| - PENANCE Written by Alan McCullough Directed by Brenton Spencer EXT ALLEY OLD CITY [View of street as if looking through binoculars. Burned out cars and empty store fronts is all that is seen.] HENRY [ON WALKIE] All clear up here. [Will is in store front entryway.} WILL [ON WALKIE] Yeah, same here. [Kate is between a building and a chain linked fence.] KATE [ON WALKIE] Ditto. [Helen is walking down the street Henry was viewing in binoculars.] HELEN [ON WALKIE] Copy that, I'm arriving now. [Helen turns down an alley.] HELEN James? It's me, Magnus. JAMES Over here. [A man stands up from behind ice machine and walks toward Helen. Helen smiles as he approaches.] HELEN It's good to see you. JAMES You too, Helen. [James kisses Helen's cheek and then stands back and looks Helen over.] JAMES I love the hair. HELEN Thank you. Any problems? JAMES No, package is safe and sound; although I'll be very happy to be rid of this one. [James pulls up his shirt and reveals his abdomen where he has a pouch. He reaches in and pulls out a small container.] JAMES Little warmer than I'm used to. [James holds up the container.] HELEN That's what you get for transporting a Tunisian fire elemental. I have a cryo-container in the van. [As Helen moves to leave alley Will is heard over the walkie.] WILL [ON WALKIE] Magnus, we got company; two cars headed your way. [James replaces the container. Henry sees cars racing into the street to Magnus' location.] HENRY [ON WALKIE] I got 'em. [The men exit the cars.] MAN 1 All right, fan out. They can't be far. HENRY [ON WALKIE] Eight Scary-looking dudes. They're searching the area. [Helen runs past James and back down alley looking for another way out. JAMES The Duke. HELEN Who? JAMES Head of the abnormal mob back in Chicago. [They reach the other end of the alley to see two men walking down crossing street.] HELEN Damn. [They back against the wall of the building and use the ice machine for cover. Both have draw out their guns.] JAMES He's the one who hired me to bring him the elemental. HELEN You stole this from a mob Boss? JAMES I wasn't about to let it fall into his hands. How did he find us? HELEN You tell me. JAMES I think your organization sprung a leak. HELEN No, impossible. [Two men walk past the front of the alley.] HELEN (ON WALKIE) Henry, we need a diversion. HENRY I'm on it. [Henry starts firing at the men in the street by the cars. Will runs from his location to help Henry. The men near the alley rush back to the street.] JAMES This way. [James pushes off the wall and into a door. Helen follows him. Henry and Will continue exchanging gun fire with the men in the street. Helen exits the building into a large loading area.] HELEN Let's go! [A man starts to fire at Helen and James so they take cover behind some crates and return fire. Kate speeds into the loading area in a sedan and stops opening her door to yell out.] KATE Get in! HELEN Go! [James hesitates looking at Helen.] HELEN Protect the package! Go! Please go! [James fires and makes dash for the car. Kate has opened the back door and James dives in. Kate speeds away taking fire as she goes. James busted out the gun shot rear window and fires at the men.] MAN 1 [ON WALKIE] They're on the move, headed North! MAN 3 [ON WALKIE] Okay, I'm on it. HELEN [ON WALKIE] Henry, Will, Kate's got Jimmy. Meet at the rendezvous. WILL Hell, yeah. Copy that. [The Sanctuary team move out of the area. Kate is speeding down the street uncontested.] JAMES Nice work. I think we lost them. [James reloads his gun.] JAMES So where are we headed? [Kate is trying hard to remain conscious as she drives.] JAMES Why are we slowing down? [Kate passes out and the car crashes into an SUV parked on side of street.] JAMES Hey, hey, hey! [The car stops and James pulls Kate back off of the steering wheel. He pulls back her coat to see a shoulder wound.] JAMES Aw, crap. EXT STREET [Henry and Will exit the van and join Helen who is waiting for them.] WILL Any sign of them? HELEN Not yet. HENRY Maybe they got turned around. HELEN It's been too long. HELEN (ON WALKIE) Kate, come in. [There is no reply.] HELEN (ON WALKIE) Kate, do you read? WILL Maybe she dumped her walkie. HELEN Try her cell phone. WILL Yeah. [Will dials his cell phone and ringing is heard inside the van.] WILL Great. HENRY I'll call the big guy, see if she showed up at the Sanctuary. HELEN Thank you. [Henry walks back to van.] WILL Who the hell were those guys? HELEN Abnormals from Chicago; James stole the elemental from them. WILL Well, that's wonderful. HELEN The real question is how the hell were they able to track us? We told no one about this meeting. WILL Maybe they followed him. HELEN I've worked with James before, he knows better than to let this happen. [Henry returns.] HENRY She's not at the Sanctuary either. HELEN All right, go back and check with our contacts. Find out if anyone's seen them, and Henry, I want to know how this Duke character found us. HENRY All right. [Henry moves back to van and Will joins Helen.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [James pushes open a door and carries Kate in and sets her on a mattress on the floor. He goes to the window and looks out briefly and then checks the rest of the rooms. Finding the place empty; James kneels next to Kate. He removes his coat and gloves and then pulls Kate's walkie out. Seeing it is damaged he throws it on floor. He removes her scarf and pulls her shirt down to reveal Kate's wound. Kate regain consciousness and tries to push James away.] JAMES Easy! Easy, easy, easy...I'm just looking at the wound. [James takes a closer look at the wound.] JAMES We're going to have to get that bullet out. KATE We should get back to the Sanctuary. [Kate tries to get up and James pushes her back down.] JAMES No, we'd never make it. In case you haven't noticed, there's a bunch of guys out there trying to kill us. KATE Call Magnus. She'll pick us up. [James takes out a flask and pours the liquid onto a cloth. He starts to clean the wound.] JAMES No can do; your walkie's toast. Besides, we don't know how those guys found us. They could be monitoring our communications. KATE If you think Magnus tipped them off, then you're crazy. [James pours more liquid over he wound and Kate cries out.] JAMES No, not her but there is a leak; until we find out where it is, we can't risk getting in touch with anyone. [James pulls out a pocket knife.] JAMES I need you...to stay still. KATE Are you nuts? No! [Kate tries to move away but James holds her down.] JAMES Come on! If I don't get the bullet out, you are going to bleed to death. Is that what you want? [Kate lays still in obvious pain but doesn't answer him.] JAMES Here, you do me a favor. You take this, you point this at the door. [James has placed his gun in her hand.] JAMES Anyone comes through; you blow them away, okay? And, um...you know, try not to move too much. EXT STREET [Helen is driving down street as Will and her search for Kate.] HELEN It was a beat-up gray sedan. They shot out a couple of the windows. WILL If she was headed straight to the rendezvous, she would've turned left at the first opportunity. HELEN Unless she were going to the Sanctuary, in which case she would've kept going straight. WILL Why were they shooting at him anyway? Seems like a dangerous way to bring in an abnormal. HELEN Well, it's the container they're after. He doesn't have to be alive for them to collect it. HENRY (ON WALKIE) Magnus, come in. HELEN (ON WALKIE) How's it going, Henry? HENRY (ON WALKIE) Yeah, I put the word out about Kate, but nothing's come back yet; Big Guy's checking to see if anything got caught on surveillance videos. HELEN What about the system scan? HENRY Yeah, still processing. But in the meantime, I did some research into this abnormal mob; turns out their leader's a Diukon. WILL What's a Diukon? HELEN Highly aggressive humanoid offshoot; they suffer from uncontrollable bouts of rage so powerful they literally can't contain it. WILL What do you mean, they can't contain it? HELEN Diukons have special glands in their hands that secrete radiation when they get angry. If they grab hold of you, it's very unpleasant. HENRY (ON WALKIE) Yeah, they cook you from the inside out like a microwave...or so I've heard. HELEN (ON WALKIE) Henry, how is it possible that a Diukon is leading a street gang? There's no known suppressant for their anger. [Henry is looking at the file he has opened on his computer.] HENRY Yeah, I have no idea, but somebody's giving this guy some serious happy pills. According to this, six months ago he was pit-fighting other abnormals for cash; now he's the Boss. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [The mob boss is putting golf balls into a glass. There is an odd device attached to his temple. Two other men observe and nod when he puts a ball into the glass. There is a knock at the door and one of the men get up to answer it. Man 1 from street comes in the door.] MAN 4 How'd it go? MAN 1 We lost him. He got away with a member of the Sanctuary, Kate Freelander, but word is that they never made it back to the Sanctuary. DUKE So where are they now? [Duke continues to putt the golf balls. Man 1 appears very nervous.] MAN 1 We don't know. MAN 4 What about our monitoring capability? MAN 1 It's still in place, but we have no way to locate Freelander specifically. Her radio signal went dead. Look, Boss, we'll find him don't worry. DUKE Oh...I'm not the one that needs to worry. [Duke stops putting and swings the putter at Man 1. He continues to beat Man 1 with the club.] MAN 4 Duke... [Duke doesn't stop.] MAN 4 Duke! [The device on Duke's temple beeps and he reaches to his forehead in pain.] DUKE Ow! [Duke backs up and sits on couch recovering. Man 4 points at Man 1] MAN 4 Get him out of here. [Man 4 walks over to Duke.] MAN 4 Looks like those rage parameters need a tweak. [He adjusts the device on Duke.] DUKE I...think I lost control for a second. MAN 4 I'll run a diagnostic. DUKE Yeah, and keep monitoring the Sanctuary frequency. As long as Freelander's out there, I want to keep tabs on them. [Man 4 starts to move away.] DUKE Oh, and, uh...I'm going to need a new one of these. [Duke indicates his bent golf club.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING JAMES Okay...this is going to hurt. [James digs the knife into Kate's wound.] KATE No... [She cries out and grabs his arm.] JAMES Okay...come on, come on...you've got to stay still. [James holds her down as she tries to move away.] KATE You got any morphine? JAMES Please, I wish. I could use some. [James takes a drink from his flask and then offers Kate some. JAMES Here. [He pours some into Kate's mouth.] JAMES Hell of a first date, huh? KATE I've had worse. JAMES I'm Jimmy, by the way. [James starts digging knife in and Kate cries out.] JAMES Hi, Jimmy, I'm... KATE Kate. JAMES Where you from, Kate? KATE I grew up in Chicago. JAMES Chicago, no kidding me too; what part? KATE West side. JAMES Cal City. KATE Cal City? That's not Chicago. JAMES Says who? KATE Anyone actually from Chicago. [Kate cries out again.] JAMES Yeah, I'm sorry; it's in kind of deep. KATE Oh, God...it's still not Chicago. EXT STREET HELEN'S CAR [Helen pulls to the curb.] WILL Want to continue on foot? HELEN Well, if what you say is true, and Kate really has gone into hiding, we'll never find her from the car. WILL Okay, any particular direction you have an affinity for? HELEN You go east, I'll go west. Proceed one block at a time; stay in radio contact. WILL All right. [They get out of car.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING JAMES Easy, I almost got it! [James manages to dig out the bullet.] JAMES There! You can save this one for your collection. Kate? [Kate has passed out and isn't breathing.] JAMES No, no, no, no, no...no, no, no, no, no. [James starts mouth to mouth resuscitation.] JAMES Come on, Westside, don't give up on me. EXT STREET [Helen is walking down sidewalk when her cell phone rings.] HELEN [ON PHONE] Go ahead, Henry. HENRY (ON PHONE) Destroy your walkie right now. [Helen drops her walkie onto the ground and stomps on it.] HELEN [ON PHONE] Now, tell me why I just did that. HENRY [ON PHONE] We got hit with a remote hack. They're using our radio frequencies to track us. Where's will? HELEN [ON PHONE] He's not with me. HENRY [ON PHONE] He's not answering his cell. [Helen turns off phone and pulls out her gun and runs back in the direction Will was walking.] HELEN Damn it! EXT STREET CORNER TO AN ALLEY HELEN Will! [Helen sees Will's walkie on ground.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [Kate has regained consciousness.] JAMES Easy...easy, easy, easy, easy. KATE What happened? JAMES Oh, nothing much; you, uh, stopped breathing, so I, uh, took the opportunity to make out with you. KATE Thanks. JAMES Come on, what are casual acquaintances for? INT SANCTUARY HENRY'S ARRAY HENRY [ON PHONE] I'm sorry, Doc. EXT STREET HELEN [ON PHONE] It's all right. You had no way of knowing. HENRY [ON PHONE] Whoever did this is sophisticated; I'm going to have to re-encrypt all the com frequencies. HELEN[ON PHONE] Understood, I'll see you soon. [Helen has returned to her car and gets in.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [James stands up and stumbles to window.] KATE What's wrong? [James pulls up his shirt and uses it to fans his abdomen.] JAMES Oh, nothing...except for this 1,200-degree abnormal inside of me, I'm... I'm fine. KATE Why don't you take it out? JAMES We need a cryo-container to put it into. See, this pocket of mine, it acts like a sealed container. Without it, the vessel would breach in 20 minutes or so. Even with him inside there, we got, uh, I don't know, six / eight hours at the most before I'm going to have to get it out of there again. KATE That's very reassuring. What do those guys want with it, anyway? JAMES You kidding? This thing represents a virtually unlimited source of energy; makes weapons-grade plutonium look like lamp oil. The Duke's got this guy, uh...Ellison, a former cabal geek, who figured out a way to harness the energy and weaponize it. They were planning on selling it to the highest bidder. KATE You should go. [Kate starts to get up.] JAMES Hey. KATE You have a better shot at making it to the Sanctuary on your own. [James moves back to Kate and places his coat behind her so she is sitting up slightly.] JAMES Yeah, and what; just leave you here? KATE Look, I don't want to be responsible for that thing getting used for some crazy weapon. JAMES Well, that's very noble, Kate, but there's got to be fifty guys out there by now; I wouldn't make it out the front door. KATE What are we going to do? JAMES I don't know. We'll wait until dark. You know, hopefully things will have cooled off by then; no pun intended. [James retrieves his flask and moves back to window.] INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [Ellison[Man 4} walks into Duke's office and hands him a wallet.] ELLISON Name's Zimmerman. [Will is guided into office by thugs on each side of him.] DUKE What about the others? ELLISON The signal went dead after we grabbed him. WILL I know what you guys are looking for; I can't help you. DUKE Come on...don't sell yourself short. Everyone out there is looking for Jimmy, and the first one to find him, well, they're going to have a big advantage. [Duke walks and stands in Will's personal space.] DUKE That's why I need you; you're my insurance policy. Put him in the room. [The thugs grab will and shove him back out. Duke waves Ellison over to him. DUKE Put more men on the street and widen the net. INT SANCTUARY HENRY'S ARRAY [Henry is working at his computer as Biggie looks over his shoulder.] HENRY There, the com system's clean. [Helen enters Henry's array.] BIGGIE Magnus?HELEN Any word on Will? HENRY We tried to track his cell, but they must have ditched it. What are we going to do?HELEN Well, we have no choice but to continue looking for James. [Biggie makes dissatisfied noises.] HELEN We have no leverage at the moment, which is why we need to find him before they do. Besides, the canister he's carrying has to come out soon or... [Helen stops as something occurs to her.] HELEN Of course, Henry, thermo graphic scanners; we use them to detect the canister. HENRY I thought his pouch was shielded to prevent that kind of detection. HELEN It is, but after prolonged exposure, even a sealed chamber succumbs to the effects of radiant heat. See if you can calibrate our scanners to pick it up. HENRY Yeah, all right, I'm on it. See you at the van in five? HELEN Actually, you go ahead. [Henry and Biggie start to leave.] BIGGIE Why? What are you going to do? HELEN Stall. INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [Kate is nodding off.] JAMES Hey...come on, none of that. Here; this will perk you up. [James makes Kate take another drink from his flask. He sits down beside her.] JAMES So, Cubs or Sox? KATE Really, this is what we're going to talk about? JAMES Hey, no matter how tough things get, there is always time for baseball. Come on, Cubs or Sox? KATE If I wanted to see fat guys running around, I'd watch reality tv. JAMES Wow, and you say you're from Chicago. Next you'll be telling me you don't like pizza. KATE My dad was a Cubs fan; so I guess that makes me one too. JAMES Yeah...see, I knew I should have left that bullet in. [Kate laughs.] KATE Ow, I take it you're a Sox fan? JAMES Oh, yeah. KATE Yeah. JAMES My dad used to take me to the games on Sundays. He died when I was 12. KATE Mine died when I was eight. JAMES No kidding? What happened? KATE Who are you, Dr. Phil? He died, okay? JAMES Okay, I was just, you know... KATE This stuff tastes like crap. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING ELLISON We're shut out of Sanctuary communications. DUKE What happened? ELLISON They neutralized the initial hack as expected. DUKE What about the back-up plan? ELLISON Still in play. DUKE Good. [Duke's cell phone rings and he pulls it out and looks at the caller ID.] DUKE Who the hell is this? [He answers it on speaker phone.] HELEN [ON PHONE] Let me make one thing perfectly clear; if you have touched so much as one hair on Will Zimmerman's head, there is not enough real estate on this Earth to keep you safe from me. DUKE Dr. Magnus. That's awfully tough talk for someone in your position. HELEN [ON PHONE] Is it? I guess you haven't heard. DUKE Heard what? HELEN [ON PHONE] I have Jimmy. DUKE You're lying. HELEN [ON PHONE] My team just picked him up moments ago. They're on their way back here as we speak. DUKE They have cell phones, don't they? Put him on the phone. Let me talk to him. HELEN [ON PHONE] He's been injured; he's in no condition to talk. I will call you once he's stable. Until then, get your men off my streets and keep your hands off my people. [Helen disconnects.] ELLISON Do you think she's telling the truth? DUKE Find out. EXT STREET [Biggie gets out of van.] BIGGIE Is this thing going to work? HENRY Absolutely, detecting the heat signature's easy. Problem is the range, because we've got to be within thirty-five feet. [Henry comes around van and opens the side door.] BIGGIE Thirty-five feet? HENRY You know I never have enough time with these things. BIGGIE I guess I'll be walking, then. HENRY It's good for the heart. BIGGIE Yeah. HENRY I'll go this way. BIGGIE Stay sharp. [They move off in different directions.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [James has moved back over to window. He scratches his arm and Kate notices a faded tattoo.] KATE So who was she? JAMES What? KATE Only one reason to get a tattoo removed. That or you found out the Chinese character you picked means "stupid white guy". JAMES Ha ha. KATE Ha ha. JAMES Yeah...yeah, I used to run with some guys back in the day, the Kingtown Gang. You ever hear of them? KATE Sounds familiar. JAMES Yeah, I fell in with them when I was 16, after my dad died; took me years to find my way out. KATE I know the feeling. JAMES Yeah, see, I was an easy target because of old Mr. Happy here. [James indicates his pouch.] JAMES You know, started out innocent enough...drugs across the border, stuff like that, and then someone needed a gun for a robbery. And then someone needed a gun for a murder...yeah, pretty soon I was carrying just about anything that fit in there. I did some things I'm not proud of. KATE When'd you get out? JAMES Ten years ago; they got me to make a drop on the El at rush hour. A Peridax, you know what that is? KATE No. JAMES It's this cute little thing. It's kind of a cross between a Guinea pig and a koala, but anyway, um...they said it was to create a diversion for a robbery they're pulling. Okay, fine, so I'm, uh...I'm on the platform at Lake Station, I'm waiting for the red line, and...and this woman comes up to me. KATE Dr. Magnus. JAMES Yeah...and somehow she knew everything about me. Who I was, what I was about to do, and she tells me the gang lied. That, uh...that when a Peridax gets scared, it releases a spray like a skunk, just...uh, really toxic in close quarters, you know? I mean, I was that close to killing...hundreds of people; she stopped me. [James wipes a tear from his eye. Kate is staring at him.] JAMES What? KATE Nothing, sorry, I...you just, uh...you look really familiar. EXT STREET [Henry is walking down sideway monitoring his device. He stops when he gets heat signature on the device. He looks toward the building that the device indicates the heat in coming from. He draws his gun and enters the building to find two homeless men roasting hot dogs over a small pail of fire.] HENRY Sorry...enjoy your meal. [Henry exits building and resumes his search. Some on is watching him though binoculars.] UNKNOWN MAN Tell the Duke, Magnus' people are still out here looking for something. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [Duke is pacing. Will is brought into office. Duke snaps his fingers and indicates for the thugs to leave.] DUKE I think your Boss is lying to me...which is very, very bad news for you. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [Duke is holding the side of his head over one of the devices there. A sound indicates that he is dialing the device down.] WILL What are you doing? DUKE Ingenious, aren't they? Built by my second-in-command, Ellison, without 'em, I'm nothing but an animal, but at half power, I find it to be a very effective interrogation tool. [Duke has moved over to Will.] WILL Okay, just hold on a second; this is a very bad idea. DUKE I disagree. [Duke grabs Will by the neck.] DUKE Where the hell is Jimmy? WILL I don't.... INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [Kate tries to stand up.] JAMES Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, come on, come on... [James rushes to her and eases her back down to the floor.] JAMES Don't try to get up. Seriously, if you die, no one's going to believe that I saved you. KATE I can't stand this. I need to do something. We're sitting ducks. JAMES Just relax. It'll be dark in a few hours, and we'll move then. So why'd you leave Chicago? KATE Nothing to tell; I left, end of story. JAMES Oh, come on, I had my show and tell. I think it's your turn. You know I'm just going to be annoying and keep asking, right? KATE I left after my father died. He was a lock-pick; could crack a safe in four minutes flat. He, uh...was hired to pull a bank job by a group of heavy-hitters, and they were impressed, and pretty soon he was running with them. Sound familiar? JAMES What happened? KATE He was pinched; when I was eight. I remember because my mom was pregnant at the time. [Kate flashes back as she continues to speak.] EXT STREET OUTSIDE POLICE DEPARTMENT [A young Kate is approaching the police building.] KATE We were on our way to post bail. [An explosion blows out the door and windows.] END OF FLASHBACK KATE He died...along with a dozen policemen and three civilians. The shock sent my mom into labor. We nearly lost my brother too. We left Chicago a few years later. Moved around until my mom decided to go back to Mumbai. I headed to Montreal. JAMES That's quite a story. [James gets up and moves back to window.] KATE What's wrong? [He won't look at Kate.] JAMES What? I'm just, uh, looking out the window. KATE You're acting all fidgety. JAMES No, it's the elemental. It's making me uncomfortable. [James walks over to sink and turns the knob to run water. No water comes out and he shakes it in frustration.] EXT STREET [Henry is walking down street and looking at his device.] HENRY What the... [Henry pulls out his cell phone and dials.] HELEN [ON PHONE] What is it? HENRY [ON PHONE] Are you doing anything major with the system right now? HELEN [ON PHONE] No. Why? HENRY [ON PHONE] Something's wrong. It's moving too slow. [Henry's device beeps.] HENRY Oh, man. Oh, no, no, no! I don't believe this. HELEN [ON PHONE] What?HENRY [ON PHONE] They embedded a sleeper worm that could only be activated in the event I re-encrypted the com frequencies. They knew that we would discover the first virus; they had a back-up plan in place. HELEN [ON PHONE] Wait a minute; they're monitoring our system right now? HENRY [ON PHONE] Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way; I'll take care of it when I get back. HELEN [ON PHONE] Uh, no. HENRY [ON PHONE] No? HELEN [ON PHONE] If they're so interested in what we're up to, I say let them see. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [Will collapses to the ground attempting to catch his breathe.] DUKE Where did Freelander take him? How would Magnus get in touch with them? WILL I don't know anything. DUKE Then you're no good to me. WILL No...no, don't do this.[Duke adjusts the devices on his head and then grabs Will in a rage. Ellison bursts in the door.] ELLISON Duke! [Ellison points a remote at Duke an Duke's devices beep. Duke release Will.] DUKE Why did you do that? ELLISON We just got confirmation. The Sanctuary does have Jimmy. DUKE What? ELLISON We were able to access their intake files. Jimmy's there; injured just like she said. [Ellison hands Duke a laptop.] INT SANCTUARY HENRY'S ARRAY [Helen is sitting in front of Henry's computer. Henry is looking over her shoulder as a video call comes in.] HENRY It's the Duke. You think he bought it? HELEN Let's hope so. [Helen taps a key and Duke's face appears on the screen.] HELEN I thought I told you to wait for my call. DUKE I've waited long enough. Besides, your friend isn't doing too good. [Duke moves away and Will is seen being held up on his knees by two thugs.] DUKE I've transmitted my location; if you have Jimmy like you say you do, you have 30 minutes to deliver him to