jingles (engl. to jingle = klingeln, klimpern) ist ein Mitglied der Biker aus Grand Theft Auto V, das 1987 verstarb. In einigen Klubhäusern hängt eine Erinnerungsplakette, auf der „Never forget our fallen Brothers“ (dt. Unvergessen – unsere gefallenen Brüder) steht, was darauf hindeutet, dass er im Kampf fiel.
Jingles is a young mage that could be found in Paws during Ultima IV. His master was the mage Mentorian, and Jingles told the Avatar that Mentorian knew the Gate Travel spell. He also told the Avatar that Mentorian lived in a hidden village near Lock Lake, which was only accessible by ship.
Jingles (engl. to jingle = klingeln, klimpern) ist ein Mitglied der Biker aus Grand Theft Auto V, das 1987 verstarb. In einigen Klubhäusern hängt eine Erinnerungsplakette, auf der „Never forget our fallen Brothers“ (dt. Unvergessen – unsere gefallenen Brüder) steht, was darauf hindeutet, dass er im Kampf fiel.
Jingles is a young mage that could be found in Paws during Ultima IV. His master was the mage Mentorian, and Jingles told the Avatar that Mentorian knew the Gate Travel spell. He also told the Avatar that Mentorian lived in a hidden village near Lock Lake, which was only accessible by ship.