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- The container's label reads "Squeaky Greaser (tm)."
- Oil was a commonly used energy source, abundantly found in several areas around the world, particularly in the Middle East and Central Asia. In the United States, some of their oil came from local sources, including from Alaska and California, but they still heavily relied on outside sources. Over time, oil started to become scarce, resulting in price inflations. Due to its scarcity, by sometime after Day 5, oil prices reached over $100 per barrel. The sources and prices of oil proved to be a motivator to several plots, particularly from American business men and government members.
- Oil is used in adventuring gear. One pint of oil costs 1sp, and weighs 1 pound.[PH:222] A pint of oil allows a lantern to provide bright light for 8 hours. Unlike other editions, oil has no immediate rule for using as an improvised way to burn targets. However, should someone manage to hit a monser with oil and ignite it, it is fair to have it inflict some damage as listed in the damage expression table found in the DMG update.
- Wikipedia Article About Oil on Wikipedia Vegetable oil or vegoil is fat extracted from plant sources, known as oil plants. Although in principle other parts of plants may yield oil, in practice seeds form the almost exclusive source. Vegetable oils are used as cooking oils and for industrial uses. Some types, such as cottonseed oil, castor oil and some types of rapeseed oil, are not fit for human consumption without further processing.
- On Drexel, Governor Quarg's band of marooned pirates procured oil by extracting it from the planet's native fish population. On Maridun, the Lurmen colonists extracted oils from enormous seedpods for use as nourishment and medicine. Types of oils used in cooking included Aola, Foyvè oil, Groundnut oil, Pepper oil, and Zaffa oil.
- An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and is hydrophobic but soluble in organic solvents. Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are nonpolar substances. The general definition above includes compound classes with, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and volatile essential oils. All oils can be traced back to organic sources.
- In Generals 2, oil was originally intended to be a second resource that was to be extracted through oil derricks placed on oil wells. Based on community feedback, this idea was scrapped and the old oil mechanic was restored.
- A measure of gooey unrefined oil.
- An oil is a substance that is in a viscous liquid state ("oily") at ambient temperatures or slightly warmer, and is both hydrophobic, (immiscible with water, literally "water fearing") and lipophilic (miscible with other oils, literally "fat loving"). This general definition includes compound classes with otherwise unrelated chemical structures, properties, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and volatile essential oils. Oil is a nonpolar substance.
- Oil is a moderately high-value, non-consumable trade good found in all three Mount&Blade games. In Warband, oil is the product of an oil press, which requires olives. Oil is needed to light lamps at feasts in Warband. Oil can be bought cheaply at Suno.
- Value 2 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Form ID Oil is an alchemical ingredient found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
- Oil is a liquid substance that doesn't mix with water but it does mix with other types of oils. An oil tanker is a type of ship that carries oil. Oil was one of many types of resources that was all used up on the planet Solar Terrarium. Two men were oiling a locomotive at Wheeler Junction when it suddenly was snatched up by the Raven, who was using the gravity field of a White dwarf.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 281E15
- Oil is a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Oil is a crafting component in Fallout 4.
- Oil is a dark brown liquid used as a corrosive.
- Oil is a resource.
- Petrol, gas in the USA is a type of oil.
- Oil is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- A type of liquid substance item produced by Alchemy or some other profession. Oils serve sometimes as an ingredient for other Alchemy recipes, sometimes may be used as a potion or applied on another item to provide a buff.
- Oil is a plot item in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
- Oils find frequent use as lubricants, fuels, and solvents. Transformers are among the users of oils in these capacities; however, they sometimes consume certain oily substances in larger quantities than strictly required, resulting in impairment of certain functions, disorientation, and temporary mental dysfunction. Though at first it may seem odd, some actively seek these seemingly-deleterious effects. What is odder yet is that humans seek out and consume varying solutions of a certain hydrocarbon with a single hydroxyl group and experience effects quite similar to those mentioned above. Further study is needed to explain this strange coincidence.
