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- General
- Roleplay
- Trade
- *****
- --09-19
- --09-20
- --09-21
- --09-22
- --09-23
- Minor Details
- 1209600.0
- Miscellaneous Changes and Improvements
- New Content and Functionality
- Who is he?
- See you in Dereth!
- Looking For Group
- This week in Dereth a new twist was added into our live events. With all the monster killing going on we decided to join in on the fun and excitement. Throughout Darktide, we have been showing up and daring players to Kill Us if You Can! Many have tried, and a few succeeded, but we will not let this stop us. If you see one of us appear suddenly, don't be surprised if you suddenly feel the sting of a Weeping weapon in your side!
Along with our PK and killing events, we have thrown in some fun with rewarding some players with unique titles. Some players get a title for being the best at killing a certain creature. While others get a title for well, being the bait. And others have gotten a title for just being themselves.
No matter what the reason for a title was, you can be assured that fun was had by all. Stay tuned for more updates and fun from the many live events we will be continuing to run.
- Many of Dereth's finest warriors rushed into battle to stop this group of Viamontian's before they advanced into the town. It was a long and bloody battle that seemed to last forever. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, the people of Dereth stood strong in the face of danger. In the end, the brave people of Dereth once again stopped the onslaught of an outside force threatening their lands. Is this the last we will see of these Viamontian scouting parties? Why are they here? What are their intentions?
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- All global channels will display in the same text color: a kind of blue-grey.
- Who exactly is Mr. P and where did he come from? Why did he decide to start showing up now?
As some of you may already know, we have a new member of our live events staff. It's Mr. P! Now Mr. P is not an ordinary staffer though, he is after all, a Penguin. It was a strange sight at first seeing him show up at events looking to help in hopes of scoring some goodies from the nice folks of Dereth.
Once we got used to him though, it made us wonder how we ever got along without him. He sometimes even brings a friend along. Well luckily for us we don't have to worry about Mr. P going anywhere. It looks like he will be sticking around for a while.
So next time you are out and about in Dereth make sure to keep an eye open for Mr. P. You never know where he might show up next!
- The King put his hand on Enrico's armored shoulder and regarded the soldier with a cool and appraising eye. "We must have a quick pacification of this island so we can dispatch forces to the new land, Enrico. I cannot have these Carenzi rebels bleeding off my soldiers one and two at a time, not when there is such a pressing need to investigate this place called Vissidal."
- Endar Zael says, "aww those little golems are so cute!"
Small Golem says, "Blood!"
Realm of Darkness says, "save me"
Lodwicke says, "OMG"
Small Golem says, "Blood!"
Small Golem says, "Blood!"
Scathe says, "DIE
Small Golem says, "Bloo-ACK!"
General Heredia says, "that was hilarious"
Realm of Darkness says, "lmao"
Realm of Darkness says, "debuffing"
Realm of Darkness says, "a tiny golem"
What started off as a group of Tiny Golems soon turned into an all out Golem war!
Lodwicke says, "MORE"
Lodwicke says, "ATTACK"
General Heredia says, "AHHHHHH"
Lodwicke says, "hold the line"
The thunder of Small Magma Golem crushing Slims new guy is followed by the deafening silence of death!
Lodwicke suffers a frozen fate at the hands of Sapphire Golem!
The thunder of Sapphire Golem crushing Big bug is followed by the deafening silence of death!
Big bug says, "got hit for 400+"
The Sapphire Golems were quickly dispatched however that was not the end of it.
Tiereal's body is shattered by Crystal Golem Imperator's attack!
Endar Zael says, "respawn"
Arcainis says, "holy smokes"
After calling for reinforcements the Defenders of Ayan were able to destroy the Crystal Golem Imperator and saved the day!
I believe Endar Zael said it best.
Endar Zael says, "the bigger they are the harder they fall!"
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Meeting hall sewers back up!
Without warning, the sewers in the meeting halls have been backing up recently. This has been forcing the many creatures that dwell in them to come out into the halls. What began as a rat or two has become a full blown problem. The local sentries are in need of your help in keeping the halls clear of these creatures and safe for all to use.
- Two soft twangs went off, and a heartbeat later, the Viamontian mage had two quivering arrows sprouting from his forehead. He toppled stiffly to the ground. The cluster of warriors looked up at where the arrows must have come from, but only saw rocks and empty ridgeline. Three of them broke from the formation and charged up the ridge at terrifying speed, but by the time they reached the rock formation, there was no sign of the brothers' passing.
- Ardry stepped out of the woods to behold the great stone battlements of the bandit chief MacDugal's fortress. He had a passing acquaintance with the inhabitants of the castle, and stopped by occasionally, when he was ranging in the area and needed to restock supplies. He approached and greeted the man who sat, trembling, by the front gate.
- The Sentry recovered as quickly as he could at the nearby lifestone and made his way to the alarm. Even as he sounded the call he felt another stabbing pain. He looked down to a Viamontian axe buried deep in his side. Even through all of the pain, his only thought was the fear that he would be too late to save anyone.
- * AC finally gets global chat channels.
* Players will now be able to have multiple chat windows.
* Players can now set an AFK message. This function can be explored by typing @help AFK.
* The first of several High Yield hunting landscape islands appears.
* A new creature appears on Dereth!
* Crowns receive some love.
* Hats, Shoes, and Gloves also receive some love.
* Elemental wands can now be tinkered to increase their damage multiplier.
* Several trophy items that had lost their original art and display can be handed into one of 4 new NPC's in exchange for brand new versions of these items.
- A rather large group of Tiny Golems stampeded their way through Ayan Baqur last night. What started out as laughter soon turned into screams of terror when the players realized these cute little creatures meant business.
- Players should know that Mr. P isn't like other penguins. He is a peaceful, fun loving, very forgetful little guy with a real sweet tooth. He especially likes receiving sweets from people. Illiana the Red was nice enough to share a dark chocolate bar with him and was rewarded with a special title.
So, if you happen to see him don't be afraid to say hi. Mr. P loves making new friends.
- Enrico nodded stiffly. "Yes, Majesty. It will be done."
- Ardry shook his head. "I'm heading in to resupply, Karwin. I'll bring you some food on my way out." He did remember the shaking of the earth, just three nights past. He'd assumed that it had been another eruption on Aerlinthe, but he tried to remember the sensations of that night as best he could... And now, to think about it, the rolling waves of tremors had seemed to come from the northeast...
- * The Path of the Blind and Egg Orchard hunting dungeons have been duplicated.
* The three monster plant spells from the August event say that they buff your secondary attribute
regen rates for 25%. But in actuality, they buff you for 30%. This has been fixed and is now buffing
at the 25% as intended.
* The Salvagers Helm had the description that it was dyeable, but it was not. This has been fixed and the helmet can now be dyed.
* Some of the skill task NPC's would give the quest's to players who were not able to complete the quests. This has been fixed. You must now be the proper level to get these quests.
* The fellowship spell Endless Well was causing players to receive double damage from acid attacks. This has been fixed and will no longer affect the damage you take from acid attacks.
* Several areas in the landscape that would cause players to get stuck have been fixed.
* The Aviators cap is now dyeable.
* The number of players allowed on the squelch list has been changed from 32 to 64.
* A new splash screen has been added for this month's event.
* The XP rewards for all Island kill tasks and all the kill tasks implemented in the August event have been changed to no share.
- "What news, Karwin?" he called.
- "What? Who stole your beer?"
- '''Dereth Trivia Challenge!
- This is the schedule for our upcoming xp themed events. These events are going to be geared towards making players some extra experience this upcoming week.
- He successfully killed the mob of black and brown cows and was given the new title of "Cow Killer!"
- Enrico glanced at the arrow. "A small animal... like a badger from Ispar, but terribly ferocious. They are common on this island. It seems the local resistance has taken them as some sort of symbol. A cache of weapons recently went missing from a storeroom. There was similar writing on the storeroom's broken door."
- /join
- /leave
- Uber Penguin slays Kitty Mrrow viciously enough to impart death several times over!
- "He said they were the magic types," said Matthias. "That we'd better make the first shot count, because they could hit us from far away."
- We ask that all residents of Dereth please keep a watchful eye on the many meeting halls in the towns to make sure they stay clear for all to use and enjoy.
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- "It is an island that apparently has risen from the deeps of the ocean. We don't know what buried it, or what caused it to come to the surface again. But there is good reason to believe that at least some of the knowledge I seek is to be found there."
- Mr. P is my little penguin friend that follows me around and helps me with the different Live Events that go on. He is a real crowd pleaser and is very good at entertaining everyone so that I have time to help those who need me.
- The call finally went out in the early afternoon, a call that had not sounded in quite some time. In fact, it had been so long since the call to arms had been sounded that many were either not prepared or in disbelief when they heard it. The shock quickly wore off as the brave warriors of Dereth gathered up their armor and weapons and headed to the small town of Greenspire, not knowing what was in store for them as they rushed into battle. What foe had decided to once again try to take on the people of Dereth?