me, otherwise... [Duke walks up behind Will and grabs his hair and yanks his head up.] DUKE ..Pretty boy dies. INT SANCTUARY HENRY'S ARRAY HENRY What the hell are we going to do? HELEN Did you notice that device he was wearing on his temple? HENRY Yeah, what was that? HELEN It looked like some sort of electrode. HENRY Okay... HELEN So he's a Diukon, remember? HENRY Oh, you think that's what's suppressing his anger? HELEN It makes sense. A device that taps directly into the limbic system would have the desired effect of keeping his aggression in check. HENRY All right, that's all great, but how does that help us? HELEN Diukons' brain chemistry is vastly different than that of a human. If indeed his rage center has been suppressed, it's likely that other parts of his brain are open to manipulation. HENRY What other parts? HELEN The visual cortex, for one; come on, I have an idea. INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [James is pacing.] KATE What was the name of the gang you ran with? Kingtown? JAMES Yeah. KATE I think I remember where I heard of them. JAMES Yeah, that's good for you. KATE Guy by the name of Ernesto Ripelli used to run with them. They charged him with the bombing that killed my father. JAMES That was before my time. KATE He got off because they couldn't explain how he got past the metal detectors. That's what made the explosion so shocking. No one had any idea how that bomb was planted. [James bows his head.] FLASHBACK [A younger Jimmy exits the Police building. Kate sees Jimmy and notices his tattoo. The building explodes. PRESENT [Kate grabs the gun next to her. James turns around with his gun drawn.] KATE It was you, wasn't it? EXT STREET [Biggie is monitoring device and looks up at a building. He turns toward the street and sees the car Kate was driving. He rushes over to it. He sees the blood on the steering wheel. He touches the blood and brings it to his nose. He turns back to building and sniffs and then rushes toward a building.] INT ABANDON APARTMENT BUILDING [Kate determinedly stands up still holding gun on Jimmy.] JAMES Kate, you got to understand; it was my first big job. [JAMES FLASHES BACK TO PAST AS HE SPEAKS.] JAMES I didn't think I had a choice. You know how it works. Once you're in...you're in. [James is in the restroom at the police department. He pulls out a bomb from his pouch and places it in the rubbish.] RETURN TO PRESENT KATE So that's it? That's all you've got to say? [James lowers his gun.] JAMES I can't change what I've done. KATE So my dad was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Is that it? JAMES Kate, what are you talking about? Your dad was the target. He was trying to cut a deal with the D.A. That's why the gang wanted him killed. KATE Shut up! Shut up! You're lying! JAMES I don't want to be the bearer of bad news here, but your dad was turning on the guys he was running with. He knew the risks. KATE Well, it doesn't change the fact that he's dead. JAMES No, it doesn't. KATE Get down. Get down on your knees. [James gets on his knees. Kate grasps the gun with both hands.] KATE Anything else you want to say? JAMES Just that I don't blame you. And go, White Sox. [Biggie break down the door.] BIGGIE Kate? James...we have to go. [Kate still stands pointing the gun at James.] KATE Not now. BIGGIE Magnus needs our help. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING [A thug opens the door to Duke's office. Helen is behind him. Will is still being held up.] DUKE Where's Jimmy? HELEN I wanted to make certain Will was still alive. DUKE Now you are. Where's Jimmy? HELEN I don't take kindly to strangers coming into my town making bull-headed demands. You'll get James once you've released Will. You've got me now; you don't need both of us. WILL Magnus... DUKE This is not a negotiation. I was prepared to cut you some slack because of your considerable reputation, but now you're just trying my patience. [Duke draws a gun and points it at Will.] DUKE So one last time...where's Jimmy? HELEN Fair enough. [Helen turns to the door.] DUKE Easy. [Duke turns his gun toward Helen.] DUKE Easy! [Helen stops briefly then turns back to the door.] WILL Magnus, don't do it! [Helen opens the door to show James standing there.] DUKE Jimmy...well, now, you've given me some grief over the last few days, now, haven't you? [Will looks at Duke and the at doorway puzzled; he doesn't see James. He looks at Helen puzzled.] HELEN Are we square? DUKE Yeah, yeah, get out of here. [The thugs holding Will stare at Duke puzzled.] THUG Boss, what're you... DUKE Let him go. [They release Will and they leave.] DUKE Come on, let me see the container. [James doesn't move.] INT MOB BOSS BUILDING HALLWAY WILL Since when did you turn into David Blaine? HELEN Just keep moving. INT SANCTUARY MAIN LAB [Henry is at his computer with an image of James showing toward Sally's enclosure.] HENRY Its working, Sally, keep concentrating. INT MOB BOSS BUILDING DUKE What the hell is wrong with you? I said, let me see it. THUG 1 Duke, there's no one there. THUG 2 Who you talking to? [Duke moves toward the doorway and Jimmy.] DUKE Let me see the container. Now! [Duke pushes his gun at the image's chest. It passes through. He waves his gun throw the image.] DUKE No! Stop them! EXT STREET IN FRONT OF MOB BUILDING [Helen and Will stop running and turn around when shots are fired at them.] DUKE I suppose that was your idea of a joke! [Henry's van speeds in. James gets out of van with his gun drawn. JAMES Stop! You're looking for me? EXT STREET IN FRONT OF MOB BUILDING DUKE Jimmy. JAMES Duke...let them go. I'll come quietly, but you've got to release them first. DUKE How do I know you have the container? [James lifts up his shirt.] JAMES Why don't you reach in and see for yourself? [Duke lowers his gun.] DUKE Okay. Well, it looks like we have a deal after all. HELEN James, you don't have to do this. JAMES Yes, I do. [James looks back at Kate.] JAMES I'm sorry; it's all I can say. [James turns and looks at Helen.] JAMES You go. Hurry. DUKE All right, come on, come on, get in the car. Tell the others we'll meet 'em in Chicago. [James gets in the car. Duke follows him.] DUKE Jimmy... JAMES Duke. DUKE Glad you finally came to your senses. JAMES Me too. DUKE Let's see the goods. JAMES Sure. [Helen approaches the van and sees the elemental container sitting on top of a case.] HELEN What's this doing here? [Helen picks up the container.] KATE I don't know. [Helen opens the case to see some explosives missing from inside.] HELEN Oh, no. [James pulls out the explosives.] JAMES Here you go. [Helen and Kate turn back to car as it explodes.] INT SANCTUARY HALLWAY [Helen and Will are walking down hallway.] HELEN I admit, it was a calculated risk. WILL That's what you call it? I mean, did you even know it was going to work? HELEN Not positively, no, but I was fairly certain that if Henry were able to boost Sally's telepathic signal, she could tap directly into the Duke's visual cortex. WILL And see something that wasn't really there. HELEN Exactly, that's why I'm glad we had a fairly recent photo of James for her to focus on. WILL Yeah, about James...I'm sorry. [They stop walking and face each other.] HELEN He did what he felt he had to do. He'd been living with the guilt for so many years; I suspect it was a relief. WILL Yeah. Well, I'm off to see Sally. Hey, what kind of thank-you gift do you get for a mermaid? HELEN She really likes it if you swim with her. WILL Huh... I'll get my suit. HELEN No suit. [Helen smiles and turns away down hallway.] INT SANCTUARY KATE'S ROOM [Kate is laying on bed holding a baseball when there is a knock on the door. She puts the ball back in small chest.] HELEN May I come in? KATE Yeah. HELEN How's the shoulder? KATE Looks like my tennis days are over. HELEN I wanted you to know that I had no idea about your family's prior history with James, otherwise I would... KATE Never would have put me in that position. I know. It's okay. HELEN Actually, it's not. [Helen sits on bed next to Kate.] HELEN I run a very thorough background check on everyone I work with and somehow I missed this. I'm sorry. KATE Well, it's not the kind of thing you put at the top of your resume. HELEN Well, I appreciate your understanding. I'm not sure I'd be as forgiving if I were in your position. KATE It's funny. I always wondered what I would do if I ever figured out who killed my father. Turns out it's not as black and white as I thought. HELEN Life rarely is. KATE I could have been Jimmy. I've done things I'm not proud of. How are we so different? I've been blaming the way my life turned out on that one moment twenty years ago...but the truth is, I made my life the way it is. HELEN And your life is still unfolding. [Kate nods.] HELEN I'll let you rest. [Helen leaves and Kate retrieves a picture of her and her Dad and places it on her night stand.] THE END