- Oil is a recurring spell that works much in the same way as Water, but instead summons a puddle of oil, which has a number of effects on those that come in contact with it: it lowers their speed and accuracy, but increases evasion. It also lowers resistance to fire damage, but increases resistance to water damage.
- A type of liquid substance item produced by Alchemists and Enchanters. Oils serve sometimes as an ingredient for Alchemy recipes, sometimes may be used as a potion, or applied on another item to provide a buff.
- When placed, bloons will slip and go back a bit, and any explosive of fiery attack will do double the damage (if an attack pops 1 layer it will pop 2 layers).
- Oil is a type of stain. It takes longer than most stains to clean up. It often indicates a Spydor attack. It can also be found in the Basement, under the Hot Rod in the Foyer, and above the fan in the Kitchen. When cleaned up, the player recieves two Happy Points. By picking up the oil with the Squirter, Chibi-Robo can use the oil on a Utilibot to make them happy. There will be no happy points or Moolah gained from collecting the oil in this way though. File:Tot.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by [ expanding it.
- Oil is a metaphor for a country's permission to be beaten the crap out of by another country. It is sometimes commonly refered to by the British as Marmite.
- Oil File:Oil.jpg is one of six basic resources in Rise of Nations. It is a mid/late-game resource and used in the production of modern units and technologies. Oil does not show up until the File:Industrial age small.jpg Industrial Age when the use of the internal combustion engine becomes prevalent in vehicles, ships, and aviation. Oil essentially replaces food as a staple resource in the late-game, as it is needed for technology upgrades and modern units including tanks and aircraft. Oil is also used in the creation of some modern buildings and nuclear ICBMs.
- In Flame Man's stage there are oil pits that makes Mega Man slower when walking on them. If a Fire Telly or Fire Boy drops fire in an oil pit, the oil pit ignites to produce a raging inferno that, like lava, can kill the player instantly upon contact. Pookers can be used in one area to safely pass by oil pits.
- Oil is a slippery surface often found in . Movement on oil is a lot like movement on ice. It is found in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped and Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced. The blue gem path in Sphynxinator and the red gem shard path in Slip-N-Slidin' Sphinx are almost entirely oil, which is what makes them challenging.
- Oil is a sticky, stinky black substance usually contained in oil rigs. It is a fossil fuel used by humans for several purposes. It is highly dangerous if it leaks from oil rigs and into the ocean, since it pollutes the water and animals may get covered in it or swallow it. It is especially dangerous to birds, as the oil sticks to their feathers and prevents them from flying.
- In the shop, 3 of different types of oil may be selected:
* Crude Oil
* Industrial Oil
* Pure Oil
- Oil is the lubricating fluid that your engine needs in order to function correctly. On an aircooled engine it performs 3 functions:
* Lubrication - reduces wear on metal parts
* Cooling - helps to carry heat away from the heads
* Cleaning - keeps harmfull deposites in suspension until they can be filtered out (on those engines with oil filters) For more oil topics see:
* Changing the oil
* Discussion of oil
- Rubbing oil on meat helps heat get into little spaces and create a crust. It helps to create crispy potato skin. When cooking with high heat, the type of oil is important. Oil spreads out and wants to coat everything. An emulsifier helps it combine with other liquids. Combining oil with vinegar to a 3-to-1 oil-to-vinegar ratio creates a vinaigrette.
* Safflower - 450°
* Peanut - 450°
* Canola - 435°
* Corn - 410°
* Olive - 375°
* Butter - 350°
- The most plentiful source of oil on Mobius is in the Oil Ocean Zone, an area so polluted from Doctor Robotnik's factories that the water has been replaced by oil. Not only is the ocean covered in the substance, but occasional traps spurt oil onto the surface that easily catch fire. Sonic the Hedgehog once fell into a pool of this oil and couldn't easily move. An Aquis Badnik set the oil and the surrounding area on fire, but Sonic survived by turning into Super Sonic. On another occasion, Robotnik threatened to detonate a bomb that would have ignited all of the fire in the Zone, terribly polluting the planet. Once again, Sonic turned into Super Sonic as he fell towards a flaming oil pit. Similarly, Sonic ignited a pool of oil that had leaked from an Arachbot in order to torch the Prime Badn
- Oil is any type of multipurpose liquid substances that share common properties; these properties typically include being combustible, slippery, viscous, and hydrophobic. Throughout history, various types of oils can be used to fuel oil lamps, such as those used on the Teplan homeworld. Following the Teplan's contraction of "the blight", oil for these lamps was a precious commodity often used in trades. When Doctor Julian Bashir claimed to seek a cure for the blight in 2372, one of the Teplan inhabitants, Epran skeptically inquired what the cure would cost him, suggesting perhaps "a good coat" or "a tilo of oil." (DS9: "The Quickening")
- "Can I help you with that?" Ting Wu stood by the bench beside Verdie who was covered from head to shoes in oil and hunched over some greasy part, wrench and screwdriver in hand. "I do actually know a few things about machines. Boredom and spare parts you managed to scrounge up can do that to a person. " "Alas it stayed back in China," She smiled wistfully. "But your father sounded like a VERY interesting person. I'm sorry for your loss." Ting Wu reached in the the next piece, and began scrubbing all over again. "What did he invent? Your father."
- An oil is any neutral, nonpolar chemical substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperatures and is both hydrophobic (immiscible with water, literally "water fearing") and lipophilic (miscible with other oils, literally "fat loving"). Oils have a high C and H content and are usually flammable and slippery.
- Oil was a substance found on some worlds, sometimes mined as a source of energy. The Fourth Doctor complained that being dependent on "mineral slime" did not make sense, suggesting the energising of hydrogen as an alternative. (TV: Terror of the Zygons) Oil was found in East Ridge, Texas. Oilman John Glassman tried, and failed, to convince Thomas Watson to sell his land. (PROSE: The Farmer's Story) The Nestene Consciousness thrived on worlds with much oil, as well as plastics, smoke and pollution. (TV: Rose) In 1215, the Fifth Doctor was almost boiled in oil. (TV: The King's Demons)
- An oil is a type of matter, a complex molecule that exists in a liquid state at ambient room temperatures. Oils typically repel water in solution, but react with more complex hydrocarbons. Oils are derived from the processes of lifeforms, and generally are useful in the release of energy from consumption or reaction of the material, for heat, warmth or technology power. Some of Earth's early technological revolutions were fueled by this substance as it was a useful of fuels and lubrication. When burned and mixed with atmospheric moisture, this product produced smog. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Voyage Home)
- Oil is our big black friend. It is a noble substance made from 5000 year-dead dinosaurs that makes everyone's Hummer go. There is a never ending supply of it so enjoy as much of it as you like, most of which is located in Alaska Oil is also better than blood. Blood does not burn as well. Which is why it is perfectly logical to exchange blood for oil. It is a well-known fact that Jesus and God decided to give the Middle-Eastern people oil after seeing how much better America is than these towel-headed people.
- As they settle into their new house and allocate the bedrooms, Vyvyan announces that he has struck oil in the cellar, and instantly forms a coalition with Mike (whom Vyvyan calls "El Presidente") to extract the oil, using Rick and Neil as well-digging slaves following Vyvyan hitting Rick briskly between the legs with a cricket bat (Rick: "Ha! You missed both my legs!"). After Neil unwittingly injures Vyvyan with a pickaxe blow through the head, he and Rick prompt a workers' revolution which is ultimately proved futile by a demanding benefit band and, in a post-credits scene, Vyvyan's admission that it was all a lie. Meanwhile, Mike discovers Buddy Holly in his new room, who has apparently survived the plane crash by parachuting and crashing through the roof--in fact, he is still found hang
- Modern economies are heavily reliant on oil and its byproducts for transportation, electricity, and manufacturing goods. Because of this, the cost and availability of oil is a large factor in a nation's economy. A nation's Oil Supply and Oil Demand both alter the Oil Price for that nation, with high demand raising the price and high supply reducing it. When the price of oil is above or below 55%, the effects of the price will be reflected in the nation's GDP, with high oil prices reducing the GDP by up to 18% and low oil prices raising the GDP by up to 22%.