- "A little green thing. Looked like... Well, Mosswarty. Very suspiciously Mosswarty. But blue! Like the sea..."
- "They didn't find our trail," said the younger one, Matthias, with obvious relief.
- Ask and you shall receive!
- For those of you who came out to the Un-inscription events this past weekend, you had a chance to meet Mr. P.
- Some where sad to see them die while others thought it best to put them "out of their misery", and there were even a select few who aughed about killing these creatures.
- Global Chat Channel Summary
- Players can prefix any text they wish to send to the channel with the command symbol and the channel name. For instance, the following will send the message to the trade channel.
- Joining and Leaving the Channel
- When the first warrior stepped out of portal space, he could not believe what he saw. He barely had time to think about it as he was quickly struck down by one of the many Viamontian Knights waiting there. Soon the warriors of Dereth were arriving from all directions and the Viamontian Scout Commander quickly realized this was not going to be a victorious day for his King.
- March of the Penguins?
- It was a calm day on the island of Marae Lassel. The sky was blue and everything pointed to it being another beautiful day in Dereth. But this was not going to be an ordinary day, as we would soon find out. The sentries that patrol the many towns are used to running into danger, but they are also used to long periods of time where they see nothing unusual. So when one of them spotted what looked like a small army outside of Greenspire let by a Scout Commander, he was surprised but prepared. The sentry quickly went to sound the call for all warriors to come, but as he did there was a sinking feeling in his gut. It was no secret that King Varicci II wanted to expand his lands, but to be so bold as to approach one of the Queen's towns? He wouldn't dare, would he?
- The General channel is an all-purpose channel that allows all players of Asheron's Call to chat with each other about any aspect of Asheron's Call.
- And a HUGE Thank You to Frostfell for making this a very successful event. I hope you all had as much fun as I did and I can't wait to try this out on the other worlds.
- PK Fun and Titles Galore
- "Karwin, I am telling you, there is only the island of Aerlinthe, north by northwest..." He was interrupted by Karwin's furious babble.
- "Karwin, there's no island to the northeast. There is only the ancient foundry island, north by northwest of here."
- Squelching
- Stay tuned and find out!
- Matthias, now more calm, turned contemplative. "You ever seen any man that big?" he asked, as they watched the squad of monstrous Viamontian Knights on the valley floor, standing around the corpses of two of their friends. Red-fletched arrows perforated the chests of the two fallen Knights.
- Talking in the Channel
- Thanks for stopping by Dereth.
- Through a text command:
- Karwin ignored him and pressed on with his story. "He smelled of the sea, and of beer, and he said that his god, who he named Angry Grandfather, wanted him to search all over for beer and come back to their island in the northeast!"
- Until next time...
- Who is Mr. P?
- '''
Put your thinking caps on and get ready to flex your brains!
- You have [joinedleft] the [tag] channel.
- Last night, players on Frostfell were given an opportunity to request creature spawns. There was much shouting for "BZ" however once they realized that he was not a realistic request they settled on others. Soon things were in full swing as players cried out for all sorts of things.
These brave players wanted everything; from cows and snowmen all the way up to Obliterators and Tremendous Monougas. As soon as one spawn dropped they were ready for more!
Special thanks to the following players for helping to make this an enjoyable event;
- Two youths perched on the top of a ridge. Though they were young, not yet fully grown, they had the broad shoulders and thick limbs of Aluvian mountain folk. The bows they clutched in trembling hands were huge and thick, requiring enormous strength to pull properly. They were crouched down, trying to remain hidden behind a rock formation, and spying on a gathering of warriors in the valley far below.
- Throughout the week we will be hitting all 9 worlds and asking all sorts of Dereth Trivia questions. It will be based on anything and everything; from cooking and tinkering all the way up to Advanced Lore.
- The Trade channel exists specifically for players to advertise their wares to each other and to arrange trades.
- In addition, players can also set their Chat Bar menu so that everything they type without a prefix automatically goes to the selected channel.
- "The people of the towns have come to their senses and are cooperating, but these Carenzi..." The King's face twisted in disgust. "They are probably Aluvian gutterfolk, again unable to accept conquest by Viamont. They are beasts, Enrico. You will have to kill every one of them."
- Through a checkbox in the Character Settings tab of the Options UI Panel. Note that this change takes effect as soon as the checkbox is used; the Apply button does not need to be pressed before this change takes effect.