| - The Exorcist is a horror franchise first published as a novel in 1971 which spawned a film adaptation, several sequels, and remakes. The original story concerns a young girl who becomes possessed by The Devil and the exorcism performed to rid her soul of demon possession.
- The series was commissioned on May 10, 2016 and is set to be broadcast on September 23, 2016.
- The second of Cameron Stewart's pair of Ashley Strode stories.
- The Exorcist is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
- The Exorcist var en populär bok och film på Jorden om demonisk besatthet. När Cassandra Fraiser blev en Hok'tar, Major Samantha Carter sade att tills hennes "huvud börjar snurra runt, och förmodligen även då" Carter fortfarande ser Cassandra som hon själv. (SG1: "Rite of Passage")
- The Exorcist is a horror film, released in 1973, that stars Max von Sydow, Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair. After Dana Scully told Fox Mulder that "God never lets the Devil steal the show", he replied she must have enjoyed The Exorcist. It was indeed one of Scully's favorite movies. (TXF: "Miracle Man")
- The Exorcist is a 2017 Horror-Religious-Drama film that will be a remake to the 1973 film of the same name. The film will have a different family, a different possesed child and will be set in a different time zone and setting. Much of the plot and conflict will be similar to The Conjuring 1 & 2, Dark Skies and the original The Exorcist that came out in 1973. The film stars Jessica Chastain, Patrick Wilson, Mackenzie Foy, Griffin Gluck, August Maturo, Kerry O'Malley, Javier Botet, Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, Kate Beckinsale, Christian Bale, McKenna Grace, Colin Firth and Regina King.
- The Exorcist was een Aardse horror film. Commandant Tucker overtuigde Dokter Phlox in 2154 om The Exorcist te kijken. De week daarna had Phlox spijt dat hij de film gekeken had, omdat hij alleen op de Enterprise was. De rest van de bemanning was in stase geplaatst. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")
- The Exorcist is a 1973 horror film directed by William Friedkin, adapted by William Peter Blatty from his 1971 novel of the same name. The film features Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Jason Miller, Lee J. Cobb, Linda Blair, and (in voice only) Mercedes McCambridge.
- The Exorcist was a popular book and movie on Earth about demonic possession. The Exorcist is a 1971 novel by American writer William Peter Blatty. In 1973, the novel was adapted by Blatty for the film of the same name. When Cassandra Fraiser was becoming a Hok'tar in 2001, Major Samantha Carter said that until her "head starts spinning around, and probably even then," Carter would still see Cassandra as herself. (SG1: "Rite of Passage")
- Initially manifesting as strange behavior in little Regan and her Ouija-board trysts with an invisible companion calling itself Captain Howdy, the being's infiltration is at first dismissed as Regan acting out frustrations after her mother's divorce. As the demon takes hold of Regan, however, she undergoes drastic changes in appearance and behavior, manifesting physical symptoms and incredible strength that cannot be explained by medical science. After Regan starts gliding around the house on all fours face up, licking Sharon's ankles, her mother decides that it is time to consult a higher authority...
- Young Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair) becomes possessed by a demon named Pazuzu after playing with an Ouija board found in their basement. After she suddenly started showing signs of psychotic behaviour Regan's mother takes her to several doctors to have many tests, some proving painful. After showing no signs of mental disturbances in the brain the doctors recommend having an exorcism performed. At this point the Demon realises their plan and turned up its level of violence.
- The film is notable for the urban legends surrounding a number of violent incidents on-set, considered by some to be supernatural or even Satanic in nature. This has led many to believe that the entire film's production was File:Pazuzu.jpgcursed, however those few who survived the filming have been dismissive of such claims.
- At an archaeological dig in Northern Iraq, archaeologist Father Lankester Merrin visits a site where a silver Roman Catholic medallion along with a small stone amulet resembling a grimacing monster are found buried together. Meanwhile, Father Damien Karras, a young priest at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, begins to doubt his faith while dealing with his mother's illness. A friend, Father Joe Dyer, tries to advise and console him. Just after Kinderman leaves, Chris is brutally attacked by her daughter, leaving her with facial bruises.
- The Exorcist was an Earth horror film. Commander Tucker convinced Doctor Phlox to watch The Exorcist in 2154. The next week, Phlox wished he hadn't done so, as he began to feel frightened while he was alone on the Enterprise with the crew in stasis. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")