| - Umura Rogoda (7 January 1875 - 26 April 1941) was an influential Japanese politician and statesman, who served as Shogun of Japan from 1928-1936, coming to power following the Ides of March. He was known as a pacifist, an extremely cunning politician and a strong-willed reformer, seeking to end the Pacific War, which was seen by late 1928 in Japan as unwinnable due to the losses in Hawai'i and the Malayas. Rogoda was the chief architect of the so-called Rogoda Model, which called for the economic subjugation of Asia and the western Pacific as opposed to territorial control, also called the Plan of Indirect Imperialism, modelled heavily on France's economic might achieved with little to no direct colonial or territorial conquest. As a patient observer of world affairs, Rogoda saw France's bankruptcy in the wake of its lengthy and arduous efforts to put down revolts in stragegically relevant regions as the inevitable future for Japan, and was horrified by the toll of the conflict in the Pacific. Rogoda is often credited as the chief architect of the Asian Sphere of Prosperity.