| - Not all religions in fiction are corrupt, nefarious, or downright evil. Some of them are actually Always Lawful Good and Neutral Good examples of The Church that are quite honestly interested in the saving of souls, promoting spiritual growth, and are generally shown to be simply, purely, Good, as is the Big Guy upstairs. Crystal Dragon Jesus optional. Church Militant also optional because, hey, being good doesn't mean you can't kick ass. Most Real Life churches would see themselves this way, and a good many of them are right. Examples of Saintly Church include:
| - Not all religions in fiction are corrupt, nefarious, or downright evil. Some of them are actually Always Lawful Good and Neutral Good examples of The Church that are quite honestly interested in the saving of souls, promoting spiritual growth, and are generally shown to be simply, purely, Good, as is the Big Guy upstairs. These are the Churches where you can find religious people good with children, animals, and the elderly. Kindly priests and other religious types ready to give help or good advice to any troubled heroes are to be had here, and in the more fantastical types of setting, clerics willing to give healing of both the physical and spiritual to the wounded adventurer and resurrect the occasional dead team mate. Should the heroes ever meet the Pope or local equivalent of this church, more often than not, they will find themselves standing before a Reasonable Authority Figure very ready to hear what they say. Crystal Dragon Jesus optional. Church Militant also optional because, hey, being good doesn't mean you can't kick ass. Generally, in Speculative Fiction settings, the more likely you have an Always Chaotic Evil monster race that is hurt by holy powers, the more likely it is that the church will be good instead of evil. Sometimes this kind of Church may be portrayed besides one of the corrupt or evil ones for contrast and to help emphasize the pure goodness of the religion. Most Real Life churches would see themselves this way, and a good many of them are right. Compare Good Shepherd. This will be replete with Good Shepherds, but the Good Shepherd can also be found in the Corrupt Church. A single good priest or religious figure falls under that trope rather than this one. Also compare Turbulent Priest. Sub-Trope of The Church. Contrast Path of Inspiration. The Evil Counterpart of this trope is the Corrupt Church. The polar opposite is Religion of Evil. Examples of Saintly Church